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Determination of the parton distribution functions of the proton from ATLAS measurements of differential W± and Z boson production in association with jets

This article presents a new set of proton parton distribution functions, ATLASepWZVjet20, produced in an analysis at next-to-next-to-leading order in QCD. The new data sets considered are the measurements of W+ and W− boson and Z boson production in association with jets in pp collisions at s = 8 TeV performed by the ATLAS experiment at the LHC with integrated luminosities of 20.2 fb−1 and 19.9 fb

Spatial analysis of domestic water use and rural livelihoods in a semi-arid African highland

Rural communities throughout sub-Sahara Africa are hampered by unequal access to water resources, economic markets, and transportation. Further, development programs do not always provide uniform access to water supply, especially in water scarce regions. With a growing concern over the limited supply of ecosystem services, the need to understand how the complex realities of water use is affected

Factor endowments, vent for surplus and involutionary process in rural developing economies

This article seeks to provide a new analytical framework based on factor endowments to understand growth in rural economies without structural transformation. More concretely, it explores the variation in farmers’ ability to respond to new commercial opportunities. To complement the extensive literature on the economic and institutional effects of factor endowments, this paper revisits two influen

Svenskt bokmuseum : "En påle i köttet"

Svenskt bokindustrimuseum initierades av Waldemar Zachrisson vid sekelskiftet 1900 och var kopplat till Svenska Boktryckareföreningen. Artikeln är den tredje i en serie som behandlar museets historia. Artikeln täcker tiden cirka 1920–1990 och behandlar bl a skapandet av boktryckerimuseet Officina Typographica på Skansen.

Introduction : Mobile socialities

This introduction presents an overview of the key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book focuses on a collective of international scholars who are researching at the intersections of media, mobility and sociality. It explores the divergent vantage points of the interplay between mobilities and socialities, analysing material conditions, situated contexts and the ascri

aYChr-DB : a database of ancient human Y haplogroups

Ancient Y-Chromosomal DNA is an invaluable tool for dating and discerning the origins of migration routes and demographic processes that occurred thousands of years ago. Driven by the adoption of high-throughput sequencing and capture enrichment methods in paleogenomics, the number of published ancient genomes has nearly quadrupled within the last three years (2018-2020). Whereas ancient mtDNA hap

Comparing the Clinical Utility and Diagnostic Performance of Cerebrospinal Fluid P-Tau181, P-Tau217 and P-Tau231 Assays

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Phosphorylated tau (P-tau) in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is considered an important biomarker in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and has been incorporated in recent diagnostic criteria. Several variants exist, including P-tau at threonines 181 (P-tau181), 217 (P-tau217) and 231 (P-tau231). However, no studies have compared their diagnostic performance or association to amyloid-β

Steam Pretreatment of Rice Hulls to Release Fermentable Saccharides : An Approach to Improve Recovery of (Hemi)Cellulosic Sugars Through Multivariate Design

The conversion of rice hulls into fermentable saccharides was explored through steam pretreatment employing 2.5% SO2. The interaction between temperature and time was assessed by means of the response surface method to achieve optimum contents of C6-sugars in water-insoluble solids (WIS) and C5-sugars in the liquor. Pretreatment carried out at 218 °C for 2.3 min released liquor containing 55.4 g/L

A possible role of the pancreatic α1- and α2-cells as local regulators of insulin secretion

In addition to a majority of insulin-producing β-cells, the mammalian pancreatic islets contain considerable numbers of α1- and α2-cells. While the α2-cells are the cellular source of glucagon, the secretory product stored in the granules of the α1-cells still remains to be identified.Several authors have reported that glucagon stimulates insulin release. This effect of glucagon was found to be de

Intrapersonal variability in public transport path choice due to changes in service reliability

Uncertainty during the course of a trip is regarded as a particularly disturbing phenomenon by public transport (PT) passengers and has been shown to have a substantial impact on travel behaviour. However, so far there has been little empirical evidence within contemporary research concerning the degree of mid- to long-term adaptation among PT passengers to changes in the principal cause of such u

Apocalyptic argumentation : Trump and ISIS

Vi lever i en apokalyptisk tid. Apokalyptisk argumentation till stor del outforskad. Artikeln presenterar en analysmodell i tre steg: upplevd ondska, tidens tecken och tillförlitlig auktoritet, inspirerad av Stephen O'Leary. Artikeln innehåller två analysexempel: USA:s förre president Donald Trump och den Islamiska staten. Båda bygger sin argumentation på en apokalyptisk världsbild.Our time is an apocalyptic time, but the argumentation in this apocalyptic time has hardly been studied by scholars of argumentation. This article shows how both Donald Trump and the jihadist warriors of ISIS appeal to an apocalyptic worldview in their argumentation. The three topos of evil, time and authority from Stephen O’Leary’s Arguing the Apocalypse are used in the analysis. Both Trump suppo

Evaluating a trait-based approach to compare natural enemy and pest communities in agroforestry vs. arable systems

Diversified farming systems, for example those that incorporate agroforestry elements, have been proposed as a solution that could maintain and improve multiple ecosystem services. However, habitat diversification in and around arable fields has complex and inconsistent effects on invertebrate crop pests and their natural enemies. This hinders the development of policy recommendations to promote t

Predictors of early death in a cohort of Ethiopian patients treated with HAART

BACKGROUND: HAART has improved the survival of HIV infected patients. However, compared to patients in high-income countries, patients in resource-poor countries have higher mortality rates. Our objective was to identify independent risk factors for death in Ethiopian patients treated with HAART.METHODS: In a district hospital in Ethiopia, we treated adult HIV infected patients with HAART based on

DEEP : A Vertical-Oriented Intelligent and Automated Platform for the Edge and Fog

The fifth generation (5G) of mobile communications introduces improvements on many fronts when compared to its previous generations. Besides the performance enhancements and new advances in radio technologies, it also integrates other technological domains, such as cloud-to-things continuum and artificial intelligence. In this work, the 5G-DIVE Elastic Edge Platform (DEEP) is proposed as the linki

Family history of head and neck cancers

Background: Head and neck cancers (HNCs) encompass a heterogeneous group of cancers between the mouth and larynx. Familial clustering in HNCs has been described, but how it influences individual sites and to which extent known risk factors, such as human papilloma virus (HPV) infection, may contribute is not well established. Patients/methods: We employed standardized incidence ratios (SIRs) to es

Global surgery, obstetric, and anaesthesia indicator definitions and reporting : An Utstein consensus report

Background: E surgical, anaesthesia, and obstetric (SAO) care were proposed in 2015 by the Lancet Commission on Global Surgery. These aimed to capture access to surgery, surgical workforce, surgical volume, perioperative mortality rate, and catastrophic and impoverishing financial consequences of surgery. Despite being rapidly taken up by practitioners, data points from which to derive the indicat