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Få betalt för att bo

Prisutvecklingen på bostäder är något som väcker intresse på nationellt och individuellt plan. Mellan år 2008 och 2018 har kvadratmeterpriset och den genomsnittliga köpeskillingen för bostadsrätter fördubblats. Den expansiva värdeökningen är förenad med risker kopplade till hushållens skuldsättning som ökat i en snabb takt och därmed även ökat den finansiella sårbarheten. Ett alternativt sätt att Few markets are followed with such a great interest as the housing market. The development of house prices is something that intrigues on a national and an individual level, since properties are often seen as the most valuable asset in a household. Prices for co-operative apartments in Sweden have practically doubled in 2018 compared with 2008. The increasing trend in house prices is united with r

The Threats of Brand Rejuvenation: The Land Rover Defender Case

Introduction: Brand rejuvenation stands for bringing brand up-to-date. Any brand might face at some point an aging issue. One way to handle this issue is to perform brand rejuvenation. However, the process of brand rejuvenation is not a simple process for the company. There are various aspects that might affect the process which can turn into negative results. In this paper, we investigated the La

Effects of Microwave and Enzyme Treatments on the Softness of Barley Kernels

The present master thesis was performed in cooperation with the company “Aventure AB”. The company’s R&D department envisioned a new yoghurt-based product able to decrease the blood glucose levels after a meal. The innovative characteristic of the product is due to the diet fibers of the barley grain, which is going to be incorporated inside the yoghurt. The preliminary experiments which were

Good CEO Hunting - A study of a CEOs effect on innovation

Title: Good CEO Hunting; A study of a CEOs effect on innovation Seminar date: 17/01/2020 Course: FEKH19, Degree Project Undergraduate level, Business Administration, 15 ECTS-cr Authors: Camilla Eljuri Nylander, Julia Bergsten, Nicolina Hintze, Tor Enander Advisor: Devrim Göktepe-Hultén Keywords: Innovation, R&D, agency-theory, CEO, shareholders, RDI Purpose: The purpose of the study aims to ex

Huset i skogen

Mitt examensarbete är en undersökning av hur jag själv går till väga för att gestalta ett fritidshus åt mig själv. Vad blir de svåraste valen och vilka beslut kommer jag att ta under arbetets gång. Vad skiljer mellan ett permanentboende och ett fritidshus? Min vision är att fritidshuset ska bli självförsörjande och byggas med naturliga material. Jag har hämtat inspiration från de småländska torpen

Pragmatism eller narkotikaliberalism : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av debatten om sprututbyte och skadelindring i svenska dagstidningar 2016–2018

The Swedish needle exchange debate was revived when regulations for opening new needle exchange facilities were lightened 2017. Needle exchange has been debated over ever since it was introduced in the mid 80’s. With the contemporary debate as a premise the aim of this study was to see if the arguments for and against needle exchange has changed. The chosen method for the study was a qualitative c

Trafficking – ett hot mot vem?

Human trafficking, also known as modern day slavery, is a grave violation of the human rights. Approximately 40,5 million people are every year being trafficked around the world. But trafficking is not only a violation of the human rights – it is also a criminal and security concern. Trafficking can, among other things, urge conflict by enabeling extremist and armed groups to increase their capabi

”Både och” eller ”varken eller” / En kvalitativ studie om att leva med dubbla kulturtillhörigheter

Our globalized world has caused many cultures to merge which has led to a society in which a lot of individuals are part of more than one culture. The aim of this study is to examine what difficulties that come with having multiple cultural belongings. The study is based on individual narratives, uploaded on different podcast platforms, that have different cultural backgrounds but are a part of th

Lägg ditt liv i händerna på ett system som glömmer bort dig: Om gestaltandet av suicidprevention i nyhetsmedia

The aim of this study was to investigate how suicide prevention is socially constructed in the news media discourse of Swedish newspapers. A total of 14 articles published in Swedish newspapers concerning suicide prevention were analyzed. The method used for this study was a qualitative text analysis. This study has a social constructivist approach and the theoretical framework is composed of fram

Wildfire decadal and short-term effects on beetle community composition in a boreal, old-growth forest

