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Dissociation between Skeletal Muscle Inhibitor-{kappa}B Kinase/Nuclear Factor-{kappa}B Pathway Activity and Insulin Sensitivity in Nondiabetic Twins.
Context: Several studies suggest a link between increased activity of the inflammatory inhibitor-kappaB kinase/nuclear factor-kappaB (IKK/NF-kappaB) pathway in skeletal muscle and insulin resistance. Objective: We aimed to study the regulation of skeletal muscle IKK/NF-kappaB pathway activity as well as the association with glucose metabolism and skeletal muscle insulin signaling. Methods: The stu
Financing the clean development mechanism through debt-for-efficiency swaps? Case study evidence from a Uruguayan wind farm project
Confocal Raman microscopy for mapping phase segregation in individually dried particles composed of lactose and macromolecules
The quality of powder is determined by its functionality such as dissolution, encapsulation and flowability. The functionality of powder is in turn determined by their primary properties such as morphology and composition which need to be studied. Hence morphology and surface composition has been largely investigated in spray dried powders and individually dried particles. On the contrary, there i
Elastic and quasi-elastic pp and gamma * p scattering in the dipole model
We have in earlier papers presented an extension of Mueller's dipole cascade model, which includes subleading effects from energy conservation and running coupling as well as color-suppressed saturation effects from pomeron loops via a "dipole swing". The model was applied to the description of the total and diffractive cross sections in pp and gamma * p collisions, and also the elastic cross sect
Don't ask, don't tell: the ART of silence can jeopardize assisted pregnancies
Transcutaneous carbon dioxide monitoring for the prevention of neonatal morbidity and mortality.
Carbon dioxide (CO2) measurement is a fundamental evaluation in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), as both low and high values of CO2 might have detrimental effects on neonatal morbidity and mortality. Though measurement of CO2 in the arterial blood gas is the most accurate way to assess the amount of CO2, it requires blood sampling and it does not provide a continuous monitoring of CO2.
HTLV-1 and HIV-2 Infection Are Associated with Increased Mortality in a Rural West African Community
Background: Survival of people with HIV-2 and HTLV-1 infection is better than that of HIV-1 infected people, but long-term follow-up data are rare. We compared mortality rates of HIV-1, HIV-2, and HTLV-1 infected subjects with those of retrovirus-uninfected people in a rural community in Guinea-Bissau. Methods: In 1990, 1997 and 2007, adult residents (aged >= 15 years) were interviewed, a blood sa
Physical activity as a treatment in primary health care. The role of the GP and Somali women’s views and levels of physical activity.
Physical inactivity has been identified as the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality and healthcare systems play a major role in increasing physical activity among the population. Physical activity on prescription (PAP) is a non-pharmacological method used in Swedish healthcare to prevent and treat disease. Primary health care is the first level of care, in a strong position to work for
Linguistic correlates to communicative proficiency levels of the CEFR:The case of syntactic complexity in L2 English and L3 French
AQP9 Expression in Glioblastoma Multiforme Tumors Is Limited to a Small Population of Astrocytic Cells and CD15(+)/CalB(+) Leukocytes
Aquaporin-9 (AQP9) is a membrane protein channel that is permeable to a range of small solutes, including glycerol, urea and nucleobases. Expression of AQP9 in normal brain is limited, while widespread AQP9 expression has previously been reported in human glioblastoma. However, the specific cellular expression of AQP9 in glioblastoma remains unclear. In this study, we have examined microarrays to
The annual cycle of a trans-equatorial Eurasian-African passerine migrant: different spatio-temporal strategies for autumn and spring migration
The small size of the billions of migrating songbirds commuting between temperate breeding sites and the tropics has long prevented the study of the largest part of their annual cycle outside the breeding grounds. Using light-level loggers (geolocators), we recorded the entire annual migratory cycle of the red-backed shrike Lanius collurio, a trans-equatorial Eurasian-African passerine migrant. We
Biopsy testing in an inoperable, non-small cell lung cancer population-a retrospective, real-life study in Sweden.
Correct diagnosis and staging are required for optimal treatment choice in lung cancer patients. This retrospective, patient medical records study investigated the clinical practice of lung cancer biopsy procedures and testing in Sweden.
Vehicular channel characterization and its implications for wireless system design and performance
To make transportation safer, more efficient, and less harmful to the environment, traffic telematics services are currently being intensely investigated and developed. Such services require dependable wireless vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehicle-to-vehicle communications providing robust connectivity at moderate data rates. The development of such dependable vehicular communication systems and
Energy Security in Europe
Radioactivity Exploration from the Arctic to the Antarctic. Part 6: The Arctic Ocean-96 expedition
The Swedish Arctic Ocean-96 expedition arranged by the Swedish Polar Research Committee took place during 1996 with the Swedish icebreaker M/S Oden. The expedition focused on studying the distribution of radionuclides in different water masses in the central Arctic Ocean. The expedition crossed the Barents Sea, entered the Nansen Basin at the St. Anna Trough, and continued north across the Amundse
Metabolic and Lifestyle related risk factors for pancreatic cancer
Background and aims: In spite of the fact that pancreatic cancer is a relatively infrequent disease, it ranks 8th in the worldwide ranking of cancer death due to the poor prognosis. The mortality rate is almost as high as the incidence with a M/I ratio of 98%, indicating an extremely dismal clinical course. This makes it imperative to try to develop new therapeutic strategies and to try to identif
Levels of Beta-Microseminoprotein in Blood and Risk of Prostate Cancer in Multiple Populations.
BackgroundA common genetic variant (rs10993994) in the 5' region of the gene encoding β-microseminoprotein (MSP) is associated with circulating levels of MSP and prostate cancer risk. Whether MSP levels are predictive of prostate cancer risk has not been evaluated.MethodsWe investigated the prospective relationship between circulating plasma levels of MSP and prostate cancer risk in a nested case-
Predicting Prognosis and Tamoxifen Response in Breast Cancer. With a special focus on contralateral breast cancer.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje år drabbas cirka 8000 svenska kvinnor av bröstcancer, och antalet nyinsjuknade ökar årligen med någon procent. I Sverige idag finns fler än 90 000 kvinnor som har avslutat eller är under behandling för sjukdomen. Med hjälp av nya återfallsförebyggande läkemedel har prognosen kraftigt förbättrats och 5-årsöverlevnaden är nästan 90 %. Den stora utmaningen i dagens bOne of the great challenges in breast cancer treatment today is to customize adjuvant treatment to each patient’s individual needs. To do this it is necessary to learn more about the prognostic and treatment predictive factors that determine the risk of relapse and response to a certain mode of treatment. This thesis describes studies on the effect of amplified in breast cancer 1 (AIB1), a coactiv