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Widespread Increases in Iron Concentration in European and North American Freshwaters
Recent reports of increasing iron (Fe) concentrations in freshwaters are of concern, given the fundamental role of Fe in biogeochemical processes. Still, little is known about the frequency and geographical distribution of Fe trends or about the underlying drivers. We analyzed temporal trends of Fe concentrations across 340 water bodies distributed over 10 countries in northern Europe and North Am
Sexual Orientation Based Violence : Outside United States
Sulforaphane improves disrupted ER-mitochondria interactions and suppresses exaggerated hepatic glucose production
Aims: Exaggerated hepatic glucose production is one of the hallmarks of type 2 diabetes. Sulforaphane (SFN) has been suggested as a new potential anti-diabetic compound. However, the effects of SFN in hepatocytes are yet unclear. Accumulating evidence points to the close structural contacts between the ER and mitochondria, known as mitochondria-associated ER membranes (MAMs), as important hubs for
Fluorescence microscopy of nanochannel-confined DNA
Stretching of DNA in nanoscale confinement allows for several important studies. The genetic contents of the DNA can be visualized on the single DNA molecule level and both the polymer physics of confined DNA and also DNA/protein and other DNA/DNA-binding molecule interactions can be explored. This chapter describes the basic steps to fabricate the nanostructures, perform the experiments and analy
KITD816V induces SRC-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of MITF and altered transcription program in melanoma
The oncogenic D816V mutation of the KIT receptor is well characterized in systemic mastocytosis and acute myeloid leukemia. Although KITD816V has been found in melanoma, its function and involvement in this malignancy is not understood. Here we show that KITD816V induces tyrosine phosphorylation of MITF through a triple protein complex formation between KIT, MITF, and SRC family kinases. In turn,
Outcomes of biliary atresia in the Nordic countries - a multicenter study of 158 patients during 2005-2016
Background/purpose: Biliary atresia is the most common reason for newborn cholestasis and pediatric liver transplantation. Even after normalization of serum bilirubin after portoenterostomy, most patients require liver transplantation by adulthood due to expanding fibrosis. We addressed contemporary outcomes of biliary atresia in the Nordic countries. Methods: Data on center and patients character
Om empatins problematik
Texten är en översättning av Edith Steins doktorsavhandling, Zum Problem der Einfühlung, publicerad 1917
Pyrolysis modeling of pvcusing distributed activation energy model-micro scale testing
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a common thermoplastic whichfinds widespread applications in the construction industry for usage inceiling linings, flooring materials, electrical cables and roofing materials. Several fire requirements are put on these types of applications. For fire safety engineering and product development, thermo-chemical decomposition modeling of PVC isrequired. The FIRETOOLS proj
High levels of (un)switched memory B cells are associated with better outcome in patients with advanced atherosclerotic disease
Background--Atherosclerosis is an inflammatory lipid disorder and the main underlying pathology of acute ischemic events. Despite a vast amount of data from murine atherosclerosis models, evidence of B-cell involvement in human atherosclerotic disease is limited. We therefore investigated the association of circulating B-cell subtypes with the occurrence of secondary cardiovascular events in advan
Glucose-induced Changes in Gene Expression in Human Pancreatic Islets - Causes or Consequences of Chronic Hyperglycemia
Dysregulation of gene expression in islets from type 2 diabetic patients might be causally involved in the development of hyperglycemia or it could develop as a consequence of hyperglycemia, i.e. glucotoxicity. To separate the genes potentially causally involved in pathogenesis from those likely to be secondary to the hyperglycemia we exposed islets from human donors to normal or high glucose conc
C1-inactivator is upregulated in glioblastoma
Background: Glioblastoma is the most common and aggressive type of primary brain tumor in adults. A key problem is the capacity of glioma cells to inactivate the body’s immune response. The complement system acts as a functional bridge between the innate and adaptive immune response. Still, the role of the complement system has almost been forgotten in glioma research. In our present study, we hyp
Cerebrovascular gene expression in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Hypertension is a hemodynamic disorder and one of the most important and well-established risk factors for vascular diseases such as stroke. Blood vessels exposed to chronic shear stress develop structural changes and remodeling of the vascular wall through many complex mechanisms. However, the molecular mechanisms involved are not fully understood. Hypertension-susceptible genes may provide a nov
Hembiträdet och spelfilmen : Stjärnor i det svenska folkhemmets 1930- och 40-tal
I början av 1930-talet var nära 200 000 kvinnor anställda som hembiträden i svenska hushåll, men många var missnöjda med sin arbetssituation. Under hotet om deras flykt från yrket aktualiserades genom en motion i Sveriges riksdag 1931 den så kallade hembiträdesfrågan, som skulle bli ett hett debattämne in i nästa decennium. Året därpå fick den svenska ljudfilmen sin första stora braksuccé: Vi som
RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment 2-heptylcyclopentanone, CAS Registry Number 137-03-1
Natural selection acts on floral traits associated with selfing rate among populations of Mixed-Mating collinsia heterophylla (Plantaginaceae)
Premise of research. A major aim in plant research is to understand the micro-and macroevolutionary processes generating the great diversity of mating systems and floral traits found in flowering plants. Using Collinsia heterophylla, a mixed-mating species in a genus with described variation in selfing rate and associated floral traits among species, we investigated (i) intraspecific selfing rate
Acquired immune resistance follows complete tumor regression without loss of target antigens or IFNγ signaling
Cancer immunotherapy can result in durable tumor regressions in some patients. However, patients who initially respond often experience tumor progression. Here, we report mechanistic evidence of tumoral immune escape in an exemplary clinical case: a patient with metastatic melanoma who developed disease recurrence following an initial, unequivocal radiologic complete regression after T-cell–based
Foreign Firms and Indonesian Manufacturing Wages : An Analysis with Panel Data
This article examines the effect of foreign direct investment (FDI) on wages in Indonesian manufacturing. An econometric analysis of a panel of plants between 1975 and 1999 finds that both foreign ownership throughout the period and foreign takeover resulted in higher wages relative to domestically owned plants. The wage effects for white‐collar employees were typically around twice those for blue
The Cambodian Economy : ready for Take-Off?
Cambodia is facing the familiar problem of achieving sustained rates of economic growth that could help it alleviate widespread poverty. Against the background of some encouraging developments, and quite a few that are not equally reassuring, we argue that any push for development needs to consider both agriculture and industry. This is so as both labour absorption, primarily in secondary sector a
FDI and the Dynamics of Productivity in Indonesian Manufacturing
This article examines productivity growth in the Indonesian manufacturing sector. We use a longitudinal data set to calculate the effects on aggregate manufacturing productivity growth from improvements within establishments, from reallocation of market shares, and from the turnover of plants. Productivity growth is mainly explained by reallocation of market shares and from turnover of plants. Mor