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Long term effects of oestrogen therapy on bone loss in postmenopausal women: a 23 year prospective study.
Ett samtal med Giorgio Vasari i den andra naturens trädgård
Effects of an agri-environment scheme on wader populations of coastal meadows of southern Sweden
Survey data on breeding wader densities and grazing intensity on coastal meadows on the Baltic island of Öland from 1988, 1998 and 2003 were used to evaluate density and density-changes of four common and widespread wader species, lapwing Vanellus vanellus, redshank Tringa totanus, oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus and ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula in relation to grazing intensity. Populati
Tre laborationer i processidentifiering och adaptiv reglering
Standardized provocation of lumbar spine mobility: three methods compared by radiostereometric analysis.
Setting the Holocene clock using varved lake sediments in Sweden
Popular Abstract in Swedish Under kvartärtiden (den geologiska period som omfattar de senaste ca 2,6 miljoner åren) har klimatet på Jorden varierat dramatiskt. Långa perioder (ca 100 000 år) av istid med stora inlandsisar som täckte Skandinavien, Ryssland, Sibirien, Grönland och Nordamerika har periodiskt avbrutits av kortare perioder (ca 10 000 år) av varmare klimat, så kallade interglacialer. HoThe aim of this thesis was to study annually laminated (varved) Holocene lake sediment in Sweden, their formation and their potential as chronological and palaeoecological archives. Five lakes with continuous Holocene varved lake sediment sequences in northern (Västerbotten) and west central Sweden (Värmland) were investigated. Three of these sequences were discovered during this study, which iden
A systematic overview of radiation therapy effects in soft tissue sarcomas
A systematic review of radiation therapy trials in several tumour types was performed by The Swedish Council of Technology Assessment in Health Care (SBU). The procedures for evaluation of the scientific literature are described separately (Acta Oncol 2003; 42: 357-365). This synthesis of the literature on radiation therapy for soft tissue sarcomas (STS) is based on data from five randomized trial
Evolution of parasitism in nematode-trapping fungi
We are studying the evolution of parasitism in a group of soil-living ascomycetes that can grow as saprophytes as well as parasites by forming special morphological structures called traps. Analyses of 18S ribosomal DNA sequences have shown that these fungi form a monophyletic and isolated clade among the ascomycetes. The phylogenetic patterns within this clade are concordant with the morphology o
Rec. av The Harp. A Review of Syriac and Oriental Studies (St. Ephrem Ecumenical Research Institute, Kottayam, India)
Modelling of coastal evolution on yearly to decadal time scales
There is still no universal model for analysing and predicting coastal evolution and its governing processes on yearly to decadal time scales. Instead, depending on the nature of the problem and project objectives, there is a wide range of models available, each focusing on the problem complex from a specific standpoint. The present paper gives an overview of available numerical model types. A dif
Cost/benefit aspects on thromboprophylaxis
Several studies have shown thromboprophylaxis of any kind to be more cost-effective than no prophylaxis or general diagnostic surveillance and selective treatment. Little has been written on low molecular weight heparins from the cost-effectiveness point of view. This preliminary study shows low molecular weight heparin to be more cost-effective than standard low-dose heparin in most situations of
On the typification and application of Hieracium diaphanum Fr., with remarks on the diagnostic characters of allied species from southern Sweden
A lectotype for Hieracium diaphanum Fr. (1819) is designated and it is compared with similar species from southern Sweden, i.e. H. pseudodiaphanum (Dahlst.) Johanss., H. jonsbergense T. Tyler, H. hemidiaphanum (Dahlst.) Brenner, H. dalicum Johanss. and H. subglaucovirens Zahn ex Johanss. & Sam. It is concluded that the name H. diaphanum (s. stricto) does belong to a very rare species hitherto
A detailed analysis of sodium removal by peritoneal dialysis: comparison with predictions from the three-pore model of membrane function
Background. The development of fluid and salt retention is a potential problem for all peritoneal dialysis (PD) patients. Sodium removal by the peritoneum is predominantly determined by convective fluid loss but influenced by diffusion and sieving due to free water transport as predicted by the three-pore model (TPM). The aim of the study was to establish the effect of transport status, dwell leng
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Swanson versus apl arthroplasty in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the trapeziometacarpal joint: a prospective and randomized study in 26 patients.
Twenty-six patients were operated because of osteo-arthritis of the trapeziometacarpal joint. After excision of the trapezium, they were randomized to receive either a Swanson silicone trapezium implant or a tendon interposition arthroplasty using a strip of the abductor pollicis longus tendon (APL). No infection or clinical silicone synovitis occurred and no major radiographic cyst formation was
Human papilloma virus in skin, mouth and uterine cervix in female renal transplant recipients with or without a history of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
Some human papilloma viruses are thought to be associated with skin cancer. In this pilot study, 21 female renal transplant carriers, 10 with a history of skin squamous cell carcinoma and 11 without, together with 9 age-matched healthy women were investigated for human papilloma virus DNA in sun-exposed (forehead) and less sun-exposed (buttock) skin, mouth and uterine cervix. Paraffin-embedded tum