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The Effects of Presalting Methods from Injection to Pickling, on the Yields of Heavily Salted Cod (Gadus morhua)

The production of heavy-salted cod (Bacalao) has changed from being a single-step process (kench) salting to a multistep procedure varying between producers and countries. Presalting by injection, brining, or pickling is increasingly applied prior to pile (dry) salting. This article describes the effects of different presalting methods (injection and brining, brining only, and pickling) on yield a

Apparent Dead Space with the Anesthetic Conserving Device, AnaConDa®: A Clinical and Laboratory Investigation.

The anesthetic conserving device (ACD) reduces consumption of volatile anesthetic drug by a conserving medium adsorbing exhaled drug during expiration and releasing it during inspiration. Elevated arterial CO2 tension (PaCO2) has been observed in patients using the ACD, despite tidal volume increase to compensate for larger apparatus dead space. In a test lung using room temperature dry gas, this

Drivers of rice production: evidence from five Sub-Saharan African countries

Background: In spite of considerable rice production gains over the past 50 years, Sub-Saharan Africa is becoming increasingly dependent on rice imports as demand is outpacing domestic supply. The serious economic and social strains caused by this have urged national leaders to address production deficits. The aim of this article is to analyse and discuss the drivers behind recent changes in rice

Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone, Thyroglobulin, and Thyroid Hormones and Risk of Differentiated Thyroid Carcinoma: The EPIC Study

Background Increased levels of thyroglobulin (Tg) and thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) are associated with differentiated thyroid carcinoma (TC) risk, but strong epidemiological evidence is lacking. Methods Three hundred fifty-seven incident TC case patients (n = 300 women and 57 men; mean age at blood collection = 51.5 years) were identified in the EPIC cohort study and matched with 2 (women) or

Mångfaldiga internationella perspektiv på strokevård

Den 18:e nordiska kongressen arrangerad av Nordic Stroke Society ägde rum i Malmö den 26-28 augusti, 2015. Föreningen som i många år arrangerat nordiska strokekongresser bildades för över 30 år sedan. Denna rapport från årets kongress av Ann-Cathrin Jönsson, docent vid Institutionen för hälsovetenskaper, Lunds universitet, inleds med en beskrivning av bakgrunden till Nordic Stroke Society.


Cancer is a disease characterized by deregulation of cellular functions. The means by which these changes occur may differ among cancer types. However, common to all cancers are that they have changed the genetic programs that determine their characteristics. Genetic programs are mainly regulated by the action of transcription factors. Changes in transcription factor activity and modification of p

Entrepreneurship: Exploring the knowledge base

Entrepreneurship research has a long tradition and since the 1980s the field has grown significantly. In this study we identify the 'knowledge producers' who have shaped the field over time and their core entrepreneurship research works. A unique database consisting of all references in twelve entrepreneurship 'handbooks' (or state-of-the-art books) has been developed. The chapters in these handbo

Torque measurements reveal large process differences between materials during high solid enzymatic hydrolysis of pretreated lignocellulose

Background: A common trend in the research on 2nd generation bioethanol is the focus on intensifying the process and increasing the concentration of water insoluble solids (WIS) throughout the process. However, increasing the WIS content is not without problems. For example, the viscosity of pretreated lignocellulosic materials is known to increase drastically with increasing WIS content. Further,

Krossa den skändliga

Regarding religious fundamentalism it is sometimes argued that a woman who volontarily for religious reasons chooses her submission is not oppressed. The article argues that since religious fundamentalism defines woman as created by God to be subjected to man, she does not have the choice to choose non-submission should she wish to remain within her fundamentalist context and still be considered t

Maximum likelihood estimation of local stellar kinematics

Context. Kinematical data such as the mean velocities and velocity dispersions of stellar samples are useful tools to study galactic structure and evolution. However, observational data are often incomplete (e. g., lacking the radial component of the motion) and may have significant observational errors. For example, the majority of faint stars observed with Gaia will not have their radial velocit

Practical and physiological aspects of breath alcohol analysis

Breath alcohol analysis constitutes sufficient material for the prosecution of drunk driving without the need for blood analysis. However, the prevailing method used for breath analysis lacks standardization of several physiological variables that cause a variation of the breath alcohol concentration (BrAC). In this thesis, a novel analyzer which standardizes the BrAC to the water vapour concentra

Health-Related Quality of Life and Adherence in Haemophilia

Assessment of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in haemophilia is important in order to provide information for clinical decision making and to verify the impact of haemophilia on patients and their families. Advances in haemophilia care and prophylactic treatment have improved HRQoL for the patients and where treatment is available, patients with haemophilia have almost reached the same life

The FLT3 inhibitor PKC412 in combination with cytostatic drugs in vitro in acute myeloid leukemia

An internal tandem duplication of FLT3 (FLT3/ITD) occurs in approximately 25% of newly diagnosed AML. PKC412 inhibits the growth of leukemic cell lines with FLT3 mutations such as the MV4-11. This study evaluated the in vitro effects of the combination of PKC412 and ara-C or daunorubicin, studying the effect of co-incubation, pre-incubation and sequential incubation of the drugs in patient samples

Dissociation between Skeletal Muscle Inhibitor-{kappa}B Kinase/Nuclear Factor-{kappa}B Pathway Activity and Insulin Sensitivity in Nondiabetic Twins.

Context: Several studies suggest a link between increased activity of the inflammatory inhibitor-kappaB kinase/nuclear factor-kappaB (IKK/NF-kappaB) pathway in skeletal muscle and insulin resistance. Objective: We aimed to study the regulation of skeletal muscle IKK/NF-kappaB pathway activity as well as the association with glucose metabolism and skeletal muscle insulin signaling. Methods: The stu