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Noninvasive Monitoring of Subsurface Soil Conditions to Evaluate the Efficacy of Mole Drain in Heavy Clay Soils

Soil degradation and low productivity are among the major agricultural problems facing farmers of the newly reclaimed agricultural area in the Nile Delta region, Egypt. High content of clay and silt characterizes the soil texture of all farms in the area, while farmers still rely on the traditional mole drainage (MD) system to reduce the salinity of the farm soil. We present a comparison of innova

Economic Burden of Palmoplantar Pustulosis in Sweden : A Population-based Register Study

The aim of this study was to estimate the economic burden of palmoplantar pustulosis, a chronic relapsing skin condition commonly occurring in combination with psoriasis vulgaris. Using data from the Swedish National Patient Register and Swedish Prescribed Drug Register for 2015, the study estimated all-cause and palmoplantar pustulosis-specific healthcare resource use (inpatient stays, physician

The Rise of the Issue of Law and Order in Sweden

In recent times there has been a general trend of shifting party competition, with new issues being brought to the foreground. Sweden has undergone multiple changes, both societal and political, paving the way for the issue of law and order to emerge. This thesis examines how the said issue has helped the right-wing populist party, the Sweden Democrats, reinforce their position in the general elec

Efter EU-inträdet: konsekvenser för svensk demokrati

The purpose of this paper is to empirically study the consequences of Swedish democracy after the entry to the European Union. This is done by comparing the years of 1990 and 2003, since Sweden became a EU-member 1995 after the referendum in 1994. To study the changes in the democratic process are Robert Dahl’s five criterias for democracy used. The result shows that the major democratic problem i

Hur påverkar hemlöshet möjligheten att delta i demokratiska val i Sverige?

År 2017 levde cirka 33 000 människor i Sverige i hemlöshet. Av dessa var drygt 19 000 vuxna svenska medborgare och hade således rösträtt i de svenska riksdagsvalen. Sverige har en lagstiftning som syftar till att göra valsystemet mycket tillgängligt, vilket kan vara en av anledningarna till att Sverige generellt sett har ett högt valdeltagande i riksdagsvalen. Inför de senaste valen har dock olika

General anesthesia in early childhood and possible association with autism : a population-based matched cohort study

BACKGROUND: In experimental animal studies, exposure to general anesthesia in early childhood may results in changes in infant brain morphology and behavior, potentially leading to the development of autistic behaviors in the long-term. However, in clinical studies the role of exposure to general anesthesia in early childhood and the risk of autism is unknown. METHODS: This is a population-based c

Introduction to special section : Causes and consequences of the current evaluation regime in (academic) science

Evaluation is ubiquitous in current (academic) science, to the extent that it is relevant to talk about an evaluation regime. How did it become this way? And what does it mean for scientists, groups, organizations, and fields? Picking up on the inspiring debate in a previous issue of this journal, four articles in this special section go deeper in studying the causes and consequences of the curren

What's on your boots : An investigation into the role we play in protist dispersal

D. M. Wilkinson (2010, Journal of Biogeography, 37, 393-397) suggested that anthropogenic dispersal is an understudied and potentially important factor in terrestrial protist biogeography. We investigated human footwear as a potential vector of dictyostelids, a diverse group of amoebae that includes both geographically restricted and cosmopolitan species. Eighteen pairs of boots were examined and

Five new species of dictyostelid social amoebae (Amoebozoa) from Thailand

Background: Dictyostelid cellular slime molds (dictyostelids) are common inhabitants of the soil and leaf litter layer of fields and forests, along with animal dung, where they feed mostly on bacteria. However, reports on the species diversity of dictyostelids in South Asia, particularly Thailand, are limited. The research reported in this paper was carried out to increase our knowledge of the spe

Reinforcing Europol’s mandate: a case study of the recent power extention of the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation

This study investigates the explanatory power of Liberal Intergovernmentalism and Neofunctionalism on reinforcing Europol’s mandate. More specifically, this thesis studies two EU regulations 2022/991 and 1190/2022 with a focus on Sweden’s position and applies Theory-testing Process-tracing as a method to investigate the case. The findings show that the hypotheses derived from Liberal Intergovernme

Är Turkiet en revisionistisk stat?

Revisionism is a widespread phenomenon in international relations – it questions why and how states grow dissatisfied with the international order and seek to pursue their broader interests. Since Adalet ve Kalknma Partisi (AKP) took power in 2002, Türkiye has gained significant self-confidence. Building upon that notion, questions concerning Türkiye’s revisionist tendencies have been raised. On t

The Islamic State: Reconceptualizing Statehood

This thesis provides a qualitative text analysis of the Islamic State’s statehood claims in order to examine how they challenge the conventionally accepted Western notion of statehood. The thesis focuses on the Islamic State’s own claims of statehood as it identifies itself and sculpts its alternative definition of state, as illustrated in primary material including speeches, videos, articles, and

Exploring non-immersive virtual reality experiences in tourism : Empirical evidence from a world heritage site

With the popularization of the concept of the metaverse, non-immersive virtual reality (VR) has become a focus of tourism destination marketing. Drawing upon telepresence theory, this study identifies the antecedents and consequences of telepresence to help interpret tourist behavior in the context of non-immersive VR experience. Results revealed that mental imagery and vividness positively predic