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Properties of somatosensory synaptic integration in cerebellar granule cells in vivo.

In decerebrated, nonanesthetized cats, we made intracellular whole-cell recordings and extracellular cell-attached recordings from granule cells in the cerebellar C3 zone. Spontaneous EPSPs had large, relatively constant peak amplitudes, whereas IPSPs were small and did not appear to contribute substantially to synaptic integration at a short time scale. In many cases, the EPSPs of individual moss

Klinisk forskning måste baseras på team av både kliniker och forskare

Framgångsrik klinisk forskning måste baseras på translationell forskning, där både kliniker och forskare ingår. Sådana team måste utgå från universiteten för att tillgodose kraven på kvalitet. Man bör även diskutera nationella fokusområden för den kliniska forskningen, så att den kompetens som finns i landet tillvaratas.

Spin and orbital moments in Au/Co/Au(111)/W(110) across the spin-reorientation transition-temperature

The temperature-driven spin-reorientation transition (SRT) has been investigated in a layer of 2.1 nm Co in Au/Co/Au. We studied the evolution and stability of the in-plane magnetization components in the temperature range from 300 to 90 K by means of polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR) and Co L-edge X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) measurements. The PNR measurement provides evidence for

Combining matrix elements and the dipole cascade model

An algorithm is presented in which the Colour-Dipole Cascade Model as implemented in the ARIADNE program is corrected to match the fixed order tree-level matrix elements for e(+)e(-) --> n jets. For the results presented here, matrix elements were used up to second order in alpha(S) but the scheme is applicable also for higher orders.

Direct cytoplasmic CA(2+) responses to gastrin-releasing peptide in single beta cells

The neuropeptide gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) stimulates insulin secretion and induces oscillations of the cytoplasmic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](cyt)) in clonal insulinoma cells. It is not known whether GRP affects [Ca(2+)](cyt) in normal beta cells. We investigated, in single, normal, mouse islet beta cells, the effects of GRP on [Ca(2+)](cyt), by dual wavelength spectrophotofluorometry.

On Dynamic Real-Time Scheduling of Model Predictive Controllers

The paper discusses dynamic real-time scheduling in the context ofmodel predictive control (MPC). Dynamic scheduling in this settingis motivated by the highly varying execution times associated withMPC controllers. Premature termination of the optimization algorithmis exploited to trade off prolonged computations versuscomputational delay. A feedback scheduling strategy for multiple MPCcontrollers

Effects of organic solvents on motor activity in mice

Groups of male mice were exposed via inhalation to methylene chloride, perchloroethylene, toluene, trichloroethylene or 1,1,1-trichloroethane. The exposures were started at 2300 h. Generation of vapor was stopped after 1 h. Motor activity of the animals during the exposures was measured with a Doppler radar. Several concentrations of each solvent were tested. Concentrations could be found for all

Analysis of short stature homeobox-containing gene ( SHOX) and auxological phenotype in dyschondrosteosis and isolated Madelung deformity

Dyschondrosteosis (DCO; also called Leri-Weill syndrome) is a skeletal dysplasia characterised by disproportionate short stature because of mesomelic shortening of the limbs. Madelung deformity is a feature of DCO that is distinctive, variable in expressivity and frequently observed. Mutations of the SHOX (short stature homeobox-containing) gene have been previously described as causative in DCO.

Prediction of hypotension in hemodialysis patients

Intradialytic hypotension (IDH) is the most common adverse complication during hemodialysis. Its early prediction and prevention will dramatically improve the quality of life for patients with an end stage renal disease. In a recent study, changes in the normalized envelope of the test statistic of the photoplethysmograpic (PPG) signal were found to predict acute symptomatic IDH. In the present st

S100A9 as a pharmacological target molecule in inflammation and cancer.

Upon tissue injury and infection both stressed and dying cells can release proteins that normally reside inside the cells. Some of the released proteins become ligands of various cell surface receptors expressed by local cells and such proteins are denoted damage associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). Binding of some DAMPs to certain cell surface receptors induces signals emanating in the producti

Hydrogen storage systems from waste Mg alloys

The production cost of materials for hydrogen storage is one of the major issues to be addressed in order to consider them suitable for large scale applications. In the last decades several authors reported on the hydrogen sorption properties of Mg and Mg-based systems. In this work magnesium industrial wastes of AZ91 alloy and Mg-10 wt.% Gd alloy are used for the production of hydrogen storage ma

Geographic and phylogenetic patterns in Silene section Melandrium (Caryophyllaceae) as inferred from chloroplast and nuclear DNA sequences

The phylogenetic relationships between the five dioecious species in Silene section Melandrium (Caryophyllaceae) and their putative hermaphrodite relatives are investigated based on an extensive geographic and taxonomic sample, using DNA sequence data from the chloroplast genome and the nuclear ribosomal ITS region. The hermaphrodite S. noctiflora (the type species of section Elisanthe) is distant