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Biogas från Skånsk betblast - potential, teknik och ekonomi
Sammanfattning I Skåne odlas 34 500 ha sockerbetor för sockerutvinning och i Sverige 36 000 ha (Jordbruksstatistik årsbok 2014). Vid insamling och rötning av blasten från betorna i Skåne skulle drygt 200 GWh biogas kunna produceras per år och driva minst 19 000 bilar eller 1000 bussar. Men idag lämnas den i fält. Tidigare studier har visat att betblast från sockerproduktion är på gränsen till löns
Foreword, Nordic Tax Journal No. 1 2014
Dissecting the role of micro-RNAs in diabetes
Popular Abstract in Swedish Diabetes, i alla dess olika former, är en allvarlig sjukdom. Typ 1 diabetes är av autoimmun härkomst, då kroppen eget immunförsvaret attackerar och förstör β-cellerna i bukspottkörteln. Dessa celler producerar insulin som hjälper kolhydraterna i maten vi äter att komma kroppens celler till godo. Sverige har världens näst högsta antal nya insjuknanden, bara Finland har fThe role of miRNAs in pancreatic islets and β-cell function and in the development of diabetes in human and rodents have been investigated in this thesis. Dicer1 was specifically deleted in vivo in pancreatic β-cells under the RIP-promoter in mice. The results show that disruption of miRNAprocessing in mouse pancreatic β-cells, while compatible with β-cell development, leads to defective insulin-s
Modeling effect of surface roughness on nanoindentation tests
Surface roughness is a commonly used criterion for characterization of surface quality in a machining operation. In the study of micro-scale mechanical properties of machined surface and cutting tool with nanoindentation, prefect surface finish on the test specimen is often required for the reliable result. However, the prefect surface finish is often difficult to obtain from the machining operati
Review of "Härnevi kyrka och socken" (2012)
Review of Ferm, Olle & Åkestam, Mia (eds) "Härnevi kyrka och socken : perspektiv på ett uppländskt lokalsamhälle under medeltiden" (2012)
Global Optimization in Computer Vision: Convexity, Cuts and Approximation Algorithms
Computer vision is today a wide research area including topics like robot vision, image analysis, pattern recognition, medical imaging and geometric reconstruction problems. Over the past decades there has been a rapid development in understanding and modeling different computer vision applications. Even though much work has been devoted to modelling different problems, less work has been spent on
Benchmark Simulation Model No 2: finalisation of plant layout and default control strategy
The COST/IWA Benchmark Simulation Model No 1 (BSM1) has been available for almost a decade. Its primary purpose has been to create a platform for control strategy benchmarking of activated sludge processes. The fact that the research work related to the benchmark simulation models has resulted in more than 300 publications worldwide demonstrates the interest in and need of such tools within the re
Ohlin on the Great Depression : Ten Newspaper Articles 1929–1935
Bertil Ohlin was a most active commentator on current economic events in the interwar period, combining his academic work with a journalistic output of an impressive scale. He published more than a thousand newspaper articles in the 1920s and 1930s, more than any other professor in economics in Sweden. Here we have collected 10 articles by Ohlin, translated from Swedish and originally published i
Introduction to War, Peace and Citizenship Research
A Correlation Analysis of the Roles of Soot Formation and Oxidation in a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine
Emissions and in-cylinder pressure traces are used to compare the relative importance of soot formation and soot oxidation in a heavy-duty diesel engine. The equivalence ratio at the lift-off length is estimated with an empirical correlation and an idealized model of diesel spray. No correlation is found between the equivalence ratio at lift-off and the soot emissions. This confirms that trends in
Analyzing CAD competence with univariate and multivariate learning curve models
Understanding how learning occurs, and what improves or impedes the learning process is of importance to academicians and practitioners; however, empirical research on validating learning curves is sparse. This paper contributes to this line of research by collecting and analyzing CAD (computer-aided design) procedural and cognitive performance data for novice trainees during 16-weeks of training.
Återge eller återskapa? : faksimilen som verktyg och konstverk
After a brief introduction to some core questions in the history of the book, such as the relationship between form and content, this article investigates the concept of facsimile and its use, and discusses a range of documents that go by the name of “facsimile”. The prevailing definitions of the term “facsimile” focus on the technical means of reproduction and the “exactness” of the copy. However
Sulphur abundances in halo giants from the [S I] line at 1082 nm and the [S I] triplet around 1045 nm
Context. It is still debated whether or not the Galactic chemical evolution of sulphur in the halo follows the flat trend with [Fe/H] that is ascribed to the result of explosive nucleosynthesis in type II SNe. It has been suggested that the disagreement between different investigations of sulphur abundances in halo stars might be owing to problems with the diagnostics used, that a new production s
New Routine for Nuclear Medicine Technologists to Determine When to Add SPECT/CT to a Whole-Body Bone Scan.
Bone scintigraphy is usually obtained as a whole-body scan producing 2 images: an anterior view and a posterior view. Sometimes abnormal findings in the spine are difficult to distinguish on whole-body bone scans. SPECT/CT may be performed to localize and interpret a lesion correctly and to help differentiate between benign and metastatic lesions. The assessment of whether SPECT/CT is needed is us
The Monstrous Organization
Mental Workload in Aircraft and Simulator During Basic Civil Aviation Training
This study investigated mental workload in basic civil aviation training. Heart rate, eye movement, and subjective ratings from 11 students were collected during simulator and aircraft sessions. Results show high correspondence in psychophysiological reactions between the sessions. For some flight segments, heart rate was consistently lower in the simulator, suggesting higher mental workload in th
Application of the BRAFO tiered approach for benefit-risk assessment to case studies on heat processing contaminants
The aim of the European Funded Project BRAFO (benefit-risk analysis of foods) project was to develop a framework that allows quantitative comparison of human health risks and benefits of foods based on a common scale of measurement. This publication describes the application of the BRAFO methodology to three different case studies: the formation of acrylamide in potato and cereal based products, t
Family history of venous thromboembolism as a risk factor and genetic research tool.
Familial clustering of venous thromboembolism (VTE) was described as far back as 1905 by Briggs. Although Egeberg discovered inherited deficiency of antithrombin in 1965, it was not until Dahlbäck discovered resistance to activated protein C in 1993 that it became clear that genetic factors are common risk factors of VTE. Several genes have been linked to familial aggregation of VTE and genome-wid
Can Mobility Management Campaigning Contribute to Pro-Environmental Behaviour in General? Development of an Analytical Tool
This paper brings to the fore the importance of a holistic approach to attaining a general pro-environmental behavioural change in order to reduce carbon emissions and the need to strive for a spillover of pro-environmental behaviour from one area to another. An adjusted version of the MaxSEM model is developed to capture differences in stages of behavioural change regarding environmental load on