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Häktningsinstitutet för barn – En förändring ur ett barnrättsperspektiv eller bara en repressiv utveckling?

Syftet med denna uppsats är att utreda rättsläget för barn som häktas och därefter diskutera hur det förhåller sig till barns särskilda skyddsvärde i straff- och straffprocessrätten. Jag diskuterar och reflekterar även över lagstiftningens eventuella brister, behov av förändring och förbättring samt hur förändringar och förbättringar i sådana fall skulle kunna te sig lämpliga utifrån ett barnrättsThe purpose of this thesis is to investigate the legal position for children being detained and discussing how that relates to children’s particular protective value in penalty- and criminal procedure law. I am also discussing and reflecting on the legislation’s eventual flaws, need of change and improvement and how changes and improvements in those cases could be appropriate from a perspective of

Arbetsrättens osynliga hand - Grundläggande antaganden, inneboende motsättningar och ideologiska skiften i den svenska arbetsrätten

Det övergripande syftet med den här föreliggande uppsatsen är att med hjälp av en kombination av den rättsdogmatiska metoden och den samhällsvetenskapliga undersöka arbetsrättens relation till arbetsmarknaden. Detta görs ge-nom en historisk undersökning av framväxten av de två rättsliga instituten visstidsanställningar och uppsägning på grund av arbetsbrist samt hur deras framväxt förhållit sig tiThe overarching purpose of this thesis is to examine the relationship between labour law and the labour market, applying a combination of the legal doctrinal method and a social scientific approach. This is done through a historical study of the development of the two institutions of fixed-term employment and termination of employment due to redundancy, and how they have related to the parallel ec

Imagery rescripting som behandling vid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

magery rescripting (ImRs) som behandling för tvångsproblematik (OCD),är en relativt outforskad intervention jämfört med Exponering med responsprevention (ERP), som baserat på omfattande forskning är den gyllene standardpsykoterapin för OCD. Emellertid har nya rön från mindre studier visat att ImRs är en lovande behandlingsmodell för tvångsproblematikliksom för andra diagnoser som hälsoångest, sociImagery rescripting (ImRs) as a treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) is a relatively uninvestigated intervention as compared to Exposure with Response Prevention (ERP), which, due to extensive research is the golden standard psychotherapy for OCD. However, new findings in small sample studies have shown ImRs to be a promising treatment for obsessive and compulsive disorders, as it ha

Top-down democratisation or a catalyst for sustainable change? A Case Study of the Danish Citizens’ Assembly on Climate

Across the world, there is a call to combat the climate crisis and tackle growing socio-economic inequalities. The Danish Citizens’ Assembly on Climate (CAC) is a case of attempted deliberative democracy seeking pathways to this outcome. This thesis asks how the CAC might catalyse a Danish sustainability transition. With democratic discourse theory and the concept of just sustainability, I conduct

Miljöcertifieringar - ur ett entreprenörsperspektiv

Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka vilka problem och mervärden som finns för entreprenörer när de använder sig av miljöcertifieringar. Studien är baserad på en litteraturstudie där olika miljöcertifieringssystem, hållbarhetsmål och tidigare erfarenheter av miljöcertifieringar undersökts. Vidare övergick studien till ett flertal intervjuer, för att sedan vävas ihop till en analys och olika

Nonviolence Under the Microscope: A multipurposed study of nonviolent action in South Sudan

Nonviolent action is a historically pervasive, yet misunderstood phenomenon. Despite its success stories, of which Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. remain the most famous examples, nonviolent action has been overlooked in literature, especially by peace and conflict scholars. Adopting Vinthagen’s novel theoretical framework on the case of nonviolent action in South Sudan, this paper aims at contr

Informationssäkerhet‌ ‌vid‌ ‌ hemarbete‌ ‌i‌ ‌spåren‌ ‌av‌‌ coronapandemin

I slutet av 2019 upptäcktes ett nytt smittsamt coronavirus som fick namnet covid-19. I mars 2020 klassades covid-19 till en pandemi. Detta gjorde att en stor mängd personer började jobba hemifrån enligt rekommendationer av sina arbetsgivare och regeringen. Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka om den stora mängd hemarbete som skett till följd av coronapandemin haft en inverkan på informationssäk

Utanför boxen : om arkivariers syn på föremål i kommunarkiv

Outside the box. On archivists' views on objects in municipal archives Historically objects in archives and objects as "documents" have been discussed for a long time. The focus of the discussion has generally been on defining what is a document, and what is not, and later what is in turn an act and thus belongs in the archive, and what does not. An object is generally not defined a

Hur bör själen kultiveras? : en studie i stånds- och tvåkammarriksdagens ställning till latinfrågan i läroverket 1844-1867

How Should the Soul be Cultivated? a Study in the Swedish Riksdag of the Estates and Bicameral Riksdag's stance toward the Question of Latin Studies in Swedish Higher Education 1844-1867 The purpose of this study has been to investigate the Swedish Riksdag’s stance towards the learning of Latin in the elite education system during the nineteenth century. More specifically, the purpose has bee

COVID-19’s Impact on Food Security Among Refugees in Uganda

Uganda’s development-based refugee model is widely recognised as the most progressive in the world by the international community. The model has however come under solid pressure owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, and food insecurity among refugees in the country has become a major problem. This study examines how the pandemic has affected urban and settlement-based refugees’ food security with a par

Barn som anhöriga vid vårdcentral - Kuratorers erfarenheter och tankar kring arbetet med barn som anhöriga utifrån vårdcentralens kontext i Region Skåne

The aim of this study was to investigate the experiences and thoughts of the health care social workers working with children as next of kin in Primary health care. This was made through semi-structured interviews with seven health care social workers in Primary health care in Region Skåne. To analyse my results the ecological system theory of Urie Bronfenbrenner, the concept sense of coherence of

”De behöver upptäcka något, något som får dem att tro att det går att göra något” - en inblick i vad KBT-psykoterapeuter upplever är verksamt i sitt terapeutiska arbete

The study aims to gain an increased understanding of and insight into CBT psychotherapists ́ experiences of what is effective in psychotherapeutic treatment. A perspective of interest based on the fact that psychotherapists ́ experiences of what is effectivehave not previously been taken into account in research, that in the therapist ́s everyday life there may be a clash between theory and practi

How To Build Product Differentiation Strategies

The consumer electronic industry has developed a great deal over the past fifteen years. The drone industry is one example of the development of the consumer electronics industry, with drones being applied not only to aerial photography but also to agriculture, surveying, and mapping, among many other purposes. With this trend, investments have influx and the competition have grown in the drone in

Utveckling och säkerhetsutvärdering av en flexibel autentiseringslösning

This thesis work was done in collaboration with Knowit Experience in Malmö. Its main goal was to evaluate and develop an authentication module for the company’s e-commerce platform. Semi-structured interviews were held with software developers at the company to better understand their needs. Based around these needs an evaluation regarding price and usability was conducted for the authentication

Våld i äldres nära relationer - en kvalitativ studie om biståndshandläggares egenupplevda handlingsutrymme, kompetens och förståelse för fenomenets förekomst

This study explores how social workers in the field of gerontological social work are influenced by organizational policies and regulations regarding their work with elderly who are subjected to domestic violence. The aim was to get a deeper understanding of how the social workers are influenced by the policies and regulations regarding their work with elderly who are subjected to domestic violenc

Förrättningsavgifter för anläggningsförrättningar som avser enskilda vägar - Variationer och orsaker med sikte mot en enhetligare prissättning

Fastighetsbildningsverksamheten står inför ökad digitalisering som en del av en digital samhällsbyggnadsprocess. Mot bakgrund av detta gör Lantmäteriets Fastighetsbildning en översyn av den nuvarande intäktsmodellen för verksamheten och som en del av detta arbete behöver den nuvarande prisbilden undersökas närmare. I detta examensarbete undersöks priskorrelerande faktorer i anläggningsförrättningaProperty formation operation is facing increased digitalization, as a part of integration of digitalization in built-environment practices. In the light of this, the National Land Survey of Sweden’s property formation division is doing an overhaul of their current revenue model. As a part of this overhaul, there is a need to investigate the present price driving factors in the agency’s operations.

The Wake Effect and Wind Farm Clustering

The wind energy industry is growing rapidly and as offshore wind expands in the Baltic sea, more and more clusters will be observed. The purpose of this work is to better understand the impact that wakes have on the electricity production for wind farm clusters in the Southern Middle Bank region. This report aims to answer the following research questions; 1) How big of an impact do wakes have on

Digital health interventions to reduce stress in adolescents - Development of an accessible, digital preventive health tool to promote stress recovery

Mental illness among Swedish adolescents is increasing, which partly might be a result of an observed increase in stress. Consequently, the number of adolescents seeking and receiving psychiatric care from pediatric psychiatry is higher than ever, and has resulted in a worsened accessibility with longer waiting times for appointments and treatment. As such, preventive care and health promotion int

Secondary Transfer Pricing Adjustments: Interpretation Challenges within the EU and International Perspectives

This master thesis elaborates on the issues of the secondary transfer pricing adjustments that are common yet not regulated in an efficient manner by the states. The core problem of the double taxation issues to follow is the unwillingness of the states to accept the administrative tax decisions of each other in such sensitive fields as transfer pricing. Even though the primary and correlative tra