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Your search for "*" yielded 534224 hits

"Hidden"" vibrations in CO: reinvestigation of resonant Auger decay for the C 1s to pi /sup */ excitation

We report an experimental investigation of higher vibrational levels (ν′>2) of the C 1s→π* excitation in CO utilizing resonant Auger electron spectroscopy. These vibrational states are not readily seen in a total yield absorption spectrum, whereas they are shown to be discernable in a partial electron yield spectrum. Furthermore, the nature of the spectator part between EBin=26.5 and 30 eV, being

Inflammatory activity increases with haemoglobin A(1)c in patients with acute coronary syndrome.

Objective. To study the relationship between inflammation, diabetes and HbA(1)c levels in patients with acute coronary syndrome (ACS). Design. Single-centre cross-sectional study comprising 688 consecutive patients with ACS (108 with diabetes) and 341 with stable coronary artery disease (SCAD) (51 with diabetes). High-sensitive C-reactive protein (hsCRP), albumin and fibrinogen concentrations, ery

How to turn the fate of old industrial areas: a comparison of cluster-based renewal processes in Styria and the Saarland

The aim of this paper is to explore the role of regional innovation systems and clusters in the economic recovery of old industrial regions. We draw a distinction between three types of cluster-based renewal: an innovation-oriented adjustment of mature clusters (incremental change); the emergence of new agglomerations in established industries (diversification); and the rise of knowledge-intensive

Pressure distributions around a circular cylinder in cross-flow

Results related to time-mean pressure distributions around a circular cylinder in cross-flow are presented and discussed briefly with special emphasis on the effect of relative pressure hole size and the position of separation. Experiments cover Reynolds numbers from $0.2 imes 10^3$ to $2.1 imes 10^5$.

Older non-Nordic immigrants living in Sweden and receiving municipal care

Older immigrants in need of public care will increase in the future. It is therefore important to increase the knowledge of their situation in order to meet their varying care needs. The overall aim of this thesis was to explore the situation of older non-Nordic immigrants, aged 65 years and older, living in Sweden and receiving municipal care with the focus on care provided, care-related needs an

Radix Sorting & Searching

Popular Abstract in Swedish Effektiv sökning och sortering är byggstenar som används vid nästan all algoritmdesign. Sökrutiner och sorteringrutiner implementeras ofta slentrianmässigt med hjälp av algoritmer som bygger på parvisa jämförelser mellan element. I denna avhandling argumenterar vi för att algoritmer som också utnyttjar elementens interna struktur är överlägsna i många avseenden, både prEfficient sorting and searching are corner-stones in algorithm design. In computer science it has become a deep-rooted habit to use comparison-based methods to solve these problems. In this thesis we argue that radix sorting and searching algorithms are superior in many respects, both practical and theoretical. They are often remarkably simple and many, if not most, sorting and searching problems

An investigation of serum concentration of apoM as a potential MODY3 marker using a novel ELISA.

Abstract. Cervin C, Axler O, Holmkvist J, Almgren P, Rantala E, Tuomi T, Groop L, Dahlbäck B, Karlsson E (Lund University, Malmö, Sweden, Steno Diabetes Center, Gentofte, Denmark, University of Helsinki; and Folkhälsan Research Centre, Helsinki, Finland). An investigation of serum concentration of apoM as a potential MODY3 marker using a novel ELISA. J Intern Med 2009; doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2796.200