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Your search for "*" yielded 533149 hits

Double Compression-Expansion Engine Concepts : Experimental and simulation study of a split-cycle concept for improved brake efficiency

The four-stroke engine was invented by Nikolaus Otto during the second half of the 19th century. Although a lot of technological improvements have been made over the years, the operating principle with four-strokes remains the same. The need and desire of engines with even higher fuel-efficiency is a motivation to study alternative engine concepts. This thesis presents studies of the Double Compre

A Computer Algorithm for Determining Local Activation Times in Electrograms Obtained during Atrial Fibrillation

A critical factor in analyzing the propagation of activation waves in the myocardium is the definition of local activation times (LAT) in the electrogram. The authors have formulated and tested a definition of LAT in bipolar electrograms applicable to atrial electrograms containing deflections with wide variation in complexity, e.g. those obtained during rapid, irregular atrial rhythm, i.e. atrial

Factors associated with timing of umbilical cord clamping in tertiary hospital of Nepal

OBJECTIVE: Delayed umbilical cord clamping (DCC) (≥ 60 s) is recognized to improve iron status and neurodevelopment compared to early umbilical cord clamping. The aim of this study is to identify current umbilical cord clamping practice and factors determining the timing of clamping in a low-resource setting where prevalence of anemia in infants is high.RESULTS: A cross-sectional study design incl

Daylighting and lighting under a Nordic sky

After nearly a century when electric lighting has dominated the design of building interiors, a return to the use of daylight as the main ambient light source is motivated by energy, environmental, and health considerations. Good daylighting of building interiors not only promotes low energy use, it has the potential to (re)connect humans to the natural cycle of day and night, which promotes healt

Deep Reinforcement Learning of Region Proposal Networks for Object Detection

We propose drl-RPN, a deep reinforcement learning-based visual recognition model consisting of a sequential region proposal network (RPN) and an object detector. In contrast to typical RPNs, where candidate object regions (RoIs) are selected greedily via class-agnostic NMS, drl-RPN optimizes an objective closer to the final detection task. This is achieved by replacing the greedy RoI selection pro

A spatially-restricted Younger Dryas plateau icefield in the Gaick, Scotland : Reconstruction and palaeoclimatic implications

Considerable research has been conducted in Scotland to reconstruct Younger Dryas glaciers and palaeoclimatic conditions, but our understanding remains incomplete. In this contribution, we examine the Gaick, a dissected plateau that extends over ∼520 km 2 in the Central Grampians, Scotland. The extent and style of Younger Dryas glaciation in the Gaick has been repeatedly contested, although a mo

Innate colour preferences of a hawkmoth depend on visual context

Solitary insects that feed on floral nectar must use innate knowledge to find their first flower. While innate preferences for flower colours are often described as fixed, species-specific traits, the nature and persistence of these preferences have been debated, particularly in relation to ontogenetic processes such as learning. Here we present evidence for a strong context-dependence of innate c

Testing the resource trade-off hypothesis for carotenoid-based signal honesty using genetic variants of the domestic canary

Carotenoid-based coloration in birds is widely considered an honest signal of individual condition, but the mechanisms responsible for condition dependency in such ornaments remain debated. Currently, the most common explanation for how carotenoid coloration serves as a reliable signal of condition is the resource trade-off hypothesis, which proposes that use of carotenoids for ornaments reduces t

Measuring progress from 1990 to 2017 and projecting attainment to 2030 of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals for 195 countries and territories : a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2017

BACKGROUND: Efforts to establish the 2015 baseline and monitor early implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) highlight both great potential for and threats to improving health by 2030. To fully deliver on the SDG aim of "leaving no one behind", it is increasingly important to examine the health-related SDGs beyond national-level estimates. As part of the Global Burden of Dise

Preliminary evaluation of an intensive integrated individual and family therapy model for self-harming adolescents

BACKGROUND: To investigate the outcome of an integrated individual and family therapy (Intensive Contextual Treatment: ICT) in terms of reducing suffering and increasing functional adjustment among self-harming and/or suicidal adolescents with high symptom loads and their families. METHODS: Forty-nine self-harming and/or suicidal adolescents, Mage = 14.6, of predominantly Swedish origin and female

Analysis of LIF and Mie signals from single micrometric droplets for instantaneous droplet sizing in sprays

Planar droplet sizing (PDS) is a technique relying on the assumption that laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) and Mie scattering optical signals from spherical droplets depend on their volume and surface area, respectively. In this article, we verify the validity of this assumption by experimentally analyzing the light intensity of the LIF and Mie optical signals from micrometric droplets as a functi