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What is the ‘problem’ that digital competence in Swedish teacher education is meant to solve?

This paper explores how policy makers argue for the importance of digital competence in Swedish teacher education. A policy analysis of key policy documents from the government and from government-affiliated organisations from the time period 2011–2016 is conducted using Carol Bacchi’s ‘what’s the problem represented to be?’ approach. The paper critically examines underlying assumptions and partic

Intracellular dynamics in cuneate nucleus neurons support self-stabilizing learning of generalizable tactile representations

How the brain represents the external world is an unresolved issue for neuroscience, which could provide fundamental insights into brain circuitry operation and solutions for artificial intelligence and robotics. The neurons of the cuneate nucleus form the first interface for the sense of touch in the brain. They were previously shown to have a highly skewed synaptic weight distribution for tactil

Interdisciplinary research on energy efficiency standards and climate change mitigation : Methods, results, and communication

Energy efficiency regulations are one of the important policy packages employed for climate mitigation. Recent evaluations from the USA and the European Union (EU) indicate that the setting of minimum mandatory energy performance standards (MEPS) for different products-such as electric motors, TVs, and dishwashers-are among the best-performing climate policies and that these regulations are also c

Driftwood in the Eemian interglacial lacustrine unit from the Faroe Islands and its possible source areas : palaeobotanical and ichnological analysis

The coastal cliffs in Klaksvík (Borðoyar Bay) are the only known locality with Eemian sediments in the Faroe Islands. Previous studies carried out there focused on the sedimentology, tephra chemistry, paleoecology including aquatic environment, or the age of the deposits. In the lacustrine, clayey to silty gyttja we collected scattered wood fragments, identified as Larix sp., Pinus sp., Taxus sp.

Plastic Deformation and Residual Stress in High Speed Turning of AD730™ Nickel-based Superalloy with PCBN and WC Tools

A higher gas turbine efficiency can be achieved by increasing the operating temperature in hot sections. AD730™ is a recently-developed wrought/cast nickel-based superalloy which can maintain excellent mechanical properties above 700. However, machining of AD730™ could be a difficult task like other nickel-based superalloys. Therefore, studies are needed with respect to the machinability of this n

Biodegradation of 17-β-estradiol in water

This study reports a potential biotechnical method of 17-β-estradiol removal in aquatic systems. The different bacterial strains isolated from sewage water samples were Bacillus sp., Enterobacter sp. I, Enterobacter sp. II, Klebsiella sp., Aeromonas veronii and Aeromonas punctate. These isolates were characterized on the basis of a single PCR reaction from the 5′ end of the PCR fragment to obtain

Observations of solar system objects

Context. The Gaia spacecraft of the European Space Agency (ESA) has been securing observations of solar system objects (SSOs) since the beginning of its operations. Data Release 2 (DR2) contains the observations of a selected sample of 14,099 SSOs. These asteroids have been already identified and have been numbered by the Minor Planet Center repository. Positions are provided for each Gaia observa

Signs in People with Intellectual Disabilities : Interviews with Managers and Staff on the Identification Process of Dementia

The life expectancy of people with intellectual disabilities (ID) has steadily increased, which has been accompanied by an increased risk of dementia. Staff and managers are key resources for safety diagnosis since they deliver information about people with ID behavior every day. The aim of the present study was to explore the identification process employed by staff and managers to detect signs o

New alleles in calpastatin gene are associated with meat quality traits in pigs

Suggestive QTL affecting raw firmness scores and average Instron force, tenderness, juiciness, and chewiness on cooked meat were mapped to pig chromosome 2 using a three-generation intercross between Berkshire and Yorkshire pigs. Based on its function and location, the calpastatin (CAST) gene was considered to be a good candidate for the observed effects. Several missense and silent mutations were

Mapping of QTL for Body Conformation and Behavior in Cattle

Genome scans for quantitative trait loci (QTL) in farm animals have concentrated on primary production and health traits, and information on QTL for other important traits is rare. We performed a whole genome scan in a granddaughter design to detect QTL affecting body conformation and behavior in dairy cattle. The analysis included 16 paternal half-sib families of the Holstein breed with 872 sons

