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First evidence for excited states in In-101

The first evidence for excited states in In-101 is presented. In-101 is the lightest In isotope observed in an in-beam experiment. Two gamma-ray transitions at 1309 and 341 keV, respectively, are strong candidates for a cascade to the ground state in this nucleus. In shell-model terms it has one proton hole and two neutron particles outside the double shell closure at Sn-100. New ideas for improvi

Folkhälsan i östra Skåne 1860–1899 – en studie utifrån provinsialläkarrapporter

During the last decades of the 19th century Sweden changed from being a developing to a developed country. It was a period when many people emigrated to America and Denmark, due to miserable times. The aim was to investigate the status and development of the public health in the eastern part of the province Skane, Sweden, during the years 1860 to 1899. The investigation included a study of differe

Taube och Olle Adolphson

Adolphson has grown up in the shadows (and light) of Evert Taube litterarily since he from childhood been a friend of Evert Taubes son Sven Bertil. He has gone deep into the songs and poetry of Evert Taube. This study focuses on the phychological impact Adolphson inherited from Taube as well as the darker sides of the personality

Emissions from Fires Consequences for Human Safety and the Environment

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bränder utgör en risk för människor p.g.a. värmen samt de utsläpp som produceras från en brand. Man kan tydligt se från brandstatistik, att det faktiskt är brandgaserna som dödar och skadar många människor. Vidare produceras från bränder ämnen som inte har en direkt effekt, men som i stället kan ge indirekta skador. Vissa av dessa ämnen är kända för att ha en långsiktigAccidental fires represent a risk for people from the heat and fire effluents produced. It is clear from fire statistics that it is, in fact, the toxic gases that kill and injure many fire victims. Further, there are a number of compounds that are readily produced in fires, which have important sublethal effects on humans. Some of those compounds are known to have a long-term effect on people, and

Peptide fusion tags with tryptophan and charged residues for control of protein partitioning in PEG-potassium phosphate aqueous two-phase systems

A partition study with peptides and recombinant proteins in poly(ethylene glycol)4000-potassium phosphate aqueous two-phase systems has been performed. The aim was to study to what extent the insertion of charged residues could affect protein partition in addition to the already observed effects of tryptophan residues. The model proteins used are based on a staphylococcal protein A derivative, Z,

Influence of prosthesis-patient mismatch on diastolic heart failure after aortic valve replacement.

BACKGROUND: Bioprostheses for supraannular placement have been developed to optimize the hemodynamic performance after aortic valve replacement. To evaluate the potential benefit of this design, we analyzed the influence of prosthesis-patient mismatch on diastolic function and left ventricular mass regression and evaluated the clinical performance of the Sorin Soprano and Medtronic Mosaic in the a

Current-voltage correlations in interferometers

We investigate correlations of current at contacts and voltage fluctuations at voltage probes coupled to interferometers. The results are compared with correlations of current and occupation number fluctuations at dephasing probes. We use a quantum Langevin approach for the average quantities and their fluctuations. For higher order correlations we develop a stochastic path integral approach and f

Review of Change, Choice and Inference (Hans Rott, Oxford UP)

Hans Rott is well-known for his work on belief revision theory in the tradition founded by Carlos Alchourro´ n, Peter Ga¨ rdenfors and David Makinson (hereafter, ‘AGM’) to which he has contributed in a number of fine articles. One of his main achievements is the establishment of far-reaching connections between AGM-style belief revision theory and the classical theory of rational choice, as the la

Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma - tumour characteristics on RNA and protein level associated with prognosis

Popular Abstract in Swedish Diffust storcelligt B-celllymfom (DLBCL) är den vanligaste aggressiva lymfomsjukdomen, och drabbar ca 450 personer årligen i Sverige. Med modern antracyklin-innehållande cytostatikabehandling är DLBCL en potentiellt botbar sjukdom. Av patienter med lokaliserad sjukdom botas 70 %, med spridd sjukdom ca 50 %. Bakgrunden till arbete 1 i denna avhandling var en rapport därDiffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is the most frequent lymphoma subtype. In Sweden 450 new cases are diagnosed annually. With modern anthracycline-containing chemotherapy DLBCL is potentially curable, with an estimated overall cure rate of approximately 50% for patients with advanced stage disease. Through molecular profiling of DLBCL the ?cell-of-origin concept? has been established: patients