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Your search for "*" yielded 533367 hits

The Effects of Aid on Fiscal Capacity: An econometric analysis on African countries (1960-2015)

Low tax revenues in many African countries are hindering sustained economic development and aid could have an inhibiting effect on the development of fiscal capacity. This paper will use newly published high-quality data on tax revenues to dive deeper into the effects of aid on hard-to-collect taxes in Africa between 1960-2015. Previous aid literature has mostly focused on short-term effects on re

Hur ekonomisk historia blev en egen disciplin vid de svenska universiteten

Economic history became a discipline with its own chair professors at the Swedish universities at the end of the 1940s. The well-known economic historian Eli Heckscher played a central role for the establishment and his work led to a stronger position for economic history in Sweden than in most other countries. However, his influence was not strong in the formation of the discipline. He always emp

Diffusive intracellular interactions : On the role of protein net charge and functional adaptation

A striking feature of nucleic acids and lipid membranes is that they all carry net negative charge and so is true for the majority of intracellular proteins. It is suggested that the role of this negative charge is to assure a basal intermolecular repulsion that keeps the cytosolic content suitably ‘fluid’ for function. We focus in this review on the experimental, theoretical and genetic findings

A shimmering movement : Ali Abbasi’s Border as a trans* posthumanist post-celluloid adaptation

Gräns (Border) (2018) is an adaptation of a short story by Swedish author John Ajvide Lindqvist (2006). The film retains large parts of the literary plot as well as its focalization through the troll-protagonist Tina/Reva. At the same time, Border introduces significant modifications. I argue that by expanding the plot to include a number of new elements and amplifying Lindqvist’s strategy of ‘a s

Den levda erfarenheten som kunskap - En kvalitativ intervjustudie om det erfarenhetsbaserade kunskapsanvändandet hos peer supportrar

The evidence-based practice in the field of social work is leaning on science, professional expertise, and the client's wishes and experiences, with the latter two tending to be of less value. With the implementation of peer support in psychiatric care and social support, there is room for this tendency to be challenged. This study aimed to explore how the peer supporters experience and view t

“We must be their voices!” : exploring Danish-Iranian women’s emotional engagement with the Woman Life Freedom movement on Instagram and beyond

The present study explores how Danish-Iranian Women living in Copenhagen witness and take part in the connective Woman Life Freedom movement, online and from afar. It seeks to investigate their emotional engagement with Instagram, their political participation and their sense of belonging in this process. With a media studies perspective, the study works in the intersection between civic engagemen

Teacher educators' self-reported preparedness to teach students with special educational needs in higher education

This research explores teacher educators' self-reported preparedness to teach students with special educational needs. Teacher educators are concerned with preparing the next generation of teachers who will, in turn, be addressing the needs of students with special educational needs within schools. Being able to address this important task also in their own teaching at the teacher education progra

Pre-school children’s expressed technological volition during construction play

Technology volition is the will to develop knowledge of, and use, the physical world to design products, processes and systems. The aim of this study was to contribute new knowledge of children’s technology volition when they identify, build and improve technical constructions, and how teachers support this learning. Analysis focused on moments when children’s volition was expressed in a construct

Models for collaborative professional development for teachers in mathematics

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe a review of the most frequently cited English articles of five models of collaborative professional development for mathematics teachers, aiming to describe the character of the development addressed and its quality issues. Design/methodology/approach: The most frequently cited articles were chosen for their impact on the scientific discourse; they

Svenska e-handlares acceptans av metoder för datainsamling på Internet: En kvalitativ studie om e-handlares uppfattningar av påverkande faktorer vid utfasningen av third-party cookies

E-handelsindustrin har länge använt sig av third-party cookies för att spåra internetanvändare, men 2024 kommer dessa att ha fasats ut från de största webbläsarna. Det nuvarande kunskapsläget kan varken besvara vad e-handlarna anser vara alternativ till third-party cookies eller vilka faktorer som leder till acceptans av dessa. Syftet med studien är därför att kvalitativt beskriva vad svenska e-ha

Institutions, growth and governance in the third world

Recent research has used the work of Douglas North as the foundation on which the case of institutions as ultimate driver of development could be built.North describes institutions as 'the humanly devised constraints that shape human interaction'. These arepowerful metaphors for us who are accustomed to think in terms of'constrained maximization' as the rule guiding personal actions. This book exp

Development of students’ knowledge about didactics during their first year of the master’s programme in didactics

In this study, I reflect critically on my own experiences as a university teacher of students’ expressed knowledge about the academic subject of didactics at the beginning and end of their first semester as students in the Master’s Programme in Didactics. My reflections are made using a phenomenographic approach to learning, which regards learning as a qualitatively deeper and different way of und

The Traverso and the Boehm-flute: Aspects on Embouchure, Sound Colour and Tuning Systems

The purpose of this paper is to speak on the similarities and differences between the Traverso and the Boehm-flute, specifically on interpretation and focusing on the embouchure, sound colour, and tuning systems. The written format of this study allowed me to express better and be more specific on the information selected to be more concise and beneficial to what I intended from this research. As

Towards Responsible Journalism: Code of practice, journalist oath and conscience clause

This paper draws on the codes of ethics of a wide range of countries to propose an ideal one for a newly constituted press regulatory body in the United Kingdom. It also suggests the adoption of a codes of ethics and including a conscience clause in press journalists’ contract which would protect them from being coerced into doing clearly unethical work.

Share and Repair in Cities: Agenda for Research and Practice on Circular Urban Resilience

Share and repair organizations (SROs) have important implications for resource efficiency and socio-economic sustainability in cities, but their potential to contribute to long-term urban resilience has yet to be systematically investigated. Knowledge is scarce about how these nascent circular initiatives can provide building blocks for socio-economic recovery in the wake of recent crises such as

Genetic Moderation of the Association of β-Amyloid With Cognition and MRI Brain Structure in Alzheimer Disease

Background and Objectives: There is considerable heterogeneity in the association between increasing β-amyloid (Aβ) pathology and early cognitive dysfunction in preclinical Alzheimer disease (AD). At this stage, some individuals show no signs of cognitive dysfunction, while others show clear signs of decline. The factors explaining this heterogeneity are particularly important for understanding pr