Prediction of photosynthesis in Scots pine ecosystems across Europe by a needle-level theory

Photosynthesis provides carbon for the synthesis of macromolecules to construct cells during growth. This is the basis for the key role of photosynthesis in the carbon dynamics of ecosystems and in the biogenic CO2 assimilation. The development of eddy-covariance (EC) measurements for ecosystem CO2 fluxes started a new era in the field studies of photosynthesis. However, the interpretation of the

Nanobeam X-ray Fluorescence Dopant Mapping Reveals Dynamics of in Situ Zn-Doping in Nanowires

The properties of semiconductors can be controlled using doping, making it essential for electronic and optoelectronic devices. However, with shrinking device sizes it becomes increasingly difficult to quantify doping with sufficient sensitivity and spatial resolution. Here, we demonstrate how X-ray fluorescence mapping with a nanofocused beam, nano-XRF, can quantify Zn doping within in situ doped

Signatures of autoionization in the angular electron distribution in two-photon double ionization of Ar

A kinematically complete experiment on two-photon double ionization of Ar by free-electron laser radiation with a photon energy of 27.93 eV was performed. The electron energy spectra show that double ionization is dominated by the sequential process. Comparison of the electron angular distributions to our data for single ionization and to theory confirms that even in the sequential process the ele

Evaluation of a Novel Capacitor Charging Structure for Flicker Mitigation in High-Power Long-Pulse Modulators

In order to generate high-voltage high-pulsed power, klystron modulators necessarily contain at least one capacitor bank charging structure supplying the energy to be released during the pulse. Conventional charging structures are based on ac/dc front-end units typically based on diode rectifiers combined with power charging structures operated in on/off mode as a second stage, producing prohibiti

Nation and identity in contemporary Europe

The resilience of nationalism in contemporary Europe may seem paradoxical at a time when the nation state is widely seen as being 'in decline'. The contributors of this book see the resurgence of nationalism as symptomatic of the quest for identity and meaning in the complex modern world. Challenged from above by the supranational imperatives of globalism and from below by the complex pluralism of

Alternative tourism mobilities and urban spatial change

One of the most important trends in contemporary tourism is the increase in urban tourism, both in absolute and in relative terms. An increasing number of cities have become significant tourism destinations. Cities also attract an increasingly diverse set of visitors, some of which could be called alternative tourists. The development of alternative tourism is related to decreasing relative costs One of the most important trends in contemporary tourism is the increase in urban tourism, both in absolute and in relative terms. An increasing number of cities have become significant tourism destinations. Cities also attract an increasingly diverse set of visitors, some of which could be called alternative tourists. The development of alternative tourism is related to decreasing relative costs

Generating FMUs for the Feature-Based Language Bloqqi

In this paper, we describe how we generate Functional Mock-up Units (FMUs) for the automation block language Bloqqi. This allows Bloqqi control programs to be tested with simulations of the physical processes they control. The physical process can be specified in any tool that supports the Functional Mockup-Interface (FMI) standard. For example, we have successfully run Bloqqi programs together wi

A variation of pigmentation in the glabrous skin of dogs

The usual pigmentation pattern in mammalian skin consists of fixed melanocytes in the basal layer of the epidermis, supplying keratinocytes with melanosomes. We observed that the glabrous skin (rhinaria and footpads) of dogs deviates from this pattern. In dogs, melanocytes are found in both the dermis and epidermis. The epidermal melanocytes are situated in the intercellular spaces of the basal an

GBGT1 is allelically diverse but dispensable in humans and naturally occurring anti-FORS1 shows an ABO-restricted pattern

BACKGROUND: The FORS histo-blood group system was described in 2013 and much remains to be investigated regarding its genetic and immunohematologic characteristics, as well as its clinical importance. While presence of the c.887G>A-mutated GBGT1 gene, which results in FORS1 glycosphingolipid expression on human red blood cells (RBCs), is rare in the populations tested so far, naturally occurring a