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LiDAR Pedestrian Detector and Semi-Automatic Annotation Tool for Labeling of 3D Data

The goal of this Master's Thesis is to successfully detect and classify humans in a LiDAR data stream. The focus of the Thesis is on the detection and classification, not on the LiDAR technology. To classify humans machine learning was used and to train the machine learning model we collected our own data and annotated it. A custom software was made for speeding up the annotation process.

38 ℃ - A set of glassware that designed for Chinese Rice Wine

This report presents and discusses the status quo of Chinese ricewine culture. It’s unfortunate to note that many Chinese young people prefer beer/red wine rather than our own wines because they think it is out of date, from the wine packaging to drinking utensils. I use five main methods for the research: history reviewing/ interview/ field trip/ mind-mapping/ gesture video. Findings sho

Searching for doubly charged Higgs bosons using same-sign hadronic tau final states - A focused study on the charge-flip background of hadronic taus

The search for doubly charged Higgs bosons (H±±) aims at resolving the mass generation mechanism of neutrinos in the Standard Model. The current search by the ATLAS Same-Sign Dilepton group uses the decay product of H±± to a pair of same-sign hadronic τ-leptons, which is an extension of their previous search using same-sign dielectrons and dimuons. This thesis focuses on the study of one of the ba

Tobin’s q – what to do?

This thesis concerns the Swedish housing market, which is under constant debate. Prices keep increasing and many believe that this trend will consist due to low interest rates, high demand and lack of attractive building land. This tendency, resulting in a housing shortage, is particularly evident in the metropolitan areas. Earlier research states that the well-known Tobin’s q theory has a short

Motivational Factors Of Narcissistic Millennials To Participate In Social Commerce

Title: Motivational factors of narcissistic millennials to participate in social commerce Seminar date: 31th May 2017 Course: BUSN39 Business Administration: Global Marketing Authors: Lisanne Gauw & Lisa Niesen Supervisor: Veronika Tarnovskaya Key Words: Social commerce, narcissism, social media, e-commerce, millennials, narcissistic traits, motivational factors, motivation theories Thesis pur

Digitalization policy and digital exclusion

As being digital increasingly becomes a requirement for functioning in society, those who are not as digital increasingly become excluded. This study aims to problematize the Swedish policies surrounding digitalization, and especially those in some way related to digital exclusion. The paper uses a combination of Bacchi’s What’s represented as the problem? methodology and theories on the neolibera

Social hållbarhet och medborgares deltagande och inflytande i sin boendemiljö - En fallstudie av projektet Bo100 i Malmö

Housing segregation is one of the main social problems in Malmö. In order to achieve a socially sustainable environment, the citizens have to feel like they are a part of the development of their environments. Perhaps an increased level of citizen participation can solve the problem? The aim of this study is to analyse the project Bo100 in Malmö from a social sustainability perspective, with a foc

Exploring Determinants of Welfare State Development in Post-Communist States: A Quantitative Comparative Analysis

Since the collapse of the communist regimes of Soviet Union and Yugoslavia, the welfare regimes in Central and Eastern Europe have been fundamentally transformed in accordance with the process of economic liberalization in these countries. However, the underlying factors behind the diverging paths and trajectories of post-communist welfare states have yet to be understood. Compiling a new dataset

Making urban stormwater management more sustainable. A case study of Tallinn, Estonia

The concept of sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS) is increasingly recognised as a valuable approach to flood risk mitigation and urban landscape planning. Many European cities are considering integrating SuDS features to their stormwater management practices. More frequent weather events and water quality issues have emerged among the main drivers to advance the discussion on innovative way

Tro & Tvivel

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka Damallsvenskans varumärke utifrån ett legitimitetsperspektiv för att få djupare förståelse av hur legitimitet kan påverka ett varumärke. Metod: En kvalitativ undersökning har genomförts med ett hermeneutiskt perspektiv. Studiens forskningsansats är abduktiv och rör sig därför mellan empiri och teori för att få förståelsen att växa fram successivt. TeorPurpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate Damallsvenskan's brand from a legitimacy perspective in order to gain a deeper understanding of how legitimacy can affect a brand. Methodology: A qualitative study has been conducted with a hermeneutic perspective. The study's research approach is abductive and thus alternates between empirical theory and theory in order to gain underst

Unga mammors upplevelser av föräldragrupper och känslan av sammanhang

Young mothers experiences of parents’ support groups and the sence of coherence The aim of this study was to examine how young mothers experienced support groups for young parents in the aspects of health enhancing and wellbeing. The data was collected through qualitative interviews with five participants in the age spectrum of 20 to 25 years. The interviews took place partly at a young parent s

"Vi var fullständigt missförstådda, kritiserade och skuldbelagda" - en studie kring konsekvenserna för föräldrar till barn inom autismspektrumtillstånd som har eller har haft en problematisk skolfrånvaro

Det senaste decenniet tenderar antalet barn som har en oroande skolfrånvaro öka enligt flera Svenska organisationer och myndigheter och bland dessa barn finns en stor andel med NPF-problematik. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka konsekvenserna för föräldrar med barn som diagnostiserats med autismspektrumtillstånd (AST) som också har eller haft en problematisk skolfrånvaro under det senaste The past decade, the number of children who have had a worrying school absence seems to increase according to several authorities in Sweden. The aim of this study was to explore the consequences for parents with children diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) who also have or had to have a problematic school absence this past year. The analyze focused on the consequences regarding social re

The Impacts of Education on Antibiotic Consumption and Antibiotic Resistance

This study analyzes the relationship between education, antibiotic consumption and antibiotic resistance in the European ambulatory care. For this purpose, a panel data analysis is conducted on an aggregate level in a sample of 30 countries in the European Economic Area between 2000 and 2014. The main variable of interest is the level of high education, expressed as the proportion of the total pop

Commodity activism (and its Traces of Hypocrisy): A Netnographic Case Study on Prosumer Interactions in Glossier’s Online Brand Communities

Commodity activism can be described as a communication-based strategy that reshapes social and political activism into marketable commodities. This study aims to explore how a brand’s strategic communicative usage of commodity activism, and its potential for hypocrisy, influences the prosumers’ interactions in the online brand communities. More specifically, it aims to examine the destructive aspe

Kokboken - utgivning, inriktning och uttryck under 40 år

Sedan 1970-talet har antalet kokböcker ökat markant på den svenska bokmarknaden. Undersökningen tittar närmare på hur kokboken förändrats i fråga om utgivning, inriktning och uttryck under perioden 1976-2015. Detta innefattar också en strävan efter att söka förstå vad som kan ha föranlett den kraftiga expansionen. Utifrån ett textsociologiskt perspektiv har en kvantitativ undersökning utförts baseSince the 1970s, the number of cookbooks has increased significantly in the Swedish book market. The thesis looks at how the cookbook has changed in terms of publishing, focus and expression during the period 1976-2015. This also includes an endeavor to understand what might have caused the huge expansion. Based on a text sociological perspective, a