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Chachawarmi: Silence and Rival Voices on Decolonization and Gender
This article addresses the ‘ coloniality of gender’ in relation to rearticulated indigenous Aymara gender notions in contemporary Bolivia. While female indigenous activists tend to relate the subordination of women to colonialism and to see an emancipatory potential in the current process of decolonisation, there are middle-class advocates for gender equality and feminist activists who seem to fea
Spherical and Deformed High-spin states in 38Ar
Excited states in Ar-38 have been investigated by means of the heavy-ion fusion-evaporation reaction Si-28 +O-16. The level scheme reveals a subtle interplay between spherical, deformed, and superdeformed shapes. Large-scale shell-model calculations in the sd-fp space are invoked to study the microscopic aspects of deformation and shape changes.
Variation in BRCA1 cancer risks by mutation position
Previous studies have reported variation in BRCA1 breast and ovarian cancer risks with mutation position, suggesting that mutations toward the 3' end of the gene are associated with lower ovarian cancer risks. We evaluated the evidence for genotype-phenotype correlations in 356 families with protein-truncating BRCA1 mutations. In contrast to previous reports, the ovarian:breast cancer ratio associ
Hökfibblor i Mälarlandskapen
Clinicians' management strategies for patients with dyspepsia: a qualitative approach
Background: Symptoms from the upper gastrointestinal tract are frequently encountered in clinical practice and may be of either organic or functional origin. For some of these conditions, according to the literature, certain management strategies can be recommended. For other conditions, the evidence is more ambiguous. The hypothesis that guided our study design was twofold: Management strategies
Population-based study on the impact of the familial form of Waldenström macroglobulinemia on overall survival.
Reducing disaster risks 1980-2010: Some reflections and speculations
Through personal reflections on themes covering past experiences, the author considers selected experiences of disaster risk management (DRM) that span 30 years of DRM, and makes some speculations concerning the future, and ponders whether within the selected themes the future looks positive or negative. The observations begin with some memories of the Ocho Rios Conference: a multi disciplinary ex
Characteristics of hCC-mAb complex
Periostin Secreted by Mesenchymal Stem Cells Supports Tendon Formation in an Ectopic Mouse Model
True tendon regeneration in human patients remains a vision of musculoskeletal therapies. In comparison to other mesenchymal lineages the biology of tenogenic differentiation is barely understood. Specifically, easy and efficient protocols are lacking that might enable tendon cell and tissue differentiation based on adult (stem) cell sources. In the murine mesenchymal progenitor cell line C3H10T1/
Measurement of four-jet differential cross sections in root s=8 TeV proton-proton collisions using the ATLAS detector
Differential cross sections for the production of at least four jets have been measured in proton-proton collisions at root s = 8 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider using the ATLAS detector. Events are selected if the four anti-k(t) R = 0.4 jets with the largest transverse momentum (p(T)) within the rapidity range vertical bar y vertical bar < 2 : 8 are well separated (Delta R-4j(min) > 0.65), all h
Some a priori estimates of solutions to the Maxwell equations
In this paper we present a collection of a priori estimates of the electromagnetic field scattered by a general bounded domain. The constitutive relations of the scatterer are in general anisotropic. Surface averages are investigated and several results on the decay of these averages are presented. The norm of the exterior Calderón operator for a sphere is investigated and depicted as a function o
Complexation of copper(II) in organic soils and in dissolved organic matter - EXAFS evidence for chelate ring structures
Associations with functional groups of natural organic matter (NOM) are of great importance for bioavailability, toxicity, and mobility of trace metals in soils and waters. In this study, the coordination chemistry of copper, Cu(II), in organic soils and dissolved organic matter (DOM) from soils and streams was investigated by extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy. In both
Charged particle multiplicity and pseudorapidity density distributions in 16O-, 28Si- and 197Au-induced nuclear interactions at 14.6 and 11.6A GeV/c
Pseudorapidity density and multiplicity distributions of charged particles produced in heavy-ion collisions at the BNL AGS have been studied. The multiplicity distributions and pseudorapidity distributions of shower particles in Au-induced interactions are presented and compared with model predictions from RQMD, FRITIOF and VENUS. It is shown that the widths of the pseudorapidity distributions of
Pyridine Adsorption on Single-Layer Iron Phthalocyanine on Au(111)
The adsorption of pyridine on monolayers of well-ordered, flat-lying iron phthalocyanine molecules on Au(111) is investigated by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and density functional theory. It is found that pyridine both coordinates to the iron site of iron phthalocyanine and binds weakly to other sites. The iron coordination causes significant changes in the ele
Integrated protein array screening and high throughput validation of 70 novel neural calmodulin binding proteins
Calmodulin is an essential regulator of intracellular processes in response to extracellular stimuli mediated by a rise in Ca(2+) ion concentration. To profile protein-protein interactions of calmodulin in human brain, we probed a high content human protein array with fluorophore-labelled calmodulin in the presence of Ca(2+). This protein array contains 37,200 redundant proteins, incorporating ove
Transcatheter implantation of the biological Sapien Edwards valve in the pulmonary position - first experiences
We present the first in Poland, and among the first in Europe, cases of transcatheter implantation of the biological Sapien Edwards valve in the pulmonary position. The valves were implanted successfully without periprocedural complications in 2 patients with postoperative right ventricular outflow tract dysfunction.
Epidemiology of nontuberculous mycobacteria among patients with cystic fibrosis in Scandinavia.
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are an emerging threat to cystic fibrosis (CF) patients but their epidemiology is not well described.
Powerful scriptable ray tracing package xrt
We present an open source python based ray tracing tool that offers several useful features in graphical presentation, material properties, advanced calculations of synchrotron sources, implementation of diffractive and refractive elements, complex (also closed) surfaces and multiprocessing. The package has many usage examples which are supplied together with the code and visualized on its web pag
Lower vitamin D levels are associated with depression among community-dwelling European men
Low serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) and elevated parathyroid hormone (PTH) Levels have been linked with depressive symptoms among adults in various clinical settings. Data in generally healthy, community-dwelling individuals remain inconclusive. We investigated whether depression was associated with 25(OH)D and/or PTH in a sample of middle-aged and older men (n = 3369; mean age 60 +/- 11) part