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Your search for "*" yielded 530925 hits

A(1) receptor deficiency causes increased insulin and glucagon secretion in mice

Adenosine influences metabolism and the adenosine receptor antagonist caffeine decreases the risk of type 2 diabetes. In this study the metabolic role of one adenosine receptor subtype, the adenosine A(1)R, was evaluated in mice lacking this receptor [A(1)R (-/-)]. The HbA1c levels and body weight were not significantly different between wild type [A(1)R (+/+)] and A(1)R (-/-) mice (3-4 months) fe

Concentrations of inorganic elements in 20 municipal waters in Sweden before and after treatment - links to human health

The water chemistry of 20 municipal water treatment plants in southern Sweden, representing various bedrock situations, and water qualities, were investigated. Four water samples, raw and treated. were collected from each plant and analyzed by predominantly ICP-OES and ICP-MS at four occasions from June to December, 2001. The concentrations of Ca, Mg. K.. Na, HCO3 and a number of micronutrients, v

The Use of SIMS and SEM for the Characterization of Individual Particles with a Matrix Originating from a Nuclear Weapon.

The application of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) for characterization of mixed plutonium and uranium particles from nuclear weapons material is presented. The particles originated from the so-called Thule accident in Greenland in 1968. Morphological properties have been studied by SEM and two groups were identified: a “popcorn” structure and a spongy

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Abstract in French Nous proposons ici des stades de développement du français acquis par les adultes suédophones, formulés comme profils grammaticaux d'apprenants à des niveaux différents. Cette proposition se fonde sur les résultats empiriques des travaux menés au sein de deux projets différents sur l'acquisition du français L2 des apprenants suédophones. À partir d'itinéraires acquisitionnels no

Binding of extracellular matrix molecules by staphylococci from wild herbivores

Nine strains of staphylococci were examined for their antibiotic resistance and for binding of seven extracellular matrix (ECM) molecules (bovine mucin, porcine mucin, porcine fibronectin, bovine fibrinogen, fetuin, bovine lactoferrin and heparin) immobilized on latex beads in the particle agglutination assay. All nine strains were resistant to bacitracin, and most of them were multiresistant. Fou

Fruit and vegetable consumption and pancreatic cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Many case-control studies have suggested that higher consumption of fruit and vegetables is associated with a lower risk or pancreatic cancer, whereas cohort studies do not support such an association. We examined the associations of the consumption of. fruits and vegetables and their main subgroups with pancreatic cancer risk within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition

Tourniquet compression: a non-invasive method to enhance nerve regeneration in nerve grafts.

One hindlimb of a rat was subjected to tourniquet compression (150, 200 and 300 mmHg; 2 h). After 6 days a 10 mm sciatic or tibial nerve graft from the compressed limb was sutured to bridge a 3-4 mm gap in the sciatic nerve of the non-compressed limb. The distances of regenerating sensory axons were measured 6 days post surgery (tibial grafts, 8 days). Compression at 200 and 300 mmHg led to signif

Extraction of rye bran by supercritical carbon dioxide: Influence of temperature, CO2, and cosolvent flow rates

Process parameter optimization for the supercritical CO2 extraction of rye bran to obtain alkylresorcinols (AR) was studied by carrying out a two-level fractional design experiment. Four parameters, temperature, CO2 flow rate, cosolvent percentage, and extraction time, presumed to influence the extraction process, were analyzed. A tentative fractionation of the crude extract was also carried out a

Partitioning of genetic variation in the weedy clonal herb Aegopodium podagraria (Apiaceae) in Sweden

Although sexual reproduction appears to be rare in many clonal plant species, the majority of clonal species show similar levels of genetic variation to non-clonal plant species. Aegopodium podagraria is a noxious garden weed and has become a successful invader in many natural habitats. Earlier studies have demonstrated population differentiation in life-history traits between different A. podagra

Bandwidth, Q factor, and resonance models of antennas

In this paper, we introduce a first order accurate resonance model based on a second order Pade approximation of the reflection coefficient of a narrowband antenna. The resonance model is characterized by its Q factor, given by the frequency derivative of the reflection coefficient. The Bode-Fano matching theory is used to determine the bandwidth of the resonance model and it is shown that it also

Development of Duffy transgenic mouse: in vivo expression of human Duffy gene with -33T -> C promoter mutation in non-erythroid tissues

Blood group Duffy gene (FY) promoter in Duffy-negative individuals contains a point mutation in the GATA1 protein-binding motif, which was suggested to be responsible for erythroid suppression of FY. We developed two transgenic mouse lines with FY from both Duffy phenotypes. Transgenic mice with FY from Duffy-positive phenotype expressed Duffy protein both in red blood cells (RBCs) and non-erythro

VEGF, VEGFR-1, and CTGF cell densities in tendon are increased-with cyclical loading: An in vivo tendinopathy model

Tendon injuries can occur in athletes and workers whose tasks involve repetitive, high-force hand activities, but the early pathophysiologic processes of tendinopathy are not well known. The purpose of this animal study was to evaluate the effects of cyclical tendon loading on the densities of cells producing growth factors such as vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), its receptor, vascular

Urinary excretion of a glucose-containing tetrasaccharide. A parameter for increased degradation of glycogen

The urinary excretion of a glucose-containing oligosaccharide, Glc alpha[1-6Glc alpha[1-4Glc alpha[1-4Glc, (Glc4) has been measured in various physiological and pathological conditions. The Glc4 content of 24 h samples from the same individual was relatively constant, whereas 2 h samples showed up to 4-fold variations in Glc4 concentration. This variation is associated mainly with increased excret

The importance of cofactors in the histologic progression of minimal and mild chronic hepatitis C

A follow-up liver biopsy was done 9-16 years (mean 12 years) after initial biopsy in 20 untreated Swedish patients infected with hepatitis C (8 men, 12 women; mean age 30 years at initial biopsy) in whom first biopsy had been classified as chronic persistent hepatitis. A significant progression of liver damage was found when using Histology Activity Index (HAI) scoring according to Knodell (p=0.00

Poor vessel formation in embryos from knock-in mice expressing ALK5 with L45 loop mutation defective in Smad activation

Transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta regulates vascular development through two type I receptors: activin receptor-like kinase (ALK) 1 and ALK5, each of which activates a different downstream Smad pathway. The endothelial cell (EC)-specific ALK1 increases EC proliferation and migration, whereas the ubiquitously expressed ALK5 inhibits both of these processes. As ALK1 requires the kinase activity