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Your search for "*" yielded 532186 hits

Observation of twin-free GaAs nanowire growth using template-assisted selective epitaxy

We report on the structural characterization of GaAs nanowires integrated on Si(001) by template-assisted selective epitaxy. The nanowires were grown in lateral SiO2 templates along [110] with varying V/III ratios and temperatures using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition. The nanowires have been categorized depending on the growth facets which typically consisted of (110) and (111)B planes. N

A Tautoleptic Approach to Chiral Hydrogen-Bonded Supramolecular Tubular Polymers with Large Cavity

A new strategy towards tubular hydrogen-bonded polymers based on the self-assembly of isocytosine tautomers in orthogonal directions is proposed and experimentally verified, including by 1H fast magic-angle spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR. The molecular tubes obtained possess large internal diameter and tailor-made outer functionalities rendering them potential candidates for a number of applicatio

Assessment of denosumab treatment effects and imaging response in patients with giant cell tumor of bone 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1103 Clinical Sciences

Background: Denosumab has been shown to reduce tumor size and progression, reform mineralized bone, and increase intralesional bone density in patients with giant cell tumor of bone (GCTB); however, radiologic assessment of tumors in bone is challenging. The study objective was to assess tumor response to denosumab using three different imaging parameters in a prespecified analysis in patients wit

Prediction of photosynthesis in Scots pine ecosystems across Europe by a needle-level theory

Photosynthesis provides carbon for the synthesis of macromolecules to construct cells during growth. This is the basis for the key role of photosynthesis in the carbon dynamics of ecosystems and in the biogenic CO2 assimilation. The development of eddy-covariance (EC) measurements for ecosystem CO2 fluxes started a new era in the field studies of photosynthesis. However, the interpretation of the

Nanobeam X-ray Fluorescence Dopant Mapping Reveals Dynamics of in Situ Zn-Doping in Nanowires

The properties of semiconductors can be controlled using doping, making it essential for electronic and optoelectronic devices. However, with shrinking device sizes it becomes increasingly difficult to quantify doping with sufficient sensitivity and spatial resolution. Here, we demonstrate how X-ray fluorescence mapping with a nanofocused beam, nano-XRF, can quantify Zn doping within in situ doped

Signatures of autoionization in the angular electron distribution in two-photon double ionization of Ar

A kinematically complete experiment on two-photon double ionization of Ar by free-electron laser radiation with a photon energy of 27.93 eV was performed. The electron energy spectra show that double ionization is dominated by the sequential process. Comparison of the electron angular distributions to our data for single ionization and to theory confirms that even in the sequential process the ele

Differential effects of Nintedanib and Pirfenidone on lung alveolar epithelial cell function in ex vivo murine and human lung tissue cultures of pulmonary fibrosis 11 Medical and Health Sciences 1102 Cardiorespiratory Medicine and Haematology 06 Biological Sciences 0601 Biochemistry and Cell Biology

Background: Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a fatal interstitial lung disease. Repetitive injury and reprogramming of the lung epithelium are thought to be critical drivers of disease progression, contributing to fibroblast activation, extracellular matrix remodeling, and subsequently loss of lung architecture and function. To date, Pirfenidone and Nintedanib are the only approved drugs kno

A transcriptome-wide association study among 97,898 women to identify candidate susceptibility genes for epithelial ovarian cancer risk

Large-scale genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have identified approximately 35 loci associated with epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC) risk. The majority of GWAS-identified disease susceptibility variants are located in noncoding regions, and causal genes underlying these associations remain largely unknown. Here, we performed a transcriptome-wide association study to search for novel genetic lo

Evaluation of a Novel Capacitor Charging Structure for Flicker Mitigation in High-Power Long-Pulse Modulators

In order to generate high-voltage high-pulsed power, klystron modulators necessarily contain at least one capacitor bank charging structure supplying the energy to be released during the pulse. Conventional charging structures are based on ac/dc front-end units typically based on diode rectifiers combined with power charging structures operated in on/off mode as a second stage, producing prohibiti

A comparing study between AHP, AHP-OWA and Fuzzy AHP-OWA multi-criteria decision making methods for site selection of residential complexes in Tabriz-Iran

A decision is the result of comparing one or more alternatives with respect to one or more criteria that we consider relevant to the decision. Decision making can be considered as one of the most important challenges that analysts and experts encounter to solve complex problems. In recent decades, different methods and algorithms have been presented to support decision making. Multi-criteria analy

Utvärdering av dubbdäcksförbudets effekt på luftkvaliteten på Friggagatan

I syfte att utvärdera effekten av dubbdäcksförbudet på Friggagatan med avseende på luftkvaliteten har Miljöförvaltningen i Göteborg på uppdrag av trafikkontoret i Göteborg utfört luftkvalitetsmätningar på Friggagatan mellan 2013-01-01 och 2013-09-30. Dessutom utförde Miljöförvaltningen mätningar av dubbdäcksanvändningen på Friggagatan, vid Drottningtorget och i Haga. Vidare användes även mätdata f

Nation and identity in contemporary Europe

The resilience of nationalism in contemporary Europe may seem paradoxical at a time when the nation state is widely seen as being 'in decline'. The contributors of this book see the resurgence of nationalism as symptomatic of the quest for identity and meaning in the complex modern world. Challenged from above by the supranational imperatives of globalism and from below by the complex pluralism of

Alternative tourism mobilities and urban spatial change

One of the most important trends in contemporary tourism is the increase in urban tourism, both in absolute and in relative terms. An increasing number of cities have become significant tourism destinations. Cities also attract an increasingly diverse set of visitors, some of which could be called alternative tourists. The development of alternative tourism is related to decreasing relative costs One of the most important trends in contemporary tourism is the increase in urban tourism, both in absolute and in relative terms. An increasing number of cities have become significant tourism destinations. Cities also attract an increasingly diverse set of visitors, some of which could be called alternative tourists. The development of alternative tourism is related to decreasing relative costs

Predictors of Bank Distress : The 1907 Crisis in Sweden

This paper contributes to literature on bank distress using the Swedish experience of the in- ternational crisis of 1907, often paralleled with 2008. By employing previously unanalyzed bank-level data, we use logit regressions and principal component analysis to measure the im- pact of pre-crisis bank characteristics on the probability of their subsequent distress. The crisis was characterized by

Applying the SDGs to cities : Business as usual or a new dawn?

With growing urbanisation the sustainability of cities has become increasingly important. Although cities have been using indicators for a long time it is only in the last decades that attempts have been made to collate indicators into sets that reflect the many different aspects required to assess the sustainability of a city. The aim of this paper is to review the evolution of indicators for mon

Postoperative complications in children undergoing video-assisted gastrostomy tube placement correlated to their age and diagnosis

Gastrostomy tube placements in children are associated with frequent postoperative complications. Children with gastrostomy tubes are frequent visitors to the emergency department and outpatient clinic. The aim of this study was to determine the incidence of postoperative gastrostomy complications and disclose if these were correlated to the patients' age and diagnosis. This is a prospective study