Skogsbränder – mångfaldens röda riddare? Skogsbränder är ett återkommande och viktigt fenomen i naturen som har påverkat de flesta ekosystem i både tid och rum. Många organismer har anpassat sig till detta, vilket kan ses i olika anpassningar och det är allmänt vedertaget att bränder har spelat en evolutionärt avgörande roll hos många arter. I boreala ekosystem som utgör större delen av Skandinav


The baker’s yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae (S. cerevisiae) was studied and genetically engineered. This was to enhance the transamination step of the biochemical reaction cascade towards the production of capsaicin. Inherent reductases were identified and twelve of them knocked out via homologous recombination. Using the CRISPR/Cas9 technology, the Green Fluorescence Protein (GFP) gene was introd

A Novel Perceptual Metric in Deep Learning

Förmågan att återskapa förvrängda bilder på ett effektivt sätt har länge varit ett mål inom datorgrafik och bildanalys. I vårt examensarbete, i samarbete med NVIDIA, har vi tittat på ett nytt tillvägagångsätt för detta problem inom maskininlärning och jämfört detta med redan existerande metoder.Loss functions are a crucial part of image processing when using modern neural networks, trained with stochastic gradient descent. There exist multiple loss functions today, some claiming to be perceptual. Researchers at NVIDIA recently published a proposal of such a metric called FLIP. This led to our work on this thesis where we present a comparison between multiple loss functions, both establis

Kvinnliga missbrukares livsstilar : Behandlingsassistenters uppfattningar om identitet och sociala regler bland kvinnor som vårdas på LVM-hem.

The aim of this study was to explore how treatment assistants at a treatment home perceived the identity of the women cared for at the treatment home. The aim was also to explore how treatment assistants perceived the women’s approach to social rules. The method chosen for this study was qualitative interviews with five treatment assistants. The treatment assistants worked with compulsive care at

The story that I was never told

Winston Churchill once said “democracy is the worst form of government except for all those other forms that have been tried from time to time”. Can this sentence be related to economic growth and development? This thesis analyzes the economic outcomes of the two main political regimes (Democracy and Dictatorship) in the developing world and discovers that Churchill’s words cannot be applied for l

Principal Component Analyses of Final States in Relativistic Nuclear Collisions using PYTHIA/Angantyr

We develop a program to perform a principal component analysis of flow fluctuations using simulations of nuclear collisions produced by the PYTHIA/Angantyr event generator. We consider both p+p and p+Pb collision events and study the leading and subleading modes of the second flow harmonic. The analysis is carried out using two different definitions of the flow matrix which differ in their sensiti

“Korsar jag väg med fel creep så är det ju kört” En metodkombinerad studie om kvinnors upplevelse av säkerhet vid användande av Tinder/Badoo

This study aims to examine how women, between the ages 18-30, experience the safety during the usage of the dating apps Tinder/Badoo. The study also aims to examine which possible factors that can comprise the experience of safety during the usage. The reason behind this is based on the wide range that this type of dating has gotten over the past several years. Previous studies have mainly been fo

Bokens klimatavtryck - en undersökning av tre svenska förlags miljöarbete

Syftet med uppsatsen är att ta reda på hur de tre största bokförlagen i Sverige arbetar med miljöfrågor kring produktion av tryckta böcker. Uppsatsens underlag är hämtad från Bonnierförlagens, Norstedts och Natur & Kulturs hemsidor. Denna information kompletteras med intervjuer med representanter från förlagen samt ett antal personer med kunskap inom miljöfrågor. De teorier som används är legi

Med vapen som livförsäkring: en kvalitativ studie av vapeninnehav i Malmö

Sweden has in recent years seen an uprising in gun-use within socioeconomically weak areas and within gangs. Currently, political discourse circle around dissecting the matter of illegal weaponry attempting to find a way in which to curb deadly violence. This study aims to create an understanding of the mechanics between the law and the criminal sub-world with the help of looking at the effects of

What are the key enabling factors for sustainable innovative environment in healthcare?

Background: The more varied and new challenges that the healthcare sector faces every day, calls for modernization and reorganization. However, the healthcare sector is commonly understood to be slow to adapt to change. It is therefore important to understand and identify the enabling factors for the implementation of innovation, by giving voice to healthcare practitioners concerns, considering th