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Your search for "*" yielded 528937 hits

Hand eczema and occupational contact allergies in healthcare workers with a focus on rubber additives

Background: Hand eczema (HE) in healthcare workers (HCWs) is common. Besides wet work, healthcare work also implies exposure to contact allergens. Objectives: To assess HE and contact allergy related to occupational exposures in HCWs. Methods: In a cross-sectional study, 311 HCWs with HE within the preceding 12 months and a control group of 114 HCWs without HE were investigated with the baseline s

Favorable effect of mycorrhizae on biomass production efficiency exceeds their carbon cost in a fertilization experiment

Biomass production efficiency (BPE), the ratio of biomass production to photosynthesis, varies greatly among ecosystems and typically increases with increasing nutrient availability. Reduced carbon partitioning to mycorrhizal fungi (i.e., per unit photosynthesis) is the hypothesized underlying mechanism, as mycorrhizal abundance and plant dependence on these symbionts typically decrease with incre

Direct observation of aliphatic structures in soot particles produced in low-pressure premixed ethylene flames via online Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectra of soot particles were monitored in the gaseous flow extracted from the burning regions of two low-pressure premixed ethylene flames, for the first time. The flame conditions were chosen to explore the diversity of soot nanostructure in slightly sooting flames. Evaluation of the Raman spectral parameters revealed that the soot particles exhibited a strongly disordered structure and a

GABPA inhibits invasion/metastasis in papillary thyroid carcinoma by regulating DICER1 expression

The ETS family transcription factor GABPA is suggested as an oncogenic element, which is further supported by the recent reporting of it as the sole ETS member to activate the mutant TERT promoter in thyroid carcinomas (TC). However, it remains unclear how GABPA contributes to TC pathogenesis. The present study is designed to address this issue. TERT expression was significantly diminished in TERT

Investigating the Onset of Strain Localization Within Anisotropic Shale Using Digital Volume Correlation of Time-Resolved X-Ray Microtomography Images

Digital volume correlation analysis of time-resolved X-ray microtomography scans acquired during in situ triaxial compression of Green River shale cores provided time series of 3-D incremental strain fields that elucidated evolving deformation processes by quantifying microscopic strain localization. With these data, we investigated the impact of mechanical anisotropy on microscopic strain localiz

Impact of family history of cancer on risk and mortality of second cancers in patients with prostate cancer

Background: Survival rates are increasing in patients with prostate cancer, and second primary cancers (SPCs) are becoming more common in these patients. However, the etiology and clinical consequences of SPCs are not well-known. We define the impact of family history on SPC and causes of mortality in these patients. Patients and methods: A nation-wide cohort study based on the Swedish Family-Canc

Understanding climate resilience in Ghanaian cocoa communities – Advancing a biocultural perspective

This paper aims to contribute to the ongoing conceptual development and practical pursuit of resilience, the ability to absorb and respond to shocks, in an agricultural and climate change context. It builds on work that aims to dissolve the nature-society dualism and naturalisation of power relations inherent in systems thinking by developing and extending a framework originally conceived to integ

The rise and fall of scary numbers : The effect of perceived trends on future estimates, severity ratings, and help-allocations in a cancer context

Statistical information such as death risk estimates is frequently used for illustrating the magnitude of a problem. Such mortality statistics are however easier to evaluate if presented next to an earlier estimate, as the two data points together will illustrate an upward or downward change. How are people influenced by such changes? In seven experiments, participants read mortality statistics (e

EHS clinical guidelines on the management of the abdominal wall in the context of the open or burst abdomen

Purpose: To provide guidelines for all surgical specialists who deal with the open abdomen (OA) or the burst abdomen (BA) in adult patients both on the methods used to close the musculofascial layers of the abdominal wall, and regarding possible materials to be used. Methods: The guidelines were developed using the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation (GRADE) approach

Rethinking solidarity in European asylum law : A critical reading of the key concept in contemporary refugee policy

It is easy to get carried away with the rhetoric of solidarity. Rethinking solidarity aims to problematize the way that solidarity has been conceptualized and applied as a governing principle of EU asylum law and policy, in particular as a response to the 2015–2016 ‘refugee crisis’. Navigating through a family of ideas – from Aristotle’s philia, Christian agape, and Roman law to French solidarism,

Prospective evaluation of a combination of fungal biomarkers for the diagnosis of invasive fungal disease in high-risk haematology patients

We prospectively evaluated a combination of fungal biomarkers in adult haematology patients with focus on their clinical utility at different time points during the course of infection. In total, 135 patients were monitored once to twice weekly for serum (1-3)-ß-d-glucan (BG), galactomannan (GM), bis-methyl-gliotoxin and urinary d-arabinitol/l-arabinitol ratio. In all, 13 cases with proven or prob

Athlete’s Heart : Diagnostic Challenges and Future Perspectives

Distinguishing between adaptive and maladaptive cardiovascular response to exercise is crucial to prevent the unnecessary termination of an athlete’s career and to minimize the risk of sudden death. This is a challenging task essentially due to the substantial phenotypic overlap between electrical and structural changes seen in the physiological athletic heart remodeling and pathological changes s

Smart homes, home energy management systems and real-time feedback : Lessons for influencing household energy consumption from a Swedish field study

Home energy management systems (HEMS), providing energy feedback and smart features through in-home displays, have the potential to support more sustainable household decisions concerning energy consumption. However, recent findings from European smart metering trials have reduced the optimism, suggesting only modest savings from energy feedback. In this paper, we investigate the potential of HEMS

Thymic gene transfer of myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein ameliorates the onset but not the progression of autoimmune demyelination

Tolerance induction, and thus prevention of autoimmunity, is linked with the amount of self-antigen presented on thymic stroma. We describe that intrathymic (i.t.) delivery of the autoantigen, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG), via a lentiviral vector (LV), led to tolerance induction and prevented mice from developing fulminant experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). This protecti

Observation of H→bb¯ decays and VH production with the ATLAS detector

A search for the decay of the Standard Model Higgs boson into a bb¯ pair when produced in association with a W or Z boson is performed with the ATLAS detector. The data, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 79.8fb−1 were collected in proton–proton collisions during Run 2 of the Large Hadron Collider at a centre-of-mass energy of 13TeV. For a Higgs boson mass of 125GeV, an excess of events

Plasma amine oxidase

Copper-containing amine oxidases have been found in a wide range of eukaryotic cells of fungal, plant, and mammalian origin. 1 - 3 The Cu-AOs isolated from different tissues or phylae have many properties in common, but are distinctly different enzymes with respect to molecular characteristics and substrate specificity. This chapter will examine what is known about the Cu-AO which occurs in the pl

Numerical and experimental investigation of the cecost swirl burner

Clean technology has become a key feature due to increasing environmental concerns. Swirling flows, being directly associated with combustion performance and hence minimized pollutant formation, are encountered in most propulsion and power-generation combustion devices. In this study, the development process of the conceptual swirl burner developed at the Swedish National Centre for Combustion and