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Reasons and Two Kinds of Fact

Reasons are facts, i.e., they are constituted by facts. This “reason quo fact” claim is much endorsed in recent literature. This paper addresses some issues that arise when we apply this idea to the distinction between agent-neutral and agent-relative normative reasons. I shall mainly consider two views of the nature of facts. Given a popular view, which conceives of facts as abstract entities, th

Microwaves from Mobile Phones Inhibit 53BP1 Focus Formation in Human Stem Cells More Strongly Than in Differentiated Cells: Possible Mechanistic Link to Cancer Risk

BACKGROUND: It is widely accepted that DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) and their misrepair in stem cells are critical events in the multistage origination-of various leukemias and tumors, including gliomas. OBJECTIVES: We studied whether microwaves from mobile telephones of the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM) and the Universal Global Telecommunications System (UMTS) induce DSBs or aff

Who suffers from unemployment? The role of health and skills

Unemployment swings have distributional consequences if some groups are hit harder than others. We examine if the sensitivity to local unemployment rates varies by characteristics such as health, cognitive ability and non-cognitive ability. Data on these variables come from registers covering the entire Swedish population of males. We show that variations in the unemployment rate are associated wi

Depression in Dercum's disease and in obesity: A case control study

Background: Dercum's disease is characterised by pronounced pain in the adipose tissue and a number of associated symptoms. The condition is usually accompanied by generalised weight gain. Many of the associated symptoms could also be signs of depression. Depression in Dercum's disease has been reported in case reports but has never been studied using an evidence-based methodology. The aim of this

Agreement of two-dimensional and three-dimensional transvaginal ultrasound with magnetic resonance imaging in assessment of parametrial infiltration in cervical cancer

Objectives To compare two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) transvaginal ultrasound with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) as the gold standard in assessment of parametrial infiltration of cervical cancer and to determine if all parts of the cervix are equally assessable with ultrasound. Methods Patients with macroscopically evident and histologically confirmed cervical cancer were staged

Massive MIMO in Real Propagation Environments: Do All Antennas Contribute Equally?

Massive MIMO can greatly increase both spectral and transmit-energy efficiency. This is achieved by allowing the number of antennas and RF chains to grow very large. However, the challenges include high system complexity and hardware energy consumption. Here we investigate the possibilities to reduce the required number of RF chains, by performing antenna selection. While this approach is not a ve

Structure changes in Er-160 from low to ultrahigh spin

A spectroscopic investigation of the gamma decays from excited states in Er-160 has been performed in order to study the changing structural properties exhibited from low spin up toward ultrahigh spin (I similar to 60 h). The nucleus Er-160 was populated by the reaction Cd-116(Ca-48,4n gamma) at a beam energy of 215 MeV, and resulting gamma decays were studied using the Gammasphere spectrometer. N

Laminar burning velocities of n-heptane, iso-octane, ethanol and their binary and tertiary mixtures

Measurements of the adiabatic laminar burning velocities of n-heptane, iso-octane, ethanol and their binary and tertiary mixtures are reported. Non-stretched flames were stabilized on a perforated plate burner at 1 atm. The Heat Flux method was used to determine burning velocities under conditions when the net heat loss from the flame to the burner is zero. Initial temperatures of the gas mixtures

The Ferrum project: experimental and theoretical transition rates of forbidden [Sc II] lines and radiative lifetimes of metastable Sc II levels

Context. In many plasmas, long-lived metastable atomic levels are depopulated by collisions (quenched) before they decay radiatively. In low-density regions, however, the low collision rate may allow depopulation by electric dipole (E1) forbidden radiative transitions, so-called forbidden lines (mainly M1 and E2 transitions). If the atomic transition data are known, these lines are indicators of p

On Microstructural Analysis of Porous Media Existing in Fuel Cells Using the Lattice Boltzmann Method

This Licentiate thesis aims to gain understanding related to the fluid behavior in porous media existent in fuel cells (FCs) at microscale. In order to achieve this; the widely used methodology for solving problems in porous media has been applied, the Lattice Boltzmann Method (LBM). LBM presents several advantages to solve problems where the microstructural architecture is complex. The introduc

Genomics based analysis of interactions between developing B-lymphocytes and stromal cells reveal complex interactions and two-way communication

Background: The use of functional genomics has largely increased our understanding of cell biology and promises to help the development of systems biology needed to understand the complex order of events that regulates cellular differentiation in vivo. One model system clearly dependent on the integration of extra and intra cellular signals is the development of B-lymphocytes from hematopoietic st

Multi-target Tracking Using on-line Viterbi Optimisation and Stochastic Modelling

To study and compare the safety of intersection, traffic scientists today typically manually monitor the intersection during several days and count how often certain events such as evasive manoeuvres occur. This is a laboursome and costly procedure. The aim of this thesis is to provide tools that can reduce the amount of manual labour required by using automated video analytics. Two methods for cr

Genomic profiling of breast cancer by microarray-based technology and bioinformatics

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bröstcancer är den vanligaste cancerformen bland kvinnor i Sverige. Mer än 7000 kvinnor insjuknar varje år i bröstcancer, och cirka 1500 dör i sjukdomen. Incidensen av bröstcancer har stigit kontinuerligt sedan 1970-talet, och man uppskattar att en av tio kvinnor i Sverige kommer att utveckla bröstcancer någon gång under sin livstid. Den relativa överlevnaden i sjukdomeCancer is a genetic disease that arises when a cell acquires unlimited growth potential through a series of mutational events, which target genes essential for normal cell control and maintenance. Breast cancer is one of the most frequent malignancies in women worldwide, and it is characterized by heterogeneous tumor biology, histological subtypes, variable prognosis and variable responsiveness to

High-Quality Spatio-Temporal Rendering using Semi-Analytical Visibility

We present a novel visibility algorithm for rendering motion blur with per-pixel anti-aliasing. Our algorithm uses a number of line samples over a rectangular group of pixels, and together with the time dimension, a two-dimensional spatio-temporal visibility problem needs to be solved per line sample. In a coarse culling step, our algorithm first uses a bounding volume hierarchy to rapidly remove

Conformity assessment for machine graded timber by using output control

In the Nordic countries machine strength grading of structural timber is becoming increasingly important. A new standard, EN 14081, which allows CE-marking of strength graded structural timber was recently accepted. This standard allows both machinecontrol and output control as methods for controlling the graded timber. Machine control is most commonly used in Europe. The project reported here dea