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Your search for "*" yielded 532944 hits

Comparison of chemical properties of iron, cobalt, and nickel porphyrins, corrins, and hydrocorphins

Density functional calculations have been used to compare the geometric, electronic, and functional properties of the three important tetrapyrrole systems in biology, heme, coenzyme B12, and coenzyme F430, formed from iron porphyrin (Por), cobalt corrin (Cor), and nickel hydrocorphin (Hcor). The results show that the flexibility of the ring systems follows the trend Hcor > Cor > Por and that the s

North Atlantic oscillation; a climatic indicator to predict hydropower availability in Scandinavia

Climate variability and climate change are of great concern to economists and energy producers as well as environmentalists as both affect the precipitation and temperature in many regions of the world. Among those affected by climate variability is the Scandinavian Peninsula. Particularly, its winter precipitation and temperature are affected by the variations of the so-called North Atlantic Osci

Visual training improves underwater vision in children

Children in a tribe of sea-gypsies from South-East Asia have been found to have superior underwater vision compared to European children. In this study, we show that the improved underwater vision of these Moken children is not due to better contrast sensitivity in general. We also show that European children can achieve the same underwater acuity as the Moken children. After I month of underwater

Trace element levels in whole blood and serum from Swedish adolescents

Blood and serum samples from 372 15-year-old adolescents were collected in two cities in Sweden and analyzed by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). The objective was to (1) determine the levels of 13 elements in blood and serum from the teenagers; and (2) for each element, investigate the correlation between the concentrations in blood and serum. The concentrations in blood and

CCL25/CCR9 promotes the induction and function of CD103 on intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes.

The integrin CD103 and the chemokine receptor CCR9 are co-expressed on small intestinal CD8+ intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL), naïve murine CD8+ T cells and by a small population of effector/memory CD8+ T cells, indicating a potential role for CCR9 in regulating CD103 expression and function. Here, we demonstrate that CD103, in contrast to CCR9, is down-regulated on CD8+ T cells following their a

Two-Year Outcome of Alcohol Interventions in Swedish University Halls of Residence: A Cluster Randomized Trial of a Brief Skills Training Program, Twelve-Step-Influenced Intervention, and Controls.

Background: High-risk alcohol consumption among university students is well documented. Several types of intervention have proved to be effective in reducing alcohol consumption. This study examines the 2-year outcome of 2 different alcohol intervention programs at university halls of residence. Methods: Ninety-eight university halls of residence (with 556 students) were cluster randomized to 2 d

Cytogenetic and molecular genetic characterization of immortalized human ovarian surface epithelial cell lines: consistent loss of chromosome 13 and amplification of chromosome 20

Objectives. This study aimed at identifying the genetic events involved in immortalization of ovarian epithelial cells, which might be important steps in ovarian carcinogenesis. Methods. The genetic profiles of five human ovarian surface epithelial (HOSE) cell lines immortalized by retroviral transfection of the human papillomavirus (HPV) E6/E7 genes were thoroughly characterized by chromosome ban

The 4th annual European League Against Rheumatism congress in Lisbon: a personal perspective.

The 4th annual European League Against Rheumatism congress, held in Lisbon, 18–21 June 2003, had a record turnout of more than 8600 delegates and the abstract submissions increased to 2600. A heat wave and a somewhat substandard venue hampered some of the activities, notably the poster sessions. The scientific program was comprehensive and of a high class, and it was organized in 10–12 parallel se

Mitochondrial damage and dysfunction in traumatic brain injury

The enduring cognitive deficits and histopathology associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI) may arise from damage to mitochondrial populations, which initiates the metabolic dysfunction observed in clinical and experimental TBI. The anecdotal evidence for in vivo structural damage to mitochondria corroborates metabolic and physiologic dysfunction, which depletes substrates and promotes free ra

Testing the navigational abilities of ocean migrants: displacement experiments on green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas)

Like many animals migrating through the oceans, sea turtles face difficult navigational tasks when they have to reach distant, specific sites. The paradigmatic case of Brazilian green turtles (Chelonia mydas), which nest on the tiny Ascension Island in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, has often been the subject of hypotheses concerning their navigational mechanisms. To investigate their nature, w

Beyond crusades: how (not) to engage with alternative archaeologies

Archaeologists have often felt uneasy when encountering alternative (fringe, cult, fantastic, pseudo-) archaeologies. Some have suggested that alternative approaches and their results must be disproved, while others have been calling for better public understanding of science. My contribution takes a different point of view. I emphasize the social and cultural needs that both scientific and altern

Stratigraphy, facies development, and depositional dynamics of the Late Wenlock Fröjel Formation, Gotland, Sweden.

A lithostratigraphic subdivision of the topmost Slite Beds on western Gotland is proposed, viz. the Fröjel Formation (9-11 m) including the Svarvare Mudstone Member (2-3 m) and the Gannarve Siltstone Member (7-8 m). The Fröjel Formation resulted from increased siliciclastic deposition within an intracratonic carbonate platform setting during the mid-Homerian (Wenlock, Silurian). The temporal and s

Light and diurnal regulation of plant respiratory gene expression.

Light is both the energy source and the dominant signalling input for photosynthetic organisms. Accordingly, up to 30–50% of the genes expressed in plant leaves are directly or indirectly regulated by light, and virtually all aspects of plant metabolism support photosynthesis, depend upon the products of photosynthesis or are affected by photosynthesis-related changes in metabolite levels. Though

Fabrication and luminescence of ZnS : Mn2+ nanoflowers

Visually striking nanoflowers composed of ZnS:Mn2+ nanoparticles are prepared and characterized. The configurations of these fractal structures are very sensitive to both the pH values of the particle solutions from which they are precipitated and the substrates on which they are deposited. At pH 2.2, the fractal structures resemble trees without leaves; at pH 7.7, they are tree-like with four arm

Reduction in an almond moth Ephestia cautella (Lepidoptera : Pyralidae) population by means of mating disruption

Pheromone-based mating disruption of the almond moth (Ephestia cautella) (Walk.) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) was carried out in a chocolate factory in Sweden. Population monitoring was conducted with pheromone-baited traps and water traps. Pheromone traps showed a 94% catch reduction, and monitoring with water traps showed a significant decrease in total catch (5.0 and 1.6 individuals per trap per we

Proteomics Data Collection-5th ProDaC Workshop

The Proteomics Data Collection (ProDaC) consortium, a "Coordination Action" funded by the 6th EU Framework Programme, started in October 2006. Its aim was to facilitate the collection and distribution of proteomics data and the public availability of data sets from proteomics experiments. Within the consortium standard formats are created and tools are developed to allow extensive data collection