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Your search for "*" yielded 530891 hits

Ergodipotent maps and commutativity of elements in noncommutative rings and algebras with twisted intertwining

A property of algebraic dependence between two commuting elements is shown to hold in a more general setting than that in which it has previously been established. Key conditions are identified and some methods for establishing them are given. Moreover the class of algebras with a generalised Weyl structure, generalising the so-called Generalised Weyl Algebras (GWAs) or hyperbolic rings, is introd

The management of heart failure in Sweden.

Heart failure is a major concern to health care providers in Sweden due to its increasing prevalence and the rising health care costs. Heart failure affects more than 160000 Swedes, approximately 2% of the population. The costs for the management of heart failure have been calculated to be approximately SEK 2.500 million (Euro 275 million) which is 2% of the total health care budget. Most heart fa

Coupled folding-binding versus docking: A lattice model study

Using a simple hydrophobic/polar protein model, we perform a Monte Carlo study of the thermodynamics and kinetics of binding to a target structure for two closely related sequences, one of which has a unique folded state while the other is unstructured. We obtain significant differences in their binding behavior. The stable sequence has rigid docking as its preferred binding mode, while the unstru

Postischemic exercise attenuates whereas enriched environment has certain enhancing effects on lesion-induced subventricular zone activation in the adult rat

Experimental stroke increases cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the subventricular zone (SVZ) and in the dentate gyrus subgranular zone (SGZ) in the adult mammalian brain. This study examined the effects of postischemic voluntary exercise (running wheel) and environmental enrichment on the SVZ and SGZ 1 week after focal cortical ischemia in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats. Immunohistoch

European guidelines for the certification of professionals in sleep medicine: report of the task force of the European Sleep Research Society

In recent years, sleep medicine has evolved into a full-grown discipline, featuring a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis and treatment of patients with sleep disorders. Sleep medicine cuts across the boundaries of different conventional disciplines and is therefore open to medical and non-medical professionals with different specialty backgrounds. The aim of the current paper is to introduce

Hepatitis C virus infection in hemodialysis patients in southern Sweden: epidemiological, clinical, and diagnostic aspects

A prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) antibodies of 12% was found in 276 patients from 11 dialysis units. Between zero and 22% of the patients in the different units were anti-HCV positive. The epidemiology of HCV was studied in two units during a 2 year period by antibody assays and the polymerase chain reaction and correlated with clinical manifestations. Two types of epidemiologic patterns we

Income and short-term case fatality after myocardial infarction in the whole middle-aged population of Malmo, Sweden.

BACKGROUND: There are no previous studies investigating when and where those who die pre-hospitally after an AMI paid their last visit to medical care. Methods and RESULTS: Incidence of AMI, pre-hospital and 28-day case fatality rates were monitored over 13 years of follow-up, in relation to sex-specific quartiles of annual income in all inhabitants aged 40-64 years in Malmö, Sweden. Both incidenc

Allozyme diversity in relation to geographic distribution and population size in Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh. (Fabaceae)

Lathyrus vernus (L.) Bernh. is a diploid, long-lived perennial and insect-pollinated herb with no special adaptation to long-distance dispersal. It occurs on neutral soil in deciduous forests throughout western Eurasia. Due to specific habitat preferences, L. vernus has a fragmented distribution with isolated populations. We investigated allozyme variation at eleven loci in 20 populations of L. ve

Decreasing plasma endothelin-1 and unchanged plasma neopterin during folate supplementation in hyperhomocysteinemia.

Hyperhomocysteinemia is a risk factor for atherosclerosis and venous thrombosis, probably exerting its effects through endothelial function. Homocysteine levels are lowered by folate supplementation, and such treatment improves endothelial function. However, whether folate supplementation decreases vascular risk and improves survival is unknown. The aim of this study was to evaluate endothelial fu

Quantitative adsorption and local structures of Gallium(III) at the water-alpha-FeOOH interface

The adsorption of Ga(III) at the water-alpha-FeOOH (goethite) interface has been investigated by means of quantitative adsorption experiments, extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy, and surface complexation modeling. Under the conditions studied, pH range 3-11 and surface coverages of 0.9-3.2 mu mol/m(2), Ga(III) was found to adsorb strongly to alpha-FeOOH, and the surface

Long-term effects of nestling condition on blood parasite resistance in blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus).

Little is know about whether the conditions experienced during ontogeny affect resistance to parasites later in life in wild animals. Here, we used a population of blue tits (Cyanistes caeruleus (L., 1758)) to investigate to what extent conditions experienced during the nestling stage could explain the ability to control blood parasite (Haemoproteus majoris (Laveran, 1902)) infections 1 year later

The influence of air humidity on an unsealed ionization chamber in a linear accelerator

The safe and accurate delivery of the prescribed absorbed dose is the central function of the dose monitoring and beam stabilization system in a medical linear accelerator. The absorbed dose delivered to the patient during radiotherapy is often monitored by a transmission ionization chamber. Therefore it is of utmost importance that the chamber behaves correctly. We have noticed that the sensitivi

Evolution, phylogeography and taxonomy of allopolyploid Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae) and its implications for conservation

This review is based on recent molecular studies of Dactylorhiza (Orchidaceae). Most of the studies have focused on the allotetraploid members of the genus in general and on D. majalis ssp. lapponica in particular. It was concluded that most of the allotetraploid taxa have derived from hybridizations between the parental lineages D. maculata s.l. and D. incarnata s.l., with D. maculata s.l. servin

The effects of source and type of feedback on child witnesses’ meta-memory accuracy.

This study investigated the effect of feedback on the accuracy (realism) of 12-year-old children’s metacognitive judgments of their answers to questions about a film clip. Two types of judgments were investigated: confidence judgments (on each question) and frequency judgments (i.e., estimates of overall accuracy). The source of feedback, whether it was presented as provided by a teacher or a peer

Immune function and organochlorine pollutants in arctic breeding glaucous gulls

Organochlorine contaminants (OCs) are known to affect the immune systems of wildlife, and in this study we assessed the relationship between blood concentration of different OCs and measurements relevant to immune status and function in arctic breeding glaucous gulls (Larus hyperboreus). In 1997 and 2001, we counted white blood cells (heterophils and lymphocytes) from blood smears, and in 2000 and

The constant proportion of grana and stroma lamellae in plant chloroplasts

The relative proportion of stroma lamellae and grana end membranes was determined from electron micrographs of 58 chloroplasts from 21 different plant species. The percentage of grana end membranes varied between 1 and 21% of the total thylakoid membrane indicating a large variation in the size of grana stacks. By contrast the stroma lamellae account for 20.3 +/- 2.5 (SD)% of the total thylakoid m

A rate equation approach to elucidate the kinetics and robustness of the TGF-beta pathway

We present a rate equation model for the TGF-beta pathway in endothelial cells together with novel measurements. This pathway plays a prominent role in inter- and intracellular communication and subversion can lead to cancer, fibrosis vascular disorders, and immune diseases. The model successfully describes the kinetics of experimental data and also correctly predicts the behavior in experiments w

Tor: A case study of a boy between the ages of three and eight

Longitudinal data are presented on a boy between the ages ofthree and eight. At age three he received a diagnosis oflanguage impairment and at age six a diagnosis of high-functioning autism. Results are presented from extensive assessments at four points in time, including interviews with his mother and teachers. The results indicate that the boy s core problem was poor language comprehension, esp