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Ödeskonflikten: Den gröna industrin eller samerna? Konsultationsordningen i ljuset av den gröna industrialiseringen och samers intressen

Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka målkonflikten mellan den gröna industrialiseringen och den samiska ursprungsbefolkningens rättigheter samt intressen, med särskilt fokus på hur konflikten manifesteras i konsultationer med samiska företrädare. Dessa konsultationer genomförs i enlighet med lagen om konsultation i frågor som rör det samiska folket, en central lagstiftning i denna studie. För aThis thesis aims to examine the conflict of goals between the green industrialization and the rights and interests of the indigenous Sami people, with a particular focus on how the conflict manifests in consultations with the Sami people. These consultations are conducted under the Act on Consultation in Matters Concerning the Sami People, a central piece of legislation in this study. In order to

Narrating Human Rights History - A Meta-Study of Narrative’s Functions and Perspectives

Följande forskningsstudie undersöker hur historiska berättelser om mänskliga rättigheter konstrueras och vilka funktioner de fyller. Analysen baseras på tre olika historiografier av Micheline Ishay, Samuel Moyn och Steven L.B. Jensen, som var och en omfattar distinkta riktningar och perspektiv inom forskningsfältet historia om mänskliga rättigheter. Genom en textanalys på metanivå är syftet att krThe following research study examines how historical narratives of human rights are constructed and what functions they fulfil. The analysis is based on three different historiographies of Micheline Ishay, Samuel Moyn and Steven L.B. Jensen, each encompassing distinct directions and perspectives within the research field of human rights history. Through a meta-level text analysis, the purpose is t

Questioning de facto statelessness : By looking at de facto citizenship

This article challenges the concept of de facto (by fact) statelessness, often conceptualised as ineffective citizenship, from being included within the statelessness discourse. This is done by considering the nexus between de jure (by law) statelessness and de facto citizenship. The argument that if someone can have citizenship that is so ineffective they are de facto stateless is extended to con

Exploring Statelessness and Nationality in Iran: Gaps in the nationality law, populations of concern and areas for future research

Iran has yet to be the subject of research looking into the gaps in the nationality law, which, could create and perpetuate statelessness. There were however, several pre-identified populations, some members of which are believed to be affected by statelessness, as well as gender discrimination in the nationality law - which causes and increases the risk of rendering children stateless. Therefore,

The Humanitarian Side of Statelessness: Statelessness within the Framework of the Millennium Development Goals

The issue of statelessness has begun to receive attention from a legal perspective. While this work should be commended and continue this article argues that we should also remember that at its core statelessness is a human issue that deeply affects the lives of those who suffer from it. It causes and perpetuates, amongst other things, extreme poverty and human insecurity. Statelessness is still g

The Untold Dangers and Unfeasibility of a Global Registration of Stateless Persons: A Reply to Jay Milbrandt's ‘Stateless’

Milbrandt’s article highlights the need for increased debate surrounding the dire situation in which many stateless persons around the world find themselves.1 It provides a step in the right direction in that his article attempts to challenge the phenomena of statelessness and reduce its prevalence in the world. However, the idea put forward of global registration of stateless persons is criticall

Cross-border and Multi-modal Cold Chain Risk Assessment: Applying FMECA on a new Thai-Laos route

Cross-border multi-modal and railway transportation often faces different risks and problems creating delays, sometimes driven by technical or administrative discontents between countries. For cold supply chains, the risks of such delays get even more important to understand and handle, due to the perishable characteristics of the goods. While some previous research has dealt with risk assessment

Exploring the Psychological Aspects of Palliative Care : Lessons Learned from an Interdisciplinary Seminar of Experts

Palliative care has been shown to help patients live well with serious illness, but the specific psychological factors that contribute to this benefit remain investigational. Although support of patient coping has emerged as a likely factor, it is unclear how palliative care helps patients to cope with serious illness. The therapeutic relationship has been proposed as a key element in beneficial p

Neurology clinicians' views on palliative care communication: "How do you frame this?"

BACKGROUND: The communication process of preparing patients and families facing progressive neurodegenerative diseases for future illness has not been empirically elucidated; the goal of this qualitative study was to explore neurology interdisciplinary health professionals' communication experiences, including current approaches, facilitators, and challenges.METHODS: Three focus groups were conduc

Nudging strategies to influence prescribers' behavior toward reducing opioid prescriptions : a systematic scoping review

OBJECTIVE: This systematic scoping review aimed to map the literature on the use of various nudging strategies to influence prescriber behavior toward reducing opioid prescriptions across diverse healthcare settings.METHODS: A systematic database search was conducted using seven electronic databases. Only articles published in English were included. A total of 2234 articles were identified, 35 of

Excavations ON-AIR : How archaeological practice reshapes digital tools

The widespread diffusion and adoption of digital methods and tools into archaeological practice have deeply affected and often transformed how archaeologists interact with material culture, impacting also on the collaborative and reflective aspects of excavation methods. Moreover, these transformations in archaeological methods and practice, have also brought about advancements in data collection,

Expressions of Trust : How University STEM Teachers Describe the Role of Trust in their Teaching

Positive teacher-student and student-student relationships are among the most significant factors contributing to learning, motivation, wellbeing, and graduation rates in higher education. Trust is commonly understood as a key element for the development and sustenance of positive educational relationships, yet relatively little empirical research investigates trust in higher education classrooms.

Eden på Scen: Delimiteringskritik av Gen 2:18-3:21

This bachelor thesis is a delimitation criticism of part of the Eden Narrative, specifically Gen 2:18–3:21. The question explored is whether or not it is accurate to call Gen 2:23 and 3:14–19 poetic insertions in an otherwise prose text. It is argued that no, they cannot reasonably be argued as poetic exceptions – the text is poetic throughout. A recurring stylistic pattern tying large narrative u

Reformationen och kyrkorummet – destruktion, dekonstruktion och invention: Nybyggnation, rivning och förändring av skånska sockenkyrkor och kyrkorum 1520-1630

Reformationen var en period av förändring, av vilka några hade stora konsekvenser. De förändringar som reformationen bidrog till var av många slag: politiska, teologiska, liturgiska och estetiska. Även kyrkorummet förändrades. Det finns några allmänna uppfattningar om vad detta innebar, men också en del förvirring. Syftet med denna uppsats är därför att förklara och genom mina begrepp "destruThe Reformation was a time of change, some of which had great consequences. The changes that the Reformation cause are of many kinds: political, theological, liturgical and aesthetic. Even the church room changed. There are some general perceptions of what this meant but also a lot of confusion. The purpose of this essay is, therefore, to explain and, through my concepts of "destruction"

Alla är ni ett i Kristus Jesus: Galaterbrevet 3:28 - Vem får vara med?

This essay focuses on the verse 3:28 from Paul´s letter to the Galatians, in which Paul writes that “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” I have chosen to focus, primarily, on the concepts of “male nor female” in a combined exegetical study and hermeneutical search for an inclusive, Pauline language

De baptismo: En undersökning av det bibliska vattnets betydelse hos Tertullianus

Humans need water - a fact we have been taught since an early age. The body requires water to function and we through it. We can explicitly say that water is a vital source and element that all living things need. But at the same time, water can be a source of chaos. Stories in the Bible tell of how storms, tempests and floods cause both suffering and death. This paradoxical view of water makes it

Whitman i vassen - en komparativ studie mellan Rumi och Whitmans gudsbilder

The thesis examines the portrayal of the divine in the works of Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī and Walt Whitman, specifically through the Masnavi and Leaves of Grass. Thereafter, the study conducts a comparative analysis between Whitman and Rumi’s perception of the divine. The result from the study finds that Rumi’s God is a God integrated into the whole of existence, bound by a mutual sense of love