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Your search for "*" yielded 533831 hits

Using Coding Techniques for Attacking Post-Quantum Cryptographic Assumptions and Systems

Post-quantum cryptography for resisting possible attacks from malicious quantum adversaries has become one of the key topics in recent cryptographic research. Its ultimate goal is to search for efficient and secure primitives replacing the factoring- and discrete log-based schemes in service that will be broken in polynomial time by Shor’s algorithm. It is now an urgent task to complete this repla

Employees’ work environment and patients’ rights, conflicting responsibilities when implementing patient online access to their EHR

This paper is based on an interview study examining the implementation of the eHealth service patient online access to electronic health records in two county councils in Sweden. Our aim is to present and discuss the two councils’ implementation processes and the differences between them, with particular focus on the implementers’ consideration of caregivers’ work environment. A theoretical aim is

Production and turnover of ectomycorrhizal extramatrical mycelial biomass and necromass under elevated CO2 and nitrogen fertilization

Extramatrical mycelia (EMM) of ectomycorrhizal fungi are important in carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) cycling in forests, but poor knowledge about EMM biomass and necromass turnovers makes the quantification of their role problematic. We studied the impacts of elevated CO2 and N fertilization on EMM production and turnover in a Pinus taeda forest. EMM C was determined by the analysis of ergosterol (bi

Cu(II)-amino acid–CaAl-layered double hydroxide complexes, recyclable, efficient catalysts in various oxidative transformations

Intercalated composite materials were prepared with CaAl-layered double hydroxide as host and Cu(II)-amino acid (L-cysteine, L-histidine and L-tyrosine) complex anions as guests. Two methods (intercalation of the ligand first followed by constructing the complex; preforming the complex first, then introducing it among the layers of the host) and optimization of the synthesis conditions were perfor

Wine ethanol 14C as a tracer for fossil fuel CO2 emissions in Europe : Measurements and model comparison

14C (radiocarbon) in atmospheric CO2 is the most direct tracer for the presence of fossil-fuel-derived CO2 (CO2-ff). We demonstrate the measurement of wine ethanol as a way to determine the relative regional atmospheric CO2-ff concentration compared to a background site ("regional CO2-ff excess") for specific harvest years. The carbon in wine ethanol is directly back traceable to the atmospheric C

Developmental expression of DCC in the rat retina

The protein product of the deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) gene possesses netrin-binding activity and may be involved in axonal guidance during retinal development. The temporal and spatial expression of DCC was analyzed in developing rat retina by means of immunoblotting and immunohistochemistry as well as by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. Transient DCC protein expression is

Spatiotemporal variability in carbon exchange fluxes across the Sahel

Semi-arid regions play an increasingly important role as a sink within the global carbon (C) cycle and is the main biome driving inter-annual variability in carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake by terrestrial ecosystems. This indicates the need for detailed studies of spatiotemporal variability in C cycling for semi-arid ecosystems. We have synthesized data on the land-atmosphere exchange of CO2 measured w

The BGO calorimeter of BGO-OD experiment

The BGO Rugby Ball is a large solid angle electromagnetic calorimeter now installed in the ELSA Facility in Bonn. The BGO is operating in the BGO-OD experiment aiming to study meson photoproduction off proton and neutron induced by a Bremsstrahlung polarized gamma beam of energies from 0.2 to 3.2 GeV and an intensity of 5 × 107 photons per second. The scintillating material characteristics and the

Global Bodies in Grey Zones : Hope, Health, Biotechnology

Global Bodies in Grey Zones departs from the current globalised market in biological material and treatments. Three different forms of medical travel are in focus: transplant travel, fertility travel and stem cell travel. The global travelling includes legally organised cross-border care, as well as completely illegal activities involving trafficking in bodies and body parts implicating a range of

Effect of the dispersed state of phospholipids on emulsification—Part 1. Phosphatidylcholine

In this study the effect of the dispersed state of soy phosphatidylcholine on emulsification is investigated. The emulsifier is either dispersed in the aqueous phase (coarsely, as small vesicles, as large vesicles), or it is dispersed in the oil phase. Oil-in-water emulsions are prepared with the emulsifier present in the different dispersed states. High-pressure homogenization is used for the emu

Surface development of an aluminum brazing sheet during heating studied by XPEEM and XPS

X-ray photoelectron emission microscopy (XPEEM) was used in combination with other microscopic and spectroscopic techniques to follow the surface development of an aluminum brazing sheet during heating. The studied aluminum alloy sheet is a composite material designed for vacuum brazing. Its surface is covered with a native aluminum oxide film. Changes in the chemical state of the alloying element

Defining midbrain dopaminergic neuron diversity by single-cell gene expression profiling

Effective approaches to neuropsychiatric disorders require detailed understanding of the cellular composition and circuitry of the complex mammalian brain. Here, we present a paradigm for deconstructing the diversity of neurons defined by a specific neurotransmitter using a microfluidic dynamic array to simultaneously evaluate the expression of 96 genes in single neurons. With this approach, we su

The Building Blocks of a Euroregion : novel Metrics to Measure Cross-border Integration

The article explores how the notion of European integration at the local level can be conceptualized and measured. Based on a process-oriented inclusive understanding of integration and using relational datasets that maps both domestic and cross-border communication ties among political representatives in four Euroregions along the borders of Hungary–Slovakia and Sweden–Norway, we begin by applyin

Assessment of inactive, active and mixed atherosclerotic plaques by 18F-FDG-PET; an age group-based correlation with cardiovascular risk factors

PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to assess the atherosclerotic plaques in a large asymptomatic population stratified based on age and sex.METHODS: [18F]-2-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose (FDG)-PET/CT of 100 men and 100 women, divided in four age groups were examined to assess FDG-accumulating active, calcified inactive and mixed atherosclerotic plaques in eight defined vessel segments.RESULTS: There wa

Patients' experiences of pain following day surgery - at 48 hours, seven days and three months

Recent studies indicate that patients experience pain after day surgery for a longer period than previously known. This requires verification. This was a prospective, descriptive correlational study. A convenience sample of 298 day surgery patients undergoing various surgical procedures was asked to report pain intensity and its interference with daily function 48 hours, seven days and three month

The LHCb Muon Control System the DAQ domain

The LHCb Muon System consists of 122000 front-end channels, distributed on about 8000 front-end boards (on detector). 152 Off detector boards (each containing 192 channels) gather information from front-end and send it to the DAQ and trigger systems. The Muon System is highly configurable and is conceived to allow a deep control of the behavior of the whole system during data taking. This results