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Waterborne Alkyd-Acrylic Hybrids with High Solids Content -Preparation and Properties-
The work presented in this thesis concerns the preparation, characterization and film formation of a waterborne alkyd-acrylic hybrid system with high solids content of about 80 %. The alkyd-acrylic hybrids were prepared by slowly adding a linseed oil alkyd to an acrylic latex dispersion under stirring. In this work two acrylic dispersions with different glass transition temperatures were used in t
Vilket svenskämne? Grundskolans svenskämnen i ett lärarutbildningsperspektiv
Popular Abstract in Swedish I "Vilket svenskämne? Grundskolans svenskämnen i ett lärarutbildningsperspektiv" beskrivs hur en grupp blivande 1 till 7-lärare förhåller sig till olika svenskämneskonceptioner genom lärarutbildningen. Avhandlingen har det dubbla syftet att analysera och tolka de studerandes svenskämneskonstruktioner och att institutionsanalytiskt granska utbildningen. Det empiriska matWhich Swedish? Swedish as a school subject, from the perspective of teacher training describes how a group of future teachers of years 1 to 7 of the compulsory school relates to various concepts of the subject Swedish through three courses delivered at the School of Education. The study has the aim of analyzing the students' construction of the subject of Swedish as taught in school, and to analys
Thrombotic occlusion of all left coronary branches in a young woman with severe ulcerative colitis
Background. The thrombosis risk is increased in active ulcerative colitis. The limited number of reported complications have predominantly been cerebrovascular but other vessel territories may also be affected. Patient. During a severe attack of ulcerative colitis a 37-year-old woman suffered occlusion of all left coronary artery branches. Serial angiographies showed progressive recanalisation of
National Report: Victims of Trafficking Directive
Stockholmsregionen ur ett nytt kompetensperspektiv
Kungligt grattis till LU-medarbetare
Besök från Tallinns tekniska högskola
Influence of solid solutions on the properties of some apatite-type calcium salts relevant to the production of phosphate and silicate cements
The effects of non-stoichiometry and isomorphic substitutions on the properties of some apatite-type compounds were investigated. These investigations were performed both in the fields of Portland cement chemistry and apatitic calcium phosphate-based biocements. Apatite compounds were synthesized by solid state methods and by hydrolysis of the reactant α-tricalcium phosphate (α-TCP). The materials
Word and Music Studies : Types of Word and Music Relations : A Few Case Studies
Hastighetsbegränsare i bil. Etapp III Resultat av självobservationer
A Model of Nearshore Currents Generated by Waves
Packaging Scorecard - A Packaging Performance Evaluation Method
To support a more holistic approach to the contribution of packaging to efficiency and value creation in the product supply chain, a systematic evaluation method Packaging Scorecard - has been developed and tested in two case studies. The Packaging Scorecard is based on research of functional criteria of packaging and the theories of Balanced Scorecard, a general management approach to evalu
Enkla tekniker och besvärliga frågor: att arbeta med Donna Haraway
CEO age, risk incentives, and hedging instrument choice
We analyze how firms hedge in the oil and gas industry. Our main finding is that CEO age determines hedging behavior. The probability of being a hedger as well as the use of linear hedging strategies decreases with CEO age. These results are consistent with an argument that financial distress, which sends a negative signal of managerial ability, is relatively more costly to younger CEOs. We also i
The Urban Turn : And the Location of economic Activities
Competitiveness of city regions has gained a more and more central position in regional development and regional planning within the last decades. A reason for this is that globalisation has caused pressure on industrial structures forcing firms to increase their competitiveness by more actively promoting innovation and knowledge creation. Access to knowledge has therefore become vital for most ty
Consumption and inequality
The Hourglass Model: An approach for participation and empowerment in organisational development and change
JGrafchart: Sequence Control and Procedure Handling in Java
JGrafchart, a Java based implementation of the Grafchart sequencecontrol and procedure handling toolbox is presented. Examples of applicationswhere it is or will be used are given.
Cartilage homeostasis: Modulation of cells and extracelllar matrix assembly
The cartilage extracellular matrix consists of the collagen network which enmeshes the large aggregating proteoglycan, aggrecan. Accessory molecules regulate the formation and maintenance of these structures. This thesis studies aspects of cartilage assembly during development and its degradation in disease, focusing on the collagen network. In the first paper, a model of cartilage degradation is