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Paleolithic diets
If, as indicated by some studies, prudent diets such as the Mediterranean or DASH diets can be further improved, an evolutionary approach may be helpful. Paleolithic diets represent the food habits during more than two million years of hominid and human evolution before the development of agriculture. Fruits, tubers, nuts, lean meat, larvae, insects, fish, shellfish, eggs, honey, and a large varie
Using the thermal mass of a building to reduce the magnitude of the peak power demand of the primary heating system : A whole building simulation with parametric analysis
The idea of using the thermal mass of a building to maintain a more constant indoor climate is not new. This particular propertyof a building, including its exterior envelope, plays an important part in the reduction of peak power demands, which is becomingan increasingly urgent issue for the heating energy suppliers. The latest smart-grid technology creates new opportunities wherecommunication be
Navigating the Activity Based Working Environment : Relationships of self-leadership, autonomy and information richness with cognitive stress and performance
In Activity Based Working Environment (ABWE) offices, employees are allowed increased autonomy and are expected to choose where, when, with whom, and to some degree with what, to work; in other words, employees are expected to self-lead to a higher degree and to coordinateand align with colleagues. Effectsof these expectations on employees’cognitive stress and performanceare understudied. In the p
Syndicated Lending: The Role of Relationships for the Retained Share
The finance literature offers ambiguous predictions about the impact of lending relationships on the share retained by lead arrangers in syndicated loans. While some literature indicates that lending relationships can help to alleviate post contractual agency conflicts, others imply that relationship lead arrangers may use their information advantage to exploit syndicate participants. Using syndic
A protein complex from human milk enhances the activity of antibiotics and drugs against Mycobacterium tuberculosis
Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the causative agent of human tuberculosis (TB), has surpassed HIV/AIDS as the leading cause of death from a single infectious agent. The increasing occurrence of drug-resistant strains has become a major challenge for health care systems and, in some cases, has rendered TB untreatable. However, the development of new TB drugs has been plagued with high failure rates and
Electrical Properties of Vertical InAs/InGaAs Heterostructure MOSFETs
Vertical InAs/InGaAs nanowire MOSFETs are fabricated in a gate-last fabrication process, which allows gate-lengths down to 25 nm and accurate gate-alignment. These devices demonstrate high performance with transconductance of 2.4 mS/μm, high on-current, and off-current below 1 nA/μm. An in-depth analysis of the heterostructure MOSFETs are obtained by systematically varying th
Test method for de-icing salt-frost scaling in high-performance concrete
This paper describes a de-icing salt-frost scaling test method for analysis of the salt-frost scaling behaviour in high-performance concrete with various binders. The method was therefore designed to result in considerable scaling damage for the concrete considered to be salt-frost resistant. In addition, the experimental set-up was designed to avoid leakage, and to allow testing of a large number
Facilitators to support the implementation of injury prevention training in youth handball - A concept mapping approach
There is a need for research to identify effective implementation strategies for injury prevention training within real-world community sports. The aim of this ecological participatory study was to identify facilitators, among stakeholders at multiple levels, that could help injury prevention training become part of regular training routines in youth team handball. Concept mapping, a mixed-method
The multifaceted role of complement in kidney transplantation
Increasing evidence indicates an integral role for the complement system in the deleterious inflammatory reactions that occur during critical phases of the transplantation process, such as brain or cardiac death of the donor, surgical trauma, organ preservation and ischaemia–reperfusion injury, as well as in humoral and cellular immune responses to the allograft. Ischaemia is the most common cause
Normalisering och rättigheter
Från omsorgstagare till medborgare
Nursing homes with Lifestyle profiles - part of the marketisation of Swedish eldercare
The Development of MPI Modeling in Pythia
Many of the basic ideas in multiparton interaction (MPI) phenomenology were first developed in the context of the Pythia event generator, and MPIs have been central in its modeling of both minimum-bias (MB) and underlying-event physics in one unified framework. This chapter traces the evolution towards an increasingly sophisticated description of MPIs in Pythia, including topics such as the orderi
Validation of an interview-only version of the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS) in treatment-seeking youth with obsessive-compulsive disorder
There is a growing body of evidence suggesting that individuals with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) may be sub-typed along different symptom dimensions. These dimensions may help explain responsiveness to current treatments. The Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale (DY-BOCS) is a validated instrument involving a self-report screening tool followed by a structured interview in whi
Circular building materials : Carbon saving potential and the role of business model innovation and public policy
Buildings are responsible for a third of global greenhouse gas emissions, with much of their life cycle impacts stemming from embodied impacts of building materials. Both at EU and Member State level, circular economy and resource efficiency policies are promoting production of lower-impact building materials with secondary material input. However, secondary material strategies do not result in ca
Sex Differences in the Methylome and Transcriptome of the Human Liver and Circulating HDL-Cholesterol Levels
Context: Epigenetics may contribute to sex-specific differences in human liver metabolism. Objective: To study the impact of sex on DNA methylation and gene expression in human liver. Design/Setting: Cross-sectional, Kuopio Obesity Surgery Study. Participants/Intervention: We analyzed DNA methylation with the Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip in liver of an obese population (34 males, 61 femal
Kunskap och demokrati i EU-kommuner
Artikeln argumentet för att kommuner i EU har särskilda karaktärsdrag som kommuner utanför EU saknar, och att kunskapsbrist om detta leder till ett demokratiskt underskott i kommunerna.