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Your search for "*" yielded 528139 hits

Redovisning och ansvar - det ålagda och det självpåtagna

Att kunna redovisa resultat ser vi i dagens samhälle som en självklar del av en organisations verksamhet. Privata profitdrivna företag liksom även alltmer offentliga organisationer styrs idag genom en marknadslogik som bland annat bygger på kontraktsbaserade uppdrag vilka förutsätter en granskning av hur de offentliga medlen används. Liknande krav på att utvärdera resultat och framgång blir i allt

Snails have stronger indirect positive effects on submerged macrophyte growth attributes than zooplankton

Phytoplankton and epiphyton often compete with submerged macrophytes. Grazing by zooplankton and/or epiphyton grazers should promote an indirect positive effect on submerged macrophyte growth rate. Hence, we mimicked shallow lakes conditions in mesocosms using a factorial design to evaluate the indirect effects of no grazers, zooplankton, snails or both grazers on macrophyte growth attributes. Aft

Counseling for childbirth fear - a national survey

Background: Counseling by experienced midwives is offered to women with childbirth fear in most obstetric clinics in Sweden, but information about the content of such counseling is lacking. Aim: To study comprehensiveness, content and organization of the midwife-led counseling for childbirth fear in all obstetric clinics in Sweden. Methods: In this cross-sectional study, data were collected using

Tubular repair of the median nerve in the human forearm. Preliminary findings

Transected median nerves in the forearm of two male patients, 12 and 21 years of age, were treated with a chamber technique leaving a 3 to 5 mm gap between the nerve ends. The nerve ends were enclosed in a silicone tube of such a dimension that would not cause compression of the nerve. Post-operative examination including sensory evaluation and assessment of muscle contraction force was carried ou

Fibroblast growth factor effects on peripheral nerve regeneration in a silicone chamber model

We have developed a silicone nerve regeneration chamber that is partitioned into two compartments by a strip of nitrocellulose paper. The modified two-compartment chamber allows the investigation of the effects on rat sciatic nerve regeneration of trophic or growth factors that are initially bound to the nitrocellulose partition. In this study we compared the effects of untreated nitrocellulose, a

Hydration properties of briquetted wheat straw biomass feedstock

Biomass densification elevates the bulk density of the biomass, providing assistance in biomass handling, transportation, and storage. However, the density and the chemical/physical properties of the lignocellulosic biomass are affected. This study examined the changes introduced by a briquetting process with the aim of subsequent processing for 2nd generation bioethanol production. The hydration Biomass densification elevates the bulk density of the biomass, providing assistance in biomass handling, transportation, and storage. However, the density and the chemical/physical properties of the lignocellulosic biomass are affected. This study examined the changes introduced by a briquetting process with the aim of subsequent processing for 2nd generation bioethanol production. The hydration

Exploring perception of vibrations from rail: : An interview study

Rail transport is an environmentally responsible approach and traffic is expected to increase in the coming decades. Little is known about the implications for quality of life of populations living close to railways. This study explores the way in which vibrations from rail are perceived and described by these populations. The study took place in the Västra Götaland and Värmland regions of Sweden.

Rätt och fel om våra pensioner

Det hörs många kritiska röster om våra pensioner. Det påstås ofta att pensionerna är för låga, för beroende av börsutvecklingen, missgynnar kvinnorna eller att systemet är alldeles för krångligt. Har kritikerna rätt? Är det dags att än en gång reformera pensionerna? Det är nu 20 år sedan riksdagen fattade ett principbeslut om ett helt nytt pensionssystem. Pensionssystem är långsiktiga åtaganden. D

Memory and Agency in Intractable Conflicts : Revisited Pasts

This article sketches an analytical framework connecting the literature on conflict transformation with understandings of the role of history and agency in conflicted societies. By focusing on the dissemination of different historical narratives, emphasis falls on endogenous processes and the interaction between inside actors to conflicts. This study moves beyond the many conflict studies with com

Prenatal attachment and its association with foetal movement during pregnancy – A population based survey

Objective To investigate the association between the magnitude of foetal movements and level of prenatal attachment within a 24 h period among women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Design a prospective population-based survey. Setting A county in central Sweden. Participants Low risk pregnant women from 34 to 42 weeks gestation, N = 456, 299 multiparous and 157 primiparous women. Measurements

The exterior Calderón operator for non-spherical objects

This paper deals with the exterior Calderón operator for Lipschitz surfaces. We present a new approach of finding the norm of the exterior Calderón operator for this class of surfaces. The basic tool in the treatment is the set of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator for the surface. The norm is obtained as an eigenvalue problem of a quadratic form containing the exterioThis paper deals with the exterior Calderón operator for Lipschitz surfaces. We present a new approach of nding the norm of the exterior Calderón operator for this class of surfaces. The basic tool in the treatment is the set of eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the Laplace-Beltrami operator for the surface. The norm is obtained as an eigenvalue problem of a quadratic form containing the exterior

Effects of chondroitinase ABC on intrathecal and peripheral nerve tissue. An in vivo experimental study on rabbits

The enzyme chondroitinase ABC has recently been suggested for use in chemonucleolysis. The effects of 200 U ml of chondroitinase ABC were studied on intrathecal and peripheral nerve tissue in rabbits. After the intrathecal (subarachnoid) application of 0.2 ml of either the diluent in the control group (N = 2) or chondroitinase in the study group (N = 4), no neurologic deficit was detected. Compare

Evolutionary history of the genus Trisopterus

The group of small poor cods and pouts from the genus Trisopterus, belonging to the Gadidae family, comprises four described benthopelagic species that occur across the North-eastern Atlantic, from the Baltic Sea to the coast of Morocco, and the Mediterranean. Here, we combined molecular data from mitochondrial (cytochrome b) and nuclear (rhodopsin) genes to confirm the taxonomic status of the des

Trettio år av romansk språkinlärningsforskning

I backspegeln är det ofta enkelt att konstatera att vetenskapliga discipliner förändrats. Teoribildningar, forskningsfrågor och analysmetoder som i ett tidigare skede varit centrala, har minskat i bruk eller försvunnit helt, samtidigt som nya har tillkommit. Frågan om en förändring ägt rum kan därför upplevas som relativt enkel att besvara. Men varför, hur och när ett vetenskapligt fält utvecklas

Spectacle use after routine cataract surgery : A study from the Swedish National Cataract Register

Purpose: To explore patients' obtaining and use of spectacles after routine cataract surgery. Methods: The study included 1329 patients who underwent bilateral surgery with the second eye operated during March 2013 at 38 different clinics in Sweden. Five months after the second-eye surgery, patients completed a five-item questionnaire about their spectacle use preoperatively and postoperatively. T