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Work related and non-work related stress in relation to low leisure time physical activity in a Swedish population.

Physical activity is regarded as an important component of a healthy lifestyle. Several social and environmental factors have systematically emerged as barriers to low leisure time physical activity (LTPA), for example, lack of money, low social support due to lack of supportive family or friends, and living in high crime rate areas. Low LTPA has been found to be strongly associated with low socio

Scaling migration speed in animals that run, swim and fly

Overall migration speed is likely to be a trait under selection pressure in animals migrating annually between habitats for reproduction and survival. A general expression was used for migration speed (V-migr), accounting for energy accumulation and transport, and derive how V-migr scales with body mass for three types of migratory locomotion: running, swimming and flying (powered and soaring flig

Mechanisms of adaptation to the effects of ethanol on activation of phospholipase C in NG 108-15 cells

In this study the effect of different times of exposure to ethanol (1-7 days, 100 mM) on bradykinin and GTP(S)-stimulated activation of phospholipase C in NG 108-15 cells and on the binding of [3H]bradykinin to its receptors was investigated. Ethanol attenuated both agonist and GTP-analogue-induced hydrolysis of phosphoinositides for a period of up to 4 days of treatment, while exerting no effect

Monoamines in pancreatic islets of guinea pig, hamster, rat, and mouse determined by high performance liquid chromatography

Previous studies on the occurrence of catecholamines and serotonin in pancreatic islets using various histochemical and chemical methods have given widely different results. We therefore performed a comparative analysis of these amines in whole pancreas and islet tissue from hamster, guinea pig, rat, and mouse by the use of high performance liquid chromatography. Whole pancreas of guinea pig, hams

Sharing of MHC haplotypes among patients with systemic lupus erythematosus from unrelated Caucasian multicase families: disease association with the extended haplotype [HLA-B8, SC01, DR17]

OBJECTIVE: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is an autoimmune rheumatic disease often clustered in families. We investigated the association between MHC haplotypes and SLE in multicase Caucasian families. METHODS: Ten consecutive families with 2 or more patients with SLE, in total 27 patients among 66 individuals, were studied. MHC haplotypes were determined by typing for HLA-A, B, C, DR, and DQ

[Ti II] and [Ni II] emission from the strontium filament of eta Carinae

We study the nature of the [Ti II] and [Ni II] emission from the so-called strontium filament found in the ejecta of eta Carinae. To this purpose, we employ multilevel models of the Ti II and Ni II systems, which are used to investigate the physical condition of the filament and the excitation mechanisms of the observed lines. For the Ti II ion, for which no atomic data were previously available,

Medical students learning the pelvic examination: Comparison of outcome in terms of skills between a professional patient and a clinical patient model

Objective: To compare two models of learning the pelvic examination (PE) for medical students, with professional patients (PP) or with clinical patients (CP), by measuring perceived distress and learning outcome in terms of skills. Methods: Prospective longitudinal study. Assessments of self-perceived distress on four occasions at the prospect of performing a PE. Evaluation of the learning session

The prevalences of cytochrome c oxidase negative and superpositive fibres and ragged-red fibres in the trapezius muscle of female cleaners with and without myalgia and of female healthy controls

The association of cytochrome c oxidase negative fibres (COX-negative) and ragged-red fibres (RR-fibres) with work related trapezius myalgia has been proposed. Hitherto studies have been small or without control groups. The aim of the present study was to investigate the prevalences of RR-fibres and COX-negative fibres in female cleaners with (n=25) and without (n=23) trapezius myalgia and in clin

Clinical and demographic data in 75 patients with near-fatal choking episodes

The clinical background and circumstances of 75 patients who had survived a near-fatal choking episode, i.e., had undergone a Heimlich maneuver, oropharyngeal suctioning, or intubation, is reported. Sixty had choked on a solid bolus (often of a complex texture like sandwiches and chicken soup). Four patients had choked on mashed banana. In 30 patients neurologic disease (such as cerebrovascular di

Selective diagnostic nerve root block for the evaluation of radicular pain in the multilevel degenerated cervical spine.

In patients with radiculopathy due to degenerative disease in the cervical spine, surgical outcome is still presenting with moderate results. The preoperative investigations consist of clinical investigation, careful history and most often magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the cervical spine. When MRI shows multilevel degeneration, different strategies are used for indicating which nerve root/ro

Lactoferrin and Cancer Disease Prevention

Lactoferrin (LF) is an iron-binding glycoprotein that is composed of the transferrin family and is predominantly found in the products of the exocrine glands located in the gateways of the digestive, respiratory, and reproductive systems, suggesting a role in the non-specific defence against invading pathogens. Additionally, several physiological roles have been attributed to LF, namely regulation

Biomanipulation: a tool in marine ecosystem management and restoration?

Widespread losses of production and conservation values make large-scale ecosystem restoration increasingly urgent. Ecological restoration by means of biomanipulation, i.e., by fishing out planktivores to reduce the predation pressure on herbivorous zooplankton, has proved to be an effective tool in restoring degraded lakes and coastal ecosystems. Whether biomanipulation may prove a useful restora

The challenge of recruiting patients with anterior cruciate ligament injury of the knee into a randomized clinical trial comparing surgical and non-surgical treatment

Aims: To determine the number of patients needed to be screened (NNS) and allocated (NNA) in order to include one participant in a randomized clinical trial (RCT), and to compare the characteristics of patients accepting or declining participation in the RCT. Methods: The recruitment process of an ongoing multicenter RCT, comparing surgical and non-surgical interventions after acute anterior cruci

Mycorrhizal colonization of plants in set-aside agricultural land

Agricultural overproduction has led the European Union to encourage long-term abandonment of agricultural land and the adoption of management practices which enhance transition to semi-natural grassland or forest. This paper reports the results of a field study conducted in newly abandoned agricultural land where the development of the mycorrhizal community was investigated in response to manipula

Ontogenetic development of the gastrointestinal microbiota in the marine herbivorous fish Kyphosus sydneyanus

Molecular techniques were used to investigate the composition and ontogenetic development of the intestinal bacterial community in the marine herbivorous fish Kyphosus sydneyanus from the north eastern coast of New Zealand. Previous work showed that K. sydneyanus maintains an exclusively algivorous diet throughout post-settlement life and passes through an ontogenetic diet shift from a juvenile di

In vitro fertilization (IVF) in Sweden: Risk for congenital malformations after different IVF methods.

BACKGROUND: The possible excess of congenital malformations in infants born after in vitro fertilization (IVF) has been much discussed in the literature, with controversial conclusions. This population based study is aimed at analyzing the presence of congenital malformations in a large group of infants born after IVF and to compare malformation risk both with that of all infants born and accordin

Central and mixed venous blood oxygen correlate well during acute normovolemic hemodilution in anesthetized pigs

BACKGROUND: Central venous oxygen saturation (ScvO2) and oxygen tension (PcvO2), obtained from the superior vena cava, correlate well with mixed venous (pulmonary arterial) oxygen saturation (SvO2) and tension (pvO2) when the hematocrit is normal. The present study was undertaken to assess whether extreme hemodilution affects this relation. METHODS: We compared mixed and central venous blood durin

Simplistic modeling approach to heterogeneous dilute-acid hydrolysis of cellulose microcrystallites

The classic kinetic model for cellulose hydrolysis is often referred to as pseudo-homogeneous, a term revealing the insight that the process is actually heterogeneous. During the past 10-15 yr, the shortcomings of this model have been demonstrated in various studies and the interest in the heterogeneous aspects has increased. The present work presents a simplistic model in which the intrinsic, het