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Inglasad tegelfasad : en energianalys
Energieffektivisering av kontorsbyggnader vid ombyggnation : en studie av Kv. Skjutsgossen 8
Marknadsundersökning av potential för värmeåtervinning med frånluftaggregat med integrerad värmepump
Uteluftsventilers inverkan på subjektivt och objektivt inneklimat : en undersökning om förekomsten av uteluftsventiler samt brukarvanor rörande dessa
Energi- och miljökrav på Lundafastigheters nya förskolor
Determining the effective temperature of cool stars from near-infrared spectra
När vi tittar upp mot himlen kan vi urskilja skenet från tusentals strålande stjärnor. En mörk natt kan man också förnimma ett ljussvagt stråk som spänner över himlen; Vintergatan. Stråket består av (för ögat) oupplösta stjärnor, som tillsammans med gas och stoft sammanfogats under gravitationens inverkan för att, över tid, bilda vår hemgalax. Tittar man med ett teleskop kan man se en enorm variatContext. Effective temperature is one of the fundamental stellar parameters. A traditional spectroscopic way to determine it is from optical spectra using excitation balance of Fe-lines. With technological advances and the advent of the next generation telescopes there will be an emphasis on the relatively unexplored near-IR (NIR) wavelength region (1-5 μm). A method to determine the effective tem
En undersökning av innemiljön på skolor i Malmö
Tryckfallsutredning av T-rör
The Use of Crowdsourcing as a Strategic Marketing Tool - An Examination of Brand Perceptions and Behavioral Intentions
The aim of this study is to understand how crowdsourcing campaigns in an online environment can change brand perceptions and behavioral intentions of non-participating customers. Therefore, the thesis connects two major concepts. First the phenomenon of crowdsourcing will be discussed with emphasis an emphasis on its use in marketing. Then crowdsourcing will be lined to the theoretical concept of
Saltfrostskadors tidsberoende vid låg temperatur på betong med tillsatsmaterial
Betong skadas ibland av frysning. I miljöer där dessutom salt förekommer blir det särskilt svårt för betongen att inte skadas. Skadorna yttrar sig som avskalningar på betongens yta, men den inre strukturen kan vara opåverkad. Utöver den estetiska oangelägenheten kan dessa ytliga avskalningar även bidra till påskyndade korrosionskador och inre frostskador. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undeConcrete is sometimes damaged by freezing. The damage increases if salt also is present. The damage consists of the removal of small flakes on the surface of the concrete, the inner structure may however be completely unaffected. This surface damage may increase the degree of saturation and ingress of e.g. chloride ions, which may lead to inner frost damage and corrosion on the reinforcing steel.
Managing Swedish Art Organizations
In Sweden, there is both the political will and the state finances to give funding to arts organizations and institutions. Despite this support for arts and culture, there is still unmet demand among crucial demographics in many cities and regions across the country. Helsingborg is a middle sized city in Southern Sweden that is representative of this problem. This begs the question of how to creat
Källsortering i historisk miljö
Emelie Fridell Källsortering i historisk miljö För företag och organisationer kan lokalers utformning och platsbrist gör dem mindre lämpade att ställa källsorteringsmöbler i. Detta kan innebära att en del historiska byggnader på grund av sin utformning har svårare att installera källsorteringsmöbler. Vid undersökning av AF-borgen i Lund gjordes en volymbestämning av avfallsmängderna i två lokaThe resources of our earth are limited and need to be managed sustainably. Managing waste is thus a global issue which makes recycling of waste an important part of sustainable resource management. Sweden has come a long way in source separation of waste compared to many other European countries, with recycling techniques and equipment for source separation, in use. However, most studies look at h
Varför ökar självmorden bland barn och unga vuxna? Professioner med inriktning på suicidproblematik och deras tankar om riskfaktorer, samhällsförändring och prevention
The purpose of the following study was to examine professionals’ thoughts of the possible causes regarding suicide among children and young adults in Sweden. The study also includes prevention. Additionally, the study also focuses on the possible causes of suicides among the more overrepresented group boys and young men. The data was collected through six semi-structured interviews with profession
Rumble in the (corporate) jungle – a case study: The importance of personal identities, shared meaning and sense-making during change implementation processes
In this paper the implementation process and personal responses towards a workspace change within a small subsidiary of a big energy conglomerate have been researched. Although much research regarding organizational change has been conducted, how softer aspects affect change is still underdeveloped. This case study will therefore provide an in-depth look at how employees react to, and perceive the
Pricing Portfolios Constructed on Cyclicality Considerations Using Non-Domestic Regional Factors: Evidence from Eurozone Region
This research paper tests the traditional market based pricing models and their ability to explain the return on portfolios constructed on cyclicality basis in the Eurozone region. The paper goes beyond the domestic market portfolios (indices) regularly used for asset pricing to the more regional or international approach of asset pricing through using regional market portfolios as a predictor fac
Måluppfyllelse och utveckling av lexikala och grammatiska aspekter hos elever med språkstörning i språkklass
Litteraturen visar att elever med språkstörning uppvisar sämre resultat i skolan än elever med typisk utveckling, samt att måluppfyllelse inte gynnas av undervisningen i språkklass. Hur måluppfyllelse ser ut och utvecklas för elever med språkstörning, är inte ett vidare välutforskat område i Sverige. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur måluppfyllelse ser ut och utvecklas mellan årskurs 6
District Heating Network Models for Production Planning
In this thesis, a methodology for aggregating district heating networks for use in dynamic optimization with the platform is investigated. Several methodologies for this network reduction are reviewed, and one, based on a detailed physical model of the system, is presented in greater detail. This method is implemented along with an abstract network representation and Modelica code ge
Freemium in the Mobile Applications Market - A Competitive Strategy or Marketing Tool?
Konkurrenskraftig kollektivtrafik - Vad och hur kan Åstorps kommun förändra och påverka?
In order to reach the climate targets for the society, with significant lower proportions of CO2 emissions than today, certain actions are required. To be able to decrease the emissions, one alternative is to increase the amount of people who uses public transportation as opposed to using cars. The municipality of Åstorp is one of the districts that emits most CO2 per person and day in Scania, and