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Efficiency considerations for DT-CNN hardware

Cellular Neural Networks have become a popular paradigm for modeling nonlinear systems. First-hand implementations are in software on floating-point platforms for pure performance, while programmable analog circuitry has been tested for embedded low-power applications. The paper discusses gradual algorithmic and structural improvements that bring efficient digital hardware into consideration. This

The mediatized Zlatan: The immigrant’s path from provincial otherness to national identity and to a Western literary space

In this article the mediatisation of Zlatan Ibrahimovic's autobiography, written by the journalist David Lagercrantz, is investigated through the reception of the book as well as of other media formats in which it was made public. A main point made is that the processes of mediatisation is a main factor in creating a literary trademark and bestseller. The footballer's mythic life story, as express

Gene Regulatory Networks: Dynamics and Stability

Popular Abstract in Swedish Alla levande varelser består av celler. En cell innehåller ett stort antal kemiska föreningar, och särskilt viktiga är proteiner och DNA. Proteiner utför många livsnödvändiga kemiska reaktioner, och DNA består av gener som beskriver hur dessa proteiner konstrueras. En gen kan vara uttryckt, så att det protein den beskriver - kodar för - tillverkas, men den kan också varLife as we know it is based on cells that use proteins and RNA to carry out metabolism, self-replication, and other essential tasks. The genes that code for these molecules are encoded in DNA, and through the processes of transcription and translation the cell expresses its genes. Some proteins are transcription factors that regulate the transcription rate of genes, so genes interact and form a ge

GB virus C/hepatitis G virus infection: clinical, histological and epidemiological aspects

Popular Abstract in Swedish Man har länge känt till att hepatit (leverinflammation) kan överföras som blodburen smitta, t ex vid blodtransfusion eller genom intravenöst narkotikamissbruk. Under de sista decennierna har man identifierat två virus, hepatit B-virus (HBV) och hepatit C-virus (HCV), som visat sig ge upphov till merparten av fall av blodburen hepatit. Fortfarande finns dock en del fall GBV-C/HGV is a blood-borne virus related to the hepatitis C virus. We studied GBV-C/HGV infection in different populations, its transmission, and its association with liver disease. GBV-C/HGV viraemia was detected by PCR in 19/576 blood donors. Donors with normal and elevated ALT levels had similar rates of viraemia (1.6% vs. 4.1%; p = 0.20). Signs of resolved GBV-C/HGV infection (anti-E2 antibodi

Supply Chain Risk Management

“ Supply Chain Risk Management”. Book chapter in Brindley, Clare (ed): “Supply chain risk: A reader”. Ashgate Publishing Limited. UK. 22 pages. August 2004. Reviewed by Dr Marc Day, University of Keele, Staffordshire, UK and Dr Anthony Ross, Associate director of Rand Corp.'s Center for domestic and International Health Security, Santa Monica, California, US.

The Creative Personality in a Gender Perspective

Two empirical investigations of the creative personality, including a gender perspective, are described. In one of them the participants were school children and in the other the group consisted mainly of university students. Creativity is here conceived within a particular theoretical frame which is particularly focussing on individual differences in the perceptual process. Gender was studied fro

Universal Method for Synthesis of Artificial Gel Antibodies by the Imprinting Approach Combined with a Unique Electrophoresis Technique for Detection of Minute Structural Differences of Proteins, Viruses and Cells (Bacteria) Ib. Gel Antibodies against Proteins (Hemoglobins)

Using the molecular imprinting approach, we have shown that polyacrylamide-based artificial antibodies against human and bovine hemoglobin have a very high selectivity, as revealed by the free-zone electrophoresis in a revolving capillary. By the same technique we have previously synthesized gel antibodies not only against proteins but also against viruses and bacteria. The synthesis is thus unive

Revisiting the Ziegler-Nichols step response method for PID control

The Ziegler-Nichols step response method is based on theidea of tuning controllers based on simple features of thestep response. In this paper this idea is investigated fromthe point of view of robust loop shaping. The results are:insight into the properties of PI and PID control andsimple tuning rules that give robust performance for processes with essentially monotone step responses.

Conceptual Design of a Mid-Sized Semi-Closed Oxy-Fuel Combustion Combined Cycle

This paper presents the study of a mid-sized semi-closed oxy-fuel combustion combined cycle (SCOC-CC) with net power output around 108 MW. The paper describes not only the power balance and the performance of the SCOC-CC, but also the conceptual design of the SCOC turbine and compressor. A model has been built in the commercial heat and mass balance code IPSEpro to estimate the efficiency of semi-

Syria from Reform to Revolt : Vol. 2, Culture, Society, and Religion

As Syria’s anti-authoritarian uprising and subsequent civil war have left the country in ruins, the need for understanding the nation’s complex political and cultural realities remains urgent. The second of a two-volume series, Syria from Reform to Revolt: Culture, Society, and Religion draws together closely observed, critical and historicized analyses, giving vital insights into Syrian society t

ATLAS High-Level Trigger, Data Acquisition and Controls Technical Design Report

This Technical Design Report (TDR) for the High-level Trigger (HLT), Data Acquisition (DAQ) and Controls of the ATLAS experiment builds on the earlier documents published on these systems: Trigger Performance Status Report, DAQ, EF, LVL2 and DCS Technical Progress Report, and High-Level Triggers, DAQ and DCS Technical Proposal. Much background and preparatory work relevant to this TDR is reference