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Your search for "*" yielded 530378 hits

Nordic representations of North Korea : A study of newspaper sources

International media regularly portray North Korea as abnormal, run by a leadership depicted in turns as evil, incompetent, all-powerful, and farcical. Such representations provide reason for publics not to question American-led preferences, dominant until 2018, for sanctions and threats over dialogue when responding to weapons development. How does a region beyond the Asia-Pacific, home to potenti

Orbital cyclicity in sedimentary sequence and climatic indications of C-O isotopes from Lower Cretaceous in Qingxi Sag, Jiuquan Basin, NW China

Sedimentary deposits of the Lower Cretaceous Xiagou Formation form the most significant potential hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Qingxi Sag, Jiuquan Basin (NW China). Zircon U-Pb ages of the dated basalts at the top of the Xiagou Formation give an isochron age of 115.6 Ma, and the sedimentation interval of the Xiagou Formation was speculated to range from about 125/124 Ma to 115 Ma based on paleon

Stepwise onset of the Icehouse world and its impact on Oligo-Miocene Central Asian mammals

Central Asia is a key area to study the impact of Cenozoic climate cooling on continental ecosystems. One of the best places to search for rather continuous paleontological records is the Valley of Lakes in Mongolia with its outstandingly fossil-rich Oligocene and Miocene terrestrial sediments. Here, we investigate the response by mammal communities during the early stage of Earth's icehouse clima

Early Triassic conodonts of Jiarong, Nanpanjiang Basin, southern Guizhou Province, South China

Jiarong (Huishui County, Guizhou Province, South China) is a key locality for the study of the Early Triassic recovery after the end-Permian mass extinction. The size reduction of conodonts at the Smithian/Spathian transition was first documented in Jiarong, and it is also a locality that contributes to the documentation of the Early Triassic paleo-seawater temperatures. In the Jiarong sections, t

An Algorithm for Continuous-Time State Space Identification

We have developed a system identification algorithm to fit continuous-time state-space models to data. The methodology includes a continuous-time operator translation, permitting an algebraic reformulation and the use of subspace and realization algorithms. The new approach has proved effective in identification and modeling of ultrasonic echo applications.

Early Triassic conodonts and carbonate carbon isotope record of the Idrija-Žiri area, Slovenia

The first recovery of the conodont Hindeodus parvus from Žiri (Slovenia) a few years ago highlights this area for Early Triassic biostratigraphical study. Systematic sampling of five sections in the Idrija-Žiri area has yielded the new species Platyvillosus corniger sp. nov. and Neospathodus planus sp. nov. Based on these new species and other conodont elements collected here, nine discrete conod

Object Tracking with Measurements from Single or Multiple Cameras

To be able to determine the position of a static object in 3D space by means of computer vision, it has to be seen by cameras from at least two different view points. The same applies for measuring the position of a moving object based on images captured at one single time instant. However, if the cameras are not synchronized in time, or if a moving object is not visible in all images, one can not

Sex, hormonal factors and pancreatic cancer

Pancreatic cancer represents three percent of all incident cancer cases in developed countries, but stands the 7th most common cause of cancer related death. Worldwide, pancreatic cancer is more common among men, however in Sweden, the incidence ratio between sexes is levelling. Despite extensive research to map underlying risk factors, results are still largely inconclusive. Furthermore, there is

Investigations of Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow in the Pocket Region of a Gas Turbine Engine and Cooling of a Turbine Blade

In the present work, heat transfer within gas turbine applications are investigated bothexperimentally and numerically. The main content concerns heat transfer and fluidflow over the pocket region and cooling of a turbine blade.A pocket cavity is generated at the junction part of the low pressure turbine (LPT) andthe outlet guide vane (OGV) in the rear part of a gas turbine engine. The heat transf

Mixture effects in samples of multiple contaminants – An inter-laboratory study with manifold bioassays

Chemicals in the environment occur in mixtures rather than as individual entities. Environmental quality monitoring thus faces the challenge to comprehensively assess a multitude of contaminants and potential adverse effects. Effect-based methods have been suggested as complements to chemical analytical characterisation of complex pollution patterns. The regularly observed discrepancy between chem

The Singular Event of Jesus' Death in Early Christianity

This article looks to the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze in order to theorize the crucifixion of Jesus as event in early Christian literature. A Deleuzian view on the event is primarily articulated with the distinction between a sequential and a serial understanding of happenings, where the latter forms the basis for singular events. It is argued that Jesus' death is best considered a singular event

The calcium channel subunit gamma-4 is regulated by MafA and necessary for pancreatic beta-cell specification

Voltage-gated Ca2+ (CaV) channels trigger glucose-induced insulin secretion in pancreatic beta-cell and their dysfunction increases diabetes risk. These heteromeric complexes include the main subunit alpha1, and the accessory ones, including subunit gamma that remains unexplored. Here, we demonstrate that CaV gamma subunit 4 (CaVγ4) is downregulated in islets from human donors with diabetes, diabe

Experimental Observation of Crystal-Liquid Coexistence in Slit-Confined Nonpolar Fluids

Films of carbon tetrachloride (CCl 4 ) confined in slit geometry between two flat diamond substrates down to a few tens of Angstroms are studied by combining X-ray reflectivity with in-plane and out-of-plane X-ray scattering. The confined films form a heterogeneous structure with coexisting regions of liquid and crystalline phases. The liquid phase shows short-range ordering normal to the surfac

Effect of food intake on 92 oncological biomarkers by the Proseek Oncology II panel

Objective: To evaluates the effect of food intake on 92 oncological biomarkers to evaluate whether the timing of blood sampling could be relevant. Twenty-two healthy subjects were investigated. A total of 92 biomarkers were measured before a standardised meal as well as 30 and 120 min afterwards with the Proseek Multiplex Oncology II kit. Results: The levels of 6 biomarkers decreased significantly

Domain formation and self-sustained oscillations in quantum cascade lasers

Abstract: We study oscillations in quantum cascade lasers due to traveling electric field domains, which are observed both in simulations and experiments. These oscillations occur in a range of negative differential resistance and we clarify the condition determining whether the boundary between domains of different electric field can become stationary. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: s

Impact of ischaemic heart disease severity and age on risk of cardiovascular outcome in diabetes patients in Sweden : A nationwide observational study

Objectives To compare short-term cardiovascular (CV) outcome in type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients without ischaemic heart disease (IHD), with IHD but no prior myocardial infarction (MI), and those with prior MI; and assess the impact on risk of age when initiating first-time glucose-lowering drug (GLD). Design Cohort study linking morbidity, mortality and medication data from Swedish national registr