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From parasite to angel. Narratives of neutrality in the Swedish popular press during the First World War
Mobility Management in Wireless Mesh Networks
High resolution water and energy balance modeling by land information system (LIS) in Hexi region
In arid and semi-arid areas, hydrosphere and biosphere suffer maximal disturbance and impacts of mankind during the development and utilizing processes. These impacts interact with each other and exert hostile effect on the environment. The transformation of the ecological environment depends mainly on the exploitation of water resource, economic development and the relative balance of environment
Surviving Capitalism: How We Learned to Live with the Market and Remained Almost Human
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Malmöbornas syn på stadsdelsorganisationen : en enkätundersökning kring malmöbornas åsikter om stadsdelsreformen i Malmö ur demokratisk synvinkel
Rapport i forskningsprojektet "Stadsdelsreformen i Malmö - en demokratiutvärdering".
Hur skapar man förståelse i undervisning
Optimal Time-Frequency analysis of the multiple time-translated locally stationary processes
A previously proposed model for non-stationary signals is extended in this contribution. The model consists of mul- tiple time-translated locally stationary processes. The opti- mal Ambiguity kernel for the process in mean-square-error sense is computed analytically and is used to estimate the time-frequency distribution. The performance of the kernel is compared with other commonly used kernels.
Essays on environmental taxation and climate policy
Abstract in UndeterminedPaper I: Greenhouse gas taxes on animal food products - rationale, tax scheme and climate mitigation effects Agriculture is responsible for 25–30% of global anthropogenic greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions but has thus far been largely exempted from climate policies. Because of high monitoring costs and comparatively low technical potential for emission reductions in the agricu
A Molecular Approach for Investigation of the Prevalence and Neurotoxin Formation of Clostridium botulinum in Food Safety Assessment.
In the development of new food products, more knowledge is needed about the occurrence and quantity of food-borne pathogens in the food chain to be able to implement effective control measures and assure food safety. In addition, improved understanding of how environmental factors and food preservatives effect the microbial virulence expression in foods will enable the formulation of new strategie
Analysis of neutrophil membrane traffic during phagocytosis
In this chapter, we describe methods to study membrane traffic during phagosome formation and maturation.
Författning och politik. Några aspekter på regeringsbildning i Sverige
Abstract is not available
I ett bolster av fett. En kulturhistoria om övervikt, maskulinitet och klass.
Ulf Bernitz 75 år
Reliability Engineering Methods for Distribution Systems - Influence of Differences between Cable Systems and Overhead Lines
One way to increase distribution network reliability is to replace traditional overhead lines with underground cables. To fully utilize these investments, network owners will have to adjust their reliability engineering methods to suit the new cable networks. In this paper different condition assessment methods as well as improved failure statistics for cable systems are considered. The paper is b
Climate Change Responses of Swedish Tourism Actors: An Analysis of Corporate Websites
Everyday activities and social contacts among older deaf sign language users: Relationships to health and wellbeing
Methods to Improve and Evaluate Spatial Data Infrastructures
Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling är inriktad på metoder för att förbättra och utvärdera infrastrukturer för geografiska data (eng. Spatial Data Infrastructure). Syftet har varit trefaldigt: att utveckla ett ramverk för hantering och utvärdering av en infrastruktur, att förbättra tillgängligheten av geografiska data i en infrastruktur, och för att förbättra kartografi i visningstjänsterThis thesis mainly focuses on methods for improving and evaluating Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs). The aim has been threefold: to develop a framework for the management and evaluation of an SDI, to improve the accessibility of spatial data in an SDI, and to improve the cartography in view services in an SDI. Spatial Data Infrastructure has been identified as an umbrella covering spatial data