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Malignant-tumor and Atherosclerotic Plaque Diagnosis Using Laser-induced Fluorescence

A review of tissue diagnostics using laser-induced fluorescence is given with illustrations chosen from work performed by the Lund group. Two major topics are considered: the demarcation of malignant tumors from normal surrounding tissue and the identification of atherosclerotic regions in arteries. Specific fluorescence from injected agents as well as tissue natural autofluorescence is discussed.

Den egensinniga patienten : några historiska exempel

I artikeln studerar jag behandling av psykisk ohälsa i historisk tid, med fokus på mötet mellan patient och behandlare. Syftet är att undersöka hur terapeutiska möten har sett ut i olika historiska sammanhang och belysa de faktorer som har påverkat mötets utformning – alltifrån behandlarens disciplinära hemvist och behandlingsideal till de sociala roller och förutsättningar som individerna haft me

Reading the Epistle to the Hebrews without Presupposing Supersessionism

The Epistle to the Hebrews has been an exceptionally significant text in Christian-Jewish relations. In particular, certain passages have been interpreted in ways that assume that Christianity supersedes Judaism. In this article it is argued that reading the epistle without presupposing supersessionism, Heb. will be acknowledged as one of those subject matters which, in the words of Nostra Aetate,

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance for Diffusion Imaging Development and evaluation of spin-echo-based pulse sequences for in vivo studies of water self-diffusion

The interest in diffusion imaging with nuclear magnetic resonance techniques has increased during the last few years. The main reason is the possibility of early diagnosis of acute ischaemic stroke, at a time when conventional MR techniques and computerised tomography fail. The purpose of this study was to develop and evaluate methods for the measurement of water self-diffusion in vivo using magne

View Planning and Refractive Modeling for Structure and Motion

Popular Abstract in Swedish Avhandlingen berör det så kallade "struktur och rörelse"-problemet som är centralt inom datorseendefältet. Målet är att givet tvådimensionella bilder av ett föremål, kunna återskapa dess tredimensionella form och koordinater i rummet, dvs strukturen, samtidigt med kamerans position relativt objektet i varje bild, dvs rörelsen. Inom robotiken kallas tekniken för "simultaThis thesis presents contributions to structure-and-motion estimation, a central topic in the field of geometric computer vision. In particular, the problem of view planning is considered, and continuous and discrete optimization-based algorithms are given for how to plan the path of a sensor to its destination, while balancing the competing goals of path length and reconstruction accuracy. The sa

Purification, crystallization and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of human chondroadherin.

Chondroadherin is a cartilage matrix protein that is known to mediate the adhesion of isolated chondrocytes. Its protein core is composed of 11 leucine-rich repeats flanked by cysteine-rich domains at the N- and C-terminal ends. Recombinant human chondroadherin was crystallized using the sitting-drop vapour-diffusion method. The crystals belong to the monoclinic space group P2(1), with unit-cell p

Prurigo nodularis - vid svårare symtom kan pregabalin övervägas.

Prurigo nodularis is a pruritic condition characterized by skin noduli. Different treatment options have been used with limited success. Pregabalin is a drug licensed for treatment of neuropathic pain in adults. As prurigo nodularis involves suffering for the patients and is difficult to treat, the aim of this case report is to report the effect of pregabalin treatment in seven patients with pruri

A family based intervention targeting parents of preschool children with overweight and obesity: Conceptual framework and study design of LOOPS - Lund Overweight and Obesity Preschool Study

As the rate of overweight among children is rising there is a need for evidence-based research that will clarify what the best interventional strategies to normalize weight development are. The overall aim of the Lund Overweight and Obesity Preschool Study (LOOPS) is to evaluate if a family-based intervention, targeting parents of preschool children with overweight and obesity, has a long-term pos

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Abstract in French Pendant des décennies, la France a détenu le record mondial de la consommation d'alcool, et cela au prix de milliers de cirrhoses et de cancers du foie, d'accidents vasculaires cardiaques et cérébraux, de dépendances sévères avec leur cortège de conséquences dans les familles et dans la société : violence, accidents... Mais la France est aussi le pays où, pendant quarante ans, l

Participative Environment Planning for the Physically Disabled Using Computer Aided Design

When planning new environments, such as homes and workplaces, for the physically disabled it is important to encourage active participation from all those involved. In a research programme initiated at the Lund Institute of Technology, Sweden, a new planning method is being introduced which utilizes computer-aided design as a planning tool. This tool supports and activates the understanding and pa

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is the most common cause of blindness in the Western world in people aged 65 years or less. Intensive blood glucose control reduces the risk for development and progression of retinopathy. There is also a strong association between hypertension and retinopathy, and antihypertensive treatment seems to reduce the risk for both development and progression of retinopathy. The reti