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Your search for "*" yielded 533497 hits

Observering Digitally - The use of Image-Based 3D Modelling Techniques for the documentation and study of Rune Stones

This thesis aims to test and evaluate the use of image-based 3D modelling techniques on rune stones. To test the method a well-documented rune stone was chosen, Hyby stone 1. The stone has been dated to the Viking Age and contains 37 runes, whereof 29 are still visible, two crosses and a stag. These carvings have been detected by other scholars with the use of non-digital methods. In order to eval

Self-compassion hos barn

Self-compassion has not yet been studied in younger children. The aim of this study was to explore self-compassion in children between 10-13 years of age and examine how self-compassion is related to well-being and social perspective-taking. In addition we wanted to explore possible age or sex differences in self-compassion. The participants consisted of 228 children from two elementary schools in

Recruiting Volunteers in the Decade of Social Action

In order for Non-Governmental Organizations to maintain visibility, credibility and accountability, attracting voluntary members to support the organization’s Mission and Vision is essential. Much of the work NGOs carry out depends on the voluntary support of strong and supportive networks. The sustainability of a NGO, its long-term-success, depends on the recruitment and relationship-management o

Minnen av mord i en tid av flytande rädsla : att skapa mening av det meningslösa

Uppsatsens syfte är skapa förståelse hur specifika händelser blir meningsskapande och ömsesidigt påverkar enskilda och organisationer i ett postmodernt samhälle Diskursanalys av informanters reception av händelse, genomgång av nyhetsmaterial samt en kommuns strategiska kommunikation. Analysen har som grund kvalitativa intervjuer, nyhetsmaterial, kommunala handlingar samt en enkätstudie för valider

How Gender Identity Determines the Chore Wars

Existing theories of how spouses divide the household labour have conflicting implications. Standard models of comparative advantages and bargaining models both predict that when a woman earns more money than her husband she will do less household work. However, identity theory predicts that deviating from prescribed gender behaviour causes discomfort, and therefore a woman could compensate for vi

Retorikens roll för pedagogiken

Denna uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i vad retoriken och pedagogiken kan ha för nytta av varandra. Jag argumenterar för att båda ämnena bör ses som systerämnen som har mycket mer gemensamt än vad som kommer till uttryck, åtminstone inom pedagogiken. I gränssnittet mellan de båda ämnena finner vi vad de har gemensamt och vad de borde ha gemensamt. Uppsatsen utforskar två områden. För det första komme

Registering patented subject matter as trademarks- a competition concern or allowed use of intellectual property law?

The thesis investigates the overlap between trademark and patent law and the extent thereof and whether the overlap poses a threat to competition. The first part of the thesis concentrates on the legislation on the matter and the relevant case-law, the second part investigates the possibility of registering patented subject-matter as trademarks constituting a competition infringement. Both the reg

Psykiska besvär - en kvantitativ studie om gymnasieelevers attityder

The aim of this study was to examine the attitudes among adolescents toward people with psychological disorders such as anxiety and depression. Mental illness is an increasing problem in society, not just among the average population but among the adolescents as well. A person who suffers from a mental illness is seen as different compared to the rest of society and therefor are being treated in a

Capital Inflows and Asset Prices - A Country Study of the United States, Switzerland and Denmark

Capital inflows can have beneficial effects for the receiving country, such as fostering economic growth. But they can also have severe negative effects, such as increasing financial vulnerability and overall macroeconomic instability. There is a widespread perception among academics as well as policymakers that capital inflows are correlated with asset prices. This essay aims to examine if there

Generationer och överskridande lärande

Inom forskningsområdet livslångt lärande är generations-överskridande lärande ett populärt tema och många projekt i Sverige och Europa organiseras för att skapa möten och lärande mellan generationer. Vad detta lärande innebär är sällan specificerat och syftet med denna uppsats är därför att ur ett pedagogiskt perspektiv undersöka generationsöverskridande lärande som koncept utifrån tidigare forskn

Understanding Global Education - A Case Study of the Global High Schools Network in Denmark

This is a mixed methods study employing a grounded theory framework with the network organization Global High Schools Denmark as a case. The study aims at understanding how teachers in the network conceptualize global education. Data was collected through in depth semi-structured interviews with teachers as well as through an online self-completion survey. The thesis finds four main conceptualizat

Switching Costs and Price Discrimination by European Frequent Flyer Programmes

This thesis presents the two hypotheses that airlines use their frequent flyer programmes (FFPs) to introduce switching costs to combat competition by increasing the percent discount of the value of the points their FFP members receive, and that they use their FFPs to support price discrimination by offering business travellers more value for their travel choices. Economic theory to support these

The value of rib design in food packaging: from packaging company and consumer perspectives

Have you ever wondered why there are ribs on bottles or cans? Perhaps you can guess that ribs are applied to the packages because of some technical functions. In fact, ribs carry more value than you can imagine. According to the literature review and the research on 100 Swedish consumers, ribs have both pros and cons but the former surpasses the latter. Originated from the demand of preventing def

KBT vid utmattningssyndrom

Tidigare forskning har visat att KBT behandling inte är verksamt när det gäller patienter med utmattningssyndrom, varken för att förbättra måendet eller förkorta sjukskrivningstiden. Föreliggande studie har undersökt om detta överensstämmer med hur en grupp yrkesverksamma KBT behandlare på primärvårdsnivå uppfattar resultatet av terapier med dessa patienter och hur detta kan förklaras. BehandlarnaPrevious research has shown that CBT treatment is not successful for patients with stressrelated exhaustion, neither to improve the wellbeing nor to shorten the sick leave. The study has examined if this is accurate to how a group of CBT-therapists on primary care level perceive the results of therapies with these patients and how this can be explained. The therapists have also described which int

Optimising clients with API gateways

APIer över HTTP anpassas sällan för olika klienters behov vilket medför krånglig kommunikation och reducerad prestanda. En API-gateway kan placeras mellan klienter och APIer för att åtgärda detta.This thesis investigates the benefits and complications around working with API (Application Programming Interface) gateways. When we say API gateway, we mean to proxy and potentially enhance the communication between servers and clients, such as browsers, by transforming the data. We do this by examining the underlying protocol HTTP/1.1 and the general theory regarding API gateways. An API gatew

Sexuality, Gender empowerment and Development. A case study of clitoral rehabilitation of excision-affected women in Burkina Faso

This qualitative case study explores the empowering potentialities of clitoral reconstruction for mutilated women in Burkina Faso. In this developing country of sub-Saharan Africa, historical high prevalence rates of excision leave millions of women in the most physical and mental ill being. This, as a consequence, causes their marginalisation from the development process. The methodology is bond

No title

This study has set out to examine the way we in postmodern society look upon and understand ourselves. Furthermore, the focus has been to gather literature and through the already published theories try to get an overview about concepts like optimizing and fashion.

Chemical Gradient over Maze-Microsystem for Fungal Hyphal Growth

The natural environment of fungal hyphae is both physically and chemically heterogeneous, nevertheless is the fungal growth often studied on a flat surface of a homogeneous medium, for example agar. With the help of the well-established techniques of microsystems, it is possible to make structures that resemble their natural habitat. With microfabrication methods obstacles can be created at the si