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A continuous-time delta-sigma ADC with integrated digital background calibration

This work presents a digital calibration technique in continuous-time (CT) delta-sigma (Δ Σ) analog to digital converter. The converter is clocked at 144 MHz with a low oversampling ratio (OSR) of only 8. Dynamic element matching is not efficient to linearize the digital to analog converter (DAC) when the OSR is very low. Therefore, non-idealities in the outermost multi-bit feedback DAC are measur

Fusidic acid-resistant mutants define three regions in elongation factor G of Salmonella typhimurium

We have sequenced fusA, the gene coding for elongation factor G (EF-G), in 18 different mutants of Salmonella typhimurium selected as fusidic acid resistant (FuR). In addition, we have sequenced two previously described FuR mutants from Escherichia coli. In all cases, the resistance is due to a mutation in one of three separate regions in fusA. The three clusters of mutant sites superimpose on reg

A new mutation in 16S rRNA of Escherichia coli conferring spectinomycin resistance

We report a novel mutation, C1066U in 16S rRNA which was selected for resistance to spectinomycin, an antibiotic which inhibits ribosomal translocation. The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of spectinomycin determined for this mutant (15 micrograms/ml) is greater than with the wild-type plasmid (5 micrograms/ml) but lower than with the well known C1192U mutation (> 80 micrograms/ml). The C10

DNA content in extracellular vesicles isolated from porcine coronary venous blood directly after myocardial ischemic preconditioning

Background: Extracellular vesicles (EV) are nano-sized membranous structures released from most cells. They have the capacity to carry bioactive molecules and gene expression signals between cells, thus mediating intercellular communication. It is believed that EV confer protection after ischemic preconditioning (IPC). We hypothesize that myocardial ischemic preconditioning will lead to rapid alte

Key knowledge and data gaps in modelling the influence of CO2 concentration on the terrestrial carbon sink

Primary productivity of terrestrial vegetation is expected to increase under the influence of increasing atmospheric carbon dioxide concentrations ([CO2]). Depending on the fate of such additionally fixed carbon, this could lead to an increase in terrestrial carbon storage, and thus a net terrestrial sink of atmospheric carbon. Such a mechanism is generally believed to be the primary global driver

A model inter-comparison study to examine limiting factors in modelling Australian tropical savannas

The savanna ecosystem is one of the most dominant and complex terrestrial biomes, deriving from a distinct vegetative surface comprised of co-dominant tree and grass populations. While these two vegetation types co-exist functionally, demographically they are not static but are dynamically changing in response to environmental forces such as annual fire events and rainfall variability. Modelling s

Forced treadmill exercise can induce stress and increase neuronal damage in a mouse model of global cerebral ischemia

Physical exercise is known to be a beneficial factor by increasing the cellular stress tolerance. In ischemic stroke, physical exercise is suggested to both limit the brain injury and facilitate behavioral recovery. In this study we investigated the effect of physical exercise on brain damage following global cerebral ischemia in mice. We aimed to study the effects of 4.5 weeks of forced treadmill

Apoptins: selective anticancer agents

•Apoptins are viral proteins that trigger cell death.•Apoptins show cancer-selective toxicity.•Potential delivery methods are being assayed for future apoptin clinical trials.Therapies that selectively target cancer cells for death have been the center of intense research recently. One potential therapy may involve apoptin proteins, which are able to induce apoptosis in cancer cells leaving normal

Direct and indirect costs for anal fistula in Sweden

Introduction Anal fistula is an abnormal tract with an external and internal opening that cause leakage, discomfort, and occasionally pain. Surgery is standard treatment, but recurrence and anal incontinence is common. The objective of the study was to analyze resource use, costs and sick leave for newly diagnosed patients with anal fistula in Sweden. Methods The study was based on register data f

Communication professionals: Important Internal Agents for Realizing Strategy Processes within the Organization

The purpose of this paper is to describe and produce a more profound understanding of how communication professionals perceive that they realize strategic communication in organizations. Another aim is to deepen the understanding of what consequences the strategic work with communication has for the co-creation of meaning in which the organization is constituted. The paper is based on a qualitativ

Accumulation of transposable elements in hox gene clusters during adaptive radiation of anolis lizards

Transposable elements (TEs) are DNA sequences that can insert elsewhere in the genome and modify genome structure and gene regulation. The role of TEs in evolution is contentious. One hypothesis posits that TE activity generates genomic incompatibilities that can cause reproductive isolation between incipient species. This predicts that TEs will accumulate during speciation events. Here, I tested

Multiparty government and economic policy-making : Coalition agreements, prime ministerial power and spending in Western European Cabinets

Multiparty government has often been associated with poor economic policy-making, with distortions like lower growth rates and high budget deficits. One proposed reason for such distortions is that coalition governments face more severe ‘common pool problems’ since parties use their control over specific ministries to advance their specific spending priorities rather than practice budgetary discip

Inelastic hyperspectral lidar for profiling aquatic ecosystems

Monitoring the aquatic environment and the life of free-floating organisms remains on the borderline of our technical capabilities. Therefore, our insights into aquatic habitats, such as, abundance and behavior of organisms are limited. In order to improve our understanding of aquatic life, we have developed a low-cost inelastic hyperspectral lidar with unlimited focal depth and enough sensitivity

Bioimprinting as a tool for the detection of aflatoxin B1 using a capacitive biosensor

A strategy for the detection of aflatoxin B1 using a capacitive biosensor has been studied. The use of proteins for the generation of sites with high specificity against aflatoxin B1 are produced via bioimprinting. This technique has become a tool for the detection of aflatoxin B1 using a capacitive biosensor. The results demonstrate the ability to generate specific interactions with aflatoxin B1

Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) as a bridge between ecology and evolutionary genomics

Odonata (dragonflies and damselflies) present an unparalleled insect model to integrate evolutionary genomics with ecology for the study of insect evolution. Key features of Odonata include their ancient phylogenetic position, extensive phenotypic and ecological diversity, several unique evolutionary innovations, ease of study in the wild and usefulness as bioindicators for freshwater ecosystems w