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Your search for "*" yielded 532058 hits

Elliptic flow for phi mesons and (Anti)deuterons in Au+Au collisions at root s(NN)=200 GeV

Differential elliptic flow (v(2)) for phi mesons and (anti)deuterons ((d) over bar )d is measured for Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The v(2) for phi mesons follows the trend of lighter pi(+/-) and K-+/- mesons, suggesting that ordinary hadrons interacting with standard hadronic cross sections are not the primary driver for elliptic flow development. The v(2) values for ((d) over bar

Recent findings shed light on the aetiopathogenesis of Sjogren's syndrome

Abstract in German Das systemische klinische Bild der Patienten mit SS kann auf eine Disposition vieler Zellarten zurückgeführt werden, bei einer Konfrontation mit Stressreizen überzureagieren. Dies beeinflusst die elementaren zellulären Vorgänge wie Apoptose und Acethylcholine-Rezeptor-Signalvermittlung. Diese Hyperreaktivität des Gewebes kann auch die beobachteten autoimmunogenen Eigenschaften eThe systemic clinical picture of SS patients can be traced back to a disposition of many cell types to over-react when confronted with stress stimuli. This will influence basic cellular processes such as apoptosis and acetylcholine receptor signaling. This tissue hyper-reactivity may also explain the observed autoimmune features, and may constitute a major aetiopathogenetic determinant in SS.

Investigation of through-plane morphologies of multiblock copolymers based on poly(arylene ether sulfone)s

Through-plane morphologies of multiblock copolymers based on poly(arylene ether sulfone)s were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and through-plane conductivity measurements using a 4-probe method. The measured results showed that proton conductivity increased with a longer block length and that the optimal block length ranged from 5 to 7 K. TEM cross-sectional images also supp

High-resolution genomic profiles of breast cancer cell lines assessed by tiling BAC array comparative genomic hybridization.

A BAC-array platform for comparative genomic hybridization was constructed from a library of 32,433 clones providing complete genome coverage, and evaluated by screening for DNA copy number changes in 10 breast cancer cell lines (BT474, MCF7, HCC1937, SK-BR-3, L56Br-C1, ZR-75-1, JIMTI, MDA-MB-231, MDA-MB-361, and HCC2218) and one cell line derived from fibrocystic disease of the breast (MCF10A). T

Effects of inhibition of glycation and oxidative stress on the development of cataract and retinal vessel abnormalities in diabetic rats

PURPOSE: To study effects of inhibition of glycation, and oxidative stress on the development of cataract and retinal vessel abnormalities in diabetic rats. METHODS: Diabetes was induced in male Wistar rats with streptozocin (STZ; 60 mg/kg BW, i.p.). Diabetic as well as strain matched control rats were fed 1) a normal diet, 2) addition of aminoguanidine in the drinking water (0.5 g/l for diabetic

Human RPS19, the gene mutated in Diamond Blackfan anemia, encodes a ribosomal protein required for the maturation of 40S ribosomal subunits.

Diamond-Blackfan anemia (DBA) typically presents with red blood cell aplasia that usually manifests in the first year of life. The only gene currently known to be mutated in DBA encodes ribosomal protein S19 (RPS19). Previous studies have shown that the yeast RPS19 protein is required for a specific step in the maturation of 40S ribosomal subunits. Our objective here was to determine whether the h

Peak flows from thin sedum-moss roof

The runoff from real 3 cm thick sedum-moss roofs and from laboratory roof plots in southern Sweden is measured and analysed. Real rains and artificial storms are used for the analysis. The probability of high runoff is compared with the probability of high precipitation intensity. Intensity-duration-frequency curves for runoff are derived and it is found that the runoff of 1.5 year return period c

Halomonas andesensis sp. nov., a moderate halophile isolated from the saline lake Laguna Colorada in Bolivia.

Strain LC6T was isolated from a water sample of the lake Laguna Colorada in the Bolivian Andes. The bacterium was characterized as moderately halophilic, motile, Gram-negative rod. The major fatty acids present in the cell were C18:1omega7c, C16:1omega7c iso 2-OH, C16:0 and C12:0 3-OH. The respiratory ubiquinones found in strain LC6T were Q-9 (97%) and Q-8 (3%). The organism was found to be an aer

Laplace's equation and the Dirichlet-Neumann map: a new mode for Mikhlin's method

Mikhlin's method for solving Laplace's equation in domains exterior to a number of closed contours is discussed with particular emphasis on the Dirichlet-Neutnann map. In the literature there already exit tyro computational modes for Mikhlin's method. Here a new mode is presented. The new mode is at least as stable as the previous modes. Furthermore, its computational complexity in the number of c

New chemostratigraphic data through the Mulde Event interval (Silurian, Wenlock), Gotland, Sweden

The Mid-Silurian (Wenlock) Mulde Event is a globally recognised faunal turnover and extinction event affecting pelagic fauna as well as shallow marine benthos. Time-equivalent strata in the carbonate platform succession of Gotland, Sweden reveal marked changes in the compositions of reefs and the formation of chemical and microbial carbonates in the early aftermath of the extinctions. New high-res

Use of incisional negative pressure wound therapy on closed median sternal incisions after cardiothoracic surgery: clinical evidence and consensus recommendations.

Abstract Negative pressure wound therapy is a concept introduced initially to assist in the treatment of chronic open wounds. Recently, there has been growing interest in using the technique on closed incisions after surgery to prevent potentially severe surgical site infections and other wound complications in high-risk patients. Negative pressure wound therapy uses a negative pressure unit and s

Rearrangement of the transcription factor gene CHOP in myxoid liposarcomas with t(12;16)(q13;p11)

Most myxoid liposarcomas (MLS) are characterized cytogenetically by a t(12;16)(q13;p11). It is reasonable to assume that this translocation corresponds to the consistent rearrangement of one or two genes in 12q13 and/or 16p11, and that the loci thus affected are important in the normal control of fat cell differentiation and proliferation. We have used Southern blot technique to test whether a gen

Imidazoline-induced amplification of glucose- and carbachol-stimulated insulin release includes a marked suppression of islet NO generation in the mouse.

Aim: The role of islet nitric oxide (NO) production in insulin releasing mechanisms is unclear. We examined whether the beneficial effects of the imidazoline derivative RX 871024 (RX) on beta-cell function might be related to perturbations of islet NO production. Methods: Experiments were performed with isolated islets or intact mice challenged with glucose or carbachol with or without RX treatmen