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Your search for "*" yielded 529197 hits

The effect of mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) on biofouling in a hybrid membrane bioreactor for the treatment of high concentration organic wastewater

Biofouling is a crucial factor in membrane bioreactor (MBR) applications, particularly for high organic loading operations. This paper reports a study on biofouling in an MBR to establish a relationship between critical flux, J(c), mixed liquor suspended solids (MLSS) (ranging from 5 to 20 g L-1) and volumetric loading rate (6.3 kg COD m(-3) h(-1)) of palm oil mill effluent (POME). A lab-scale 100

Beneficial effects of a Paleolithic diet on cardiovascular risk factors in type 2 diabetes: a randomized cross-over pilot study

Background: Our aim was to compare the effects of a Paleolithic ('Old Stone Age') diet and a diabetes diet as generally recommended on risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients with type 2 diabetes not treated with insulin. Methods: In a randomized cross-over study, 13 patients with type 2 diabetes, 3 women and 10 men, were instructed to eat a Paleolithic diet based on lean meat, fish, f

Hemoglobin adducts as a measure of variations in exposure to acrylamide in food and comparison to questionnaire data

Measurement of haemoglobin (Hb) adducts from acrylamide (AA) and its metabolite glycidamide (GA) is a possibility to improve the exposure assessment in epidemiological studies of AA intake from food. This study aims to clarify the reliability of Hb-adduct measurement from individual single samples for exposure assessment of dietary AA intake. The intra-individual variations of AA- and GA-adduct le

The role of N-cadherin and S1P/S1P1 in pancreas development

Popular Abstract in Swedish β-celler producerar insulin som frisätts när blodsockret höjs, t.ex. efter en måltid. Patienter med diabetes saknar de insulinproducerande β-cellerna eller har nedsatt känslighet för insulin. För de patienter som saknar insulin kan det vara svårt att reglera blodsockernivåerna i blodet trots dagliga injektioner med insulin, varför transplanterbara insulinproducerande β-Organogenesis of epithelial organs requires interaction between epithelial and mesenchymal tissues. During pancreas development, mesenchyme-derived structures induce specification, growth and differentiation of pancreatic epithelial cells. For instance, notochord, endothelial cells, and pancreatic mesenchyme are essential for the development of the pancreas. N-cadherin deficient-embryos suffer fro

Path Dependence Research in Regional Economic Development: Cacophony or Knowledge Accumulation?

Henning M., Stam E. and Wenting R. Path dependence research in regional economic development: cacophony or knowledge accumulation, Regional Studies. The concept of path dependence has gained momentum in the social sciences, particularly in economic geography. This paper explores the empirical literature on path dependence and path creation in regional economic development. It offers a critical ref

Retoriken efter Retoriken: Från Aristoteles till retorikämnet idag

Den brittiske filosofen och matematikern Alfred North Whitehead har i ett av sina mer berömda citat sagt att den västerländska filosofihistorien är en serie fotnoter till Platon. På samma sätt kan retorikhistorien sägas vara en serie fotnoter till Aristoteles Retorik. När nu detta inflytelserika verk för första gången finns tillgängligt på svenska kan det vara på sin plats att säga något om detta

Enrichment of Murine CD68(+)CCR2(+) and CD68(+)CD206(+) Lung Macrophages in Acute Pancreatitis-Associated Acute Lung Injury.

Acute lung injury (ALI) is an important cause of mortality in critically ill patients. Acute pancreatitis (AP) is one of the risk factors for developing this syndrome. Among the inflammatory cells, macrophages have a key role in determining the severity of the acute lung injury. In the lungs, macrophages constitute a heterogeneous cell population distributed in different compartments. Changes in n

Does Economic Freedom Foster Tolerance?

Abstract in UndeterminedTolerance has the potential to affect both economic growth and wellbeing. It is therefore important to discern its determinants. We contribute to the literature by investigating whether the degree to which economic institutions and policies are market-oriented is related to different measures of tolerance. Cross-sectional and first-difference regression analysis of up to 69

Genetic Characterization of Pediatric T-cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

The aim of my thesis has been to characterize genetically pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). Articles I and II focus on molecular characterization of translocations involving T-cell receptor (TCR) loci. These types of aberration are characteristic for T-ALL and have previously proved pivotal in the identification of genes implicated in leukemogenesis. The translocation t(12;14

A meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies identifies novel variants associated with osteoarthritis of the hip

Objectives Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis with a clear genetic component. To identify novel loci associated with hip OA we performed a meta-analysis of genome-wide association studies (GWAS) on European subjects. Methods We performed a two-stage meta-analysis on more than 78 000 participants. In stage 1, we synthesised data from eight GWAS whereas data from 10 centres wer

Curvature-Based Regularization for Surface Approximation

We propose an energy-based framework for approximating surfaces from a cloud of point measurements corrupted by noise and outliers. Our energy assigns a tangent plane to each (noisy) data point by minimizing the squared distances to the points and the irregularity of the surface implicitly defined by the tangent planes. In order to avoid the well-known "shrinking" bias associated with first-order

Experiences from the implementation of structured patient discharge information for safe medication reconciliation at a Swedish university hospital

Study objectives: A method for medication reconciliation that reduces medication errors and healthcare contacts when a patient is discharged from hospital, LIMM-DI (Lund integrated medicines management-discharge information) had been previously developed by the authors. LIMM-DI is structured information written for the patient and sent to the next caregiver. In this study, the use (implementation

Health financing for the poor produces promising short-term effects on utilization and out-of-pocket expenditure: evidence from Vietnam

Background: Vietnam introduced the Health Care Fund for the Poor in 2002 to increase access to health care and reduce the financial burden of health expenditure faced by the poor and ethnic minorities. It is often argued that effects of financing reforms take a long time to materialize. This study evaluates the short-term impact of the program to determine if pro-poor financing programs can achiev

Energy, conflict and war: Towards a conceptual framework

It is widely recognised that the presence of some fossil fuels and their transport routes can affect the risk of conflicts. Other parts of the energy system and contextual conditions (social, economic or political factors) also matter for such conflicts, but which and how is not as well researched. This paper develops a framework that links characteristics of energy systems with contextual conditi

On Adaptive Bayesian Inference

We study the rate of Bayesian consistency for hierarchical priors consisting of prior weights on a model index set and a prior on a density model for each choice of model index. Ghosal, Lember and Van der Vaart [2] have obtained general in-probability theorems on the rate of convergence of the resulting posterior distributions. We extend their results to almost sure assertions. As an application w

Fall, recovery, and characterization of the Novato L6 chondrite breccia

The Novato L6 chondrite fragmental breccia fell in California on 17 October 2012, and was recovered after the Cameras for Allsky Meteor Surveillance (CAMS) project determined the meteor's trajectory between 95 and 46 km altitude. The final fragmentation from 42 to 22 km altitude was exceptionally well documented by digital photographs. The first sample was recovered before rain hit the area. First