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Your search for "*" yielded 528139 hits

Coercion in psychiatric care - patients' and relatives' experiences from four Swedish psychiatric services

The aim of this study was to explore possible regional differences in the use of coercion in psychiatric care as experienced by patients and relatives. At four psychiatric care settings in different parts of Sweden, 138 committed and 144 voluntarily admitted patients were interviewed at admission using the Nordic Admission Interview. At discharge or, if the care episode was still ongoing, after 3

MHC, health, color, and reproductive success in sand lizards

Good genes" are genetic elements that contribute to lifetime reproductive success, regardless of an individual's additional genotype. Their existence is debated, and most work has targeted their viability benefits to the offspring of choosy females. In the present study, we analyze a case of potential good genes effects in adult male sand lizards ( Lacerta agilis). We show that males with a partic

On the numerical evaluation of stress intensity factors for an interface crack of a general shape

A numerical algorithm is presented for the problem of a crack along the interface of an elastic inclusion embedded in an elastic plane subjected to uniform stress at infinity. The algorithm is based on a Fredholm integral equation of the second kind and allows for fast and accurate solutions to geometries of great complexity. In an example crack opening displacement and stress intensity factors ar

Role of complement and complement regulators in the removal of apoptotic cells

Apoptosis, followed by rapid phagocytic clearance, is the primary mechanism by which organisms dispose of unwanted cells. The intracellular and extracellular composition of an apoptotic cell changes to decrease immunogenicity and enhance its uptake. By changing their extracellular composition, apoptotic cells acquire the capacity to bind complement initiation molecules such as C1q and MBL. Binding

Modes and moods of mobility : tourists and commuters

What can we learn from comparing different modes and moods of travel, among, for example, tourists and commuters? This paper contrasts these two very different kinds of mobility, and the ways in which they organise both motion and emotion. It is not only a question about how people interact with various systems of transport, but also how materialities and affects work together. An important topic

Three-dimensional dynamics of a fermionic Mott wedding-cake in clean and disordered optical lattices

Non-equilibrium quantum phenomena are ubiquitous in nature. Yet, theoretical predictions on the real-time dynamics of many-body quantum systems remain formidably challenging, especially for high dimensions, strong interactions or disordered samples. Here we consider a notable paradigm of strongly correlated Fermi systems, the Mott phase of the Hubbard model, in a setup resembling ultracold-gases e

Long-term changes in vegetation and soil chemistry in a calcareous and sandy semi-natural grassland

Calcicole plant species are vulnerable to acidification and fertilization, caused by deposition and changes in land use, since they are adapted to nutrient-poor calcareous conditions. In this study we used vegetation data (vascular plants, bryophytes and lichens) from 1964 and 1985 and stored soil samples from 1966 to investigate long-term soil chemistry and vegetation changes in a semi-natural, s

At the frontiers of surgery: review

The complete surgical removal of disease is a desirable outcome particularly in oncology. Unfortunately much disease is microscopic and difficult to detect causing a liability to recurrence and worsened overall prognosis with attendant costs in terms of morbidity and mortality. It is hoped that by advances in optical diagnostic technology we could better define our surgical margin and so increase

Microbial growth responses upon rewetting soil dried for four days or one year

A pulse of respiration is induced by rewetting dry soil. Here we study the microbial responses underlying this pulse of respiration when rewetting soil dried for 4-days or 1-year. In the 4-days dried soil, respiration increased to a maximum rate immediately upon rewetting after which it decreased exponentially. In the 1-year dried soil, respiration also increased immediately, but then remained hig

Search for single b*-quark production with the ATLAS detector at root s=7 TeV

The results of a search for an excited bottom-quark b* in pp collisions at root s = 7 TeV, using 4.7 fb(-1) of data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. In the model studied, a single b*-quark is produced through a chromomagnetic interaction and subsequently decays to a W boson and a top quark. The search is performed in the dilepton and lepton + jets final states, which are c

Chemical abundances of 11 bulge stars from high-resolution, near-IR spectra

Context. It is debated whether the Milky Way bulge has characteristics more similar to those of a classical bulge than those of a pseudobulge. Detailed abundance studies of bulge stars are important when investigating the origin, history, and classification of the bulge. These studies provide constraints on the star-formation history, initial mass function, and differences between stellar populati

Search for dark matter in events with heavy quarks and missing transverse momentum in [Formula: see text] collisions with the ATLAS detector.

This article reports on a search for dark matter pair production in association with bottom or top quarks in [Formula: see text] of [Formula: see text] collisions collected at [Formula: see text] TeV by the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Events with large missing transverse momentum are selected when produced in association with high-momentum jets of which one or more are identified as jets containing

Incorporating double copies of a chromatin insulator into lentiviral vectors results in less viral integrants

Background: Lentiviral vectors hold great promise as gene transfer vectors in gene therapeutic settings. However, problems related to the risk of insertional mutagenesis, transgene silencing and positional effects have stalled the use of such vectors in the clinic. Chromatin insulators are boundary elements that can prevent enhancer-promoter interactions, if placed between these elements, and prot

The Gaia inertial reference frame and the tilting of the Milky Way disk

While the precise relationship between the Milky Way disk and the symmetry planes of the dark matter halo remains somewhat uncertain, a time-varying disk orientation with respect to an inertial reference frame seems probable. Hierarchical structure formation models predict that the dark matter halo is triaxial and tumbles with a characteristic rate of similar to 2 rad H-0(-1) (similar to 30 mu as

Access to high-quality oncology care across Europe

Oncology care in Europe is facing challenging circumstances. The report aims to derive evidence-based policy recommendations on how to optimize access to oncology care and how to achieve a high-quality standard that is both achievable and sustainable. The report looks at the full cancer patient pathway encompassing primary prevention, screening, diagnostics and treatment. Special emphasis is plac

Speech is Silver; Silence is Golden

This paper experimentally investigates free-riding behavior on communication cost in a coordination game and finds strong indications of such free-riding. Firstly,the subjects wait for others to send a message when communication is costly, which does not happen when communication is costless. Secondly, the proportion of games where no communication or one-way communication takes place is much high