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The glass from San Lorenzo in Lucina
Statarliv - i myt och verklighet
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Om nog så stora ord : Att analysera ett ironiskt debattinlägg från 1809
Clinical - cytogenetic correlations in malignant hematologic disorders
Popular Abstract in Swedish Leukemi, "det vita blodet", var ursprungligen en beskrivande diagnos på tillstånd där leukocyter (vita blodkroppar), eller snarare deras maligna, d.v.s. canceromvandlade former, tillväxte i sådan grad att de trängde undan andra blodbildande celler. I en sådan situation drabbas patienterna av blodbrist, infektioner och blödningar. Med tiden har vi lärt oss särskilja olikIn the present thesis, clinicogenetic correlations are investigated in a large population-based series of acute myeloid leukemia (AML), myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), acute lymphoblastic leukemia, and chronic myeloid leukemia, for which the karyotypes were analyzed at the same center. The karyotypic pattern, i.e. normal karyotype or 1, 2 or ³3 anomalies, does not differ between males and female
Statistical Mechanical Studies of Titrating Polyelectrolytes
Popular Abstract in Swedish Som titeln antyder behandlar avhandlingen titrerande polyelektrolyter, d.v.s. stora molekyler med många syra-basgrupper. Sådana molekyler kan vi finna lite överallt, ja till och med i våra kroppar, som innehåller en mängd olika polyelektrolyter. Deras egenskaper kan variera starkt beroende på omständigheterna och har många biologiska och industriella tillämpningar. Att Different models and statistical mechanical approximations for titrating polyelectrolytes are studied and the results compared with Monte Carlo simulations and experimental data. Three types of models have been used in the simulations: i) rigid structures and freely jointed chains with ii) rigid bonds and iii) flexible, harmonic bonds. Sampling is facilitated for the latter two by the use of pivot
Formation and Dynamics of Molecular Excitons and their Fingerprints in Nonlinear Optical Spectroscopy
Popular Abstract in Swedish Många grundläggande processer i naturen involverar transport av energi från ett ställe till ett annat. Ett exempel på detta är fotosyntesen där solljus fångas upp av molekylkomplex, för att sedan transporteras till ett reaktionscenter. I reaktionscentret byggs den laddning upp som sedan används för att framställa växtmassa. För att minimera energiförlusten i den här typAn efficient transfer of energy in molecular systems has proven to be of fundamental importance both in nature and industrial applications. The ability of molecules to work together forming collective excitations, so-called excitons, plays a key role in for example the extraordinary fast energy transfer involved in the first steps of photosynthesis. The characterization of excitonic states in conj
A factorial experimental evaluation of automated test input generation – Java platform testing in embedded devices
Background. When delivering an embedded product, such as a mobile phone, third party products, like games, are often bundled with it in the form of Java MIDlets. To verify the compatibility be- tween the runtime platform and the MIDlet is a labour-intensive task, if input data should be manually generated for thousands of MIDlets. Aim. In order to make the verification more efficient, we investiga
Review of Kekke Stadin, "Maktens män bär rött. Historiska studier av manlighet, manligt framträdande och kläder"
Kärlekssjuka under den franska medeltiden - kärlek i femininum?
Direct synthesis of phosphonated polymers via ring opening metathesis polymerization
Less than a decade has elapsed since the publication in 2000 of the first anthology devoted to lipocalins (Biochim Biophys Acta 1482, 2000), and only a few years since the first Lipocalin International Symposium in Copenhagen in 2003 (Benzon Symposium no. 50 “The Lipocalin Protein Superfamily,” Copenhagen, 2003) and the introduction of a public lipocalin website (
Försök med minicirkulationsplats Växjö X
Verification of sheet metal forming simulation of advanced thin plate parts using a first order friction model
There is today a need of better prediction of part geometry regarding industrial products by simulations. There is a need for better prediction of material inflow, stresses and strains and final geometry. One way to solve this could be by using a more advanced friction model. Today a zero order friction model (Coulomb friction) is normally used. By using a friction model of higher order the fricti