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Your search for "*" yielded 528271 hits

The problem of open justice and live blogging from criminal trials

Live blogging from criminal trials entails journalists publishing detailed depictions of interactions and individuals from inside the courtroom - in real-time - on news websites. This digital practice thus opens up legal proceedings to a legal public beyond the courtroom walls. Whilst live blogging may enable a higher degree of insight into the legal sphere - central to Bentham's notion of open ju

Thermodynamic stability of LuRhO3 in a photoelectrochemical cell

Long term stability of lutetium rhodite (LuRhO3) as an electrode for photoelectrochemical decomposition of water is investigated. The thermodynamic properties of LuRhO3are determined in the temperature range from 875 to 1300 K using an electrochemical cell incorporating calcia–stabilized zirconia as the solid electrolyte. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of LuRhO3from its constituent binary

Marigó Oulis, Värdeersättning vid återgång

I denna anmälan av doktorsavhandlingen Värdeersättning vid återgång, författad av Marigó Oulis, Uppsala, väcks å ena sidan frågor rörande dels avhandlingens något otraditionella upplägg, dels en viss spretighet avseende vilka spörsmål som egentligen står i fokus för studien. Å andra sidan hyllas både det ambitiösa grundarbete som genomgående präglar verket samt flera av de utförliga resonemang som

European integration in context: Questioning the normative foundations of European criminal law

With this special issue and as part of the ELJ's endeavour to foster collaborative research projects on European integration, two of its board members, Jacob Öberg and Valsamis Mitsilegas, threw down a challenge to fellow expertsin European criminal law: to reflect on the normative foundations of European criminal law. This challenge first tookshape with an online symposium organised by Jacob with

Fast simulation of pharmacokinetics

Fast simulation of linear time-invariant (LTI) pharmacokinetic (PK) models is crucial to mixed-effect modeling techniques, used extensively in pharmacological research and development. The by far most common LTI PK models are particularly structured compartmental systems with one, two or three compartments. Here we develop and demonstrate very efficient, and down to machine precision exact, simula

Academic Freedom and the Decolonisation of Knowledge : Curriculum Transformation in South Africa from a UNESCO Perspective

Decolonisation aims at exposing the ills of colonialism in an attempt to undo their long-standing effects. Important criticism of curriculum decolonisation has focused on potential conflicts with academic freedom. However, this criticism has to some extent suffered from a perceived lack of agreement on the concept and status of academic freedom itself. The present study views decolonisation in Sou

Är logopedens sväljråd adekvata? – uppföljning med måltidsobservation efter FUS

Syfte: Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om logopedens sväljråd gör sväljningen säkrare och mer effektiv. Metod: I studien deltog tre dysfagipatienter mellan 60 och 84 år. Dessa hade genomgått en FUS och efter denna fått sväljråd av logopeden. Deltagarna observerades under en måltid på sjukhuset. De variabler som observerades var om sväljråden följdes och om det förekom sväljrelaterade Purpose: The aim of this study was to examine if the speech and language therapist’s swallowing recommendations make the swallowing safer and more efficient. Method: Three dysphagia patients between 60 and 84 years old participated in this study. They had undergone a Fiberoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) and received swallowing recommendations afterwards. The participants were obs

The Chirality-Flow Formalism for Standard Model Calculations

Scattering amplitudes are often split up into their color (su(N) ) and kinematic components. Since the su(N) gauge part can be described using flows of color, one may anticipate that the su(2 ) ⊕ su(2 ) kinematic part can be described in terms of flows of chirality. In two recent papers we showed that this is indeed the case, introducing the chirality-flow formalism for standard model calculations

Mental ill-health in Sweden. Causes and consequences from an inequality perspective.

En god hälsa är grundläggande för barns och ungas utveckling, och en förutsättning för socialt och ekonomiskt deltagande under livet. Således innebär bördan av psykisk ohälsa stora utmaningar för både individ och samhälle. Det har rapporterats att den psykiska ohälsan ökar i Sverige dels bland den yngre befolkningen, dels i vissa grupper av den vuxna befolkningen. Det finns svårigheter med att mätThe purpose of this thesis is to improve the understanding of factors related to mental ill-health, and itsdistribution, in the Swedish population. The thesis consists of four studies. In study I, we find thatbetween the years 1994 and 2011, the probability of receiving a psychiatric inpatient diagnosisincreased by 12.6 percent, while the relative and absolute income-related inequalities in diagno

A Study on Lignin or Zein Based Hydrophobic Coatings

Med de nya klimatomställningarna behövs nya hållbara material. En av de mest förekom-mande naturliga molekylerna är lignin, vilket är en av de tre huvudsakliga beståndsdelarna i växter, till exempel trä. Förutom lignin är de två andra huvudbeståndsdelarna i trä; cellulosa och hemicellulosa. Idag används framför allt cellulosa i pappersindustrin och lignin har därför länge ansetts vara en restproduThe two by-products lignin, from the paper industry, and zein, from starch production, have shown potential as hydrophobic barriers. Therefore, this study has aimed to produce and in-vestigate the hydrophobicity of lignin or zein dispersions coated on paper. The lignin coatings were made from softwood (spruce) and hardwood (birch) lignin that was extracted using hy-drotropic extraction (HEX) and m

Mutant huntingtin expression in the hypothalamus promotes ventral striatal neuropathology

Huntington’s disease is a fatal neurodegenerative disorder caused by an expanded CAG triplet repeat in the huntingtin (HTT) gene. Previous research focused on neuropathology in the striatum and its association with a typical movement disorder. Direct effects of mutant HTT (mHTT) in the striatum may cause neuropathology, although non-cell autonomous effects have also been suggested. Important non-m