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Ambient pressure phase transitions over Ir(1 1 1): at the onset of CO oxidation

In this study we report on the adsorbate structures on an Ir(1 1 1) surface during the phase transition from the inactive to the active state during CO oxidation. The CO oxidation over Pt(1 1 1) is used as a reference case. Where Pt(1 1 1) either is inactive and CO covered or active and O covered, Ir(1 1 1) exhibits a transition state with co-existing chemisorbed O and CO. The observed structural

Spatial Statistical Modeling of Insurance Risk An epidemiologist approach to car insurance

Spatial models, such as the Besag, York and Mollie (BYM)model, have long been used in epidemiology and disease mapping. A commonproblem in these subjects is the modelling of number of disease eventsper region; here the BYM models provides a holistic framework for bothcovariates and dependencies between regions.We use these tools to assess the relative insurance risk associated withthe policyholderSpatial models, such as the Besag, York and Mollie (BYM)model, have long been used in epidemiology and disease mapping. A commonproblem in these subjects is the modelling of number of disease eventsper region; here the BYM models provides a holistic framework for bothcovariates and dependencies between regions.We use these tools to assess the relative insurance risk associated withthe policyholder

A Sustainable Century?: Genuine Savings in Developing and Developed Countries, 1900-2000

This chapter traces the long-run development of Genuine Savings (GS) using a panel of eleven countries during the twentieth century. This panel covers a number of developed countries (Great Britain, Germany,Switzerland, France, the US, and Australia) as well as a set of resource-abundant countries in Latin America(Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, and Mexico). These countries represent approxima

Application of iterative robust model-based optimal experimental design for the calibration of biocatalytic models

The aim of model calibration is to estimate unique parameter values from available experimental data, here applied to a biocatalytic process. The traditional approach of first gathering data followed by performing a model calibration is inefficient, since the information gathered during experimentation is not actively used to optimize the experimental design. By applying an iterative robust model-

Effects of epidural and intrathecal application of collagenase in the lumbar spine : an experimental study in rabbits

An experimental model is described in which collagenase in different concentrations and volumes were applied epidurally or intrathecally in the rabbit lumbar spine. This made it possible to study the tissue effects in a situation similar to that of collagenase leaking from a disc or accidental epidural or intrathecal injection at chemonucleolysis. Epidurally applied collagenase, in higher concentr

Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Simulated Maximum Likelihood Inference in Multivariate Diffusions

Multilevel Monte Carlo is a novel method for reducing the computational costwhen computing conditional expectations of stochastic processes. This paper considersthe transition density for diffusion processes. It is known that the transitiondensity can be written as an expectation by utilizing the law of total probabilitycombined with the Markov property. This idea is combined with the multilevelMoMultilevel Monte Carlo is a novel method for reducing the computational cost when computing conditional expectations of stochastic processes. This paper considers the transition density for diffusion processes. It is known that the transition density can be written as an expectation by utilizing the law of total probability combined with the Markov property. This idea is combined with the multilev

The power-speed relationship is U-shaped in two free-flying hawkmoths (Manduca sexta)

A flying animal can minimize its energy consumption by choosing an optimal flight speed depending on the task at hand. Choice of flight speed can be predicted by modelling the aerodynamic power required for flight, and this tool has previously been used extensively in bird migration research. For insects, however, it is uncertain whether any of the commonly used power models are useful, as insects

Determinants of Contests in Ugandan Female Ground-Nesting Bees (Tetralonia sp. n.)

Many animals engage in contests with conspecifics for access to resources. Understanding which resources individuals are contesting for, and what influences the outcome is central to our understanding of contest behaviour. We initially observed female bees of the genus Tetralonia (sp. n.) aggressively competing for access to burrows in the ground, without any clear indication of exactly which reso

Improved postpartum care after a participatory facilitation intervention in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania : A mixed method evaluation

Background: In order to improve the health and survival of mothers/newborns, the quality and attendance rates of postpartum care (PPC) must be increased, particularly in low-resource settings. Objective: To describe outcomes of a collegial facilitation intervention to improve PPC in government-owned health institutions in a low-resource suburb in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Methods: A before-and-afte

Depressive symptoms among older adults with long-Term spinal cord injury : Associations with secondary health conditions, sense of coherence, coping strategies and physical activity

Objectives: To assess the presence of depressive symptoms among older adults with long-Term spinal cord injury and investigate the association with sociodemographic and injury characteristics; and to determine how potentially modifiable factors, i.e. secondary health conditions, sense of coherence, coping strategies and leisure-Time physical activity, are associated with depressive symptoms. Desig

Rebuilding research capacity in fragile states : The case of a Somali–Swedish global health initiative

This paper presents an initiative to revive the previous Somali–Swedish Research Cooperation, which started in 1981 and was cut short by the civil war in Somalia. A programme focusing on research capacity building in the health sector is currently underway through the work of an alliance of three partner groups: six new Somali universities, five Swedish universities, and Somali diaspora profession

Screening protocols to monitor respiratory status in primary immunodeficiency disease : findings from a European survey and subclinical infection working group

Many patients with primary immunodeficiency (PID) who have antibody deficiency develop progressive lung disease due to underlying subclinical infection and inflammation. To understand how these patients are monitored we conducted a retrospective survey based on patient records of 13 PID centres across Europe, regarding the care of 1061 adult and 178 paediatric patients with PID on immunoglobulin (

Oxidative damage of DNA in subjects occupationally exposed to lead

Background. Exposure to lead (Pb) in environmental and occupational settings continues to be a serious public health problem and may pose an elevated risk of genetic damage. Objectives. The aim of this study was to assess the level of oxidative stress and DNA damage in subjects occupationally exposed to lead. Material and methods. We studied a population of 78 male workers exposed to lead in a lea

Policy instrument affordances : A framework for analysis

The present study uses the concept of technological efficacy derived from ecological psychology and design studies to offer an alternative way of analyzing how policy instruments affect change. Reasoning from this, the paper outlines a framework for analyzing policy instruments in terms of their affordances. We define affordances as the means through which an instrument exerts influence on its int

A prospective study of short-term functional outcome after dysvascular major lower limb amputation

This study investigates functional status on Day 21 after dysvascular major lower limb amputation compared with one month pre-amputation and evaluates factors potentially influencing outcome. Methods: A prospective cohort study design was used. Data were collected via in-person interviews using structured instruments and covered functional level (Barthel index 100) one month pre-amputation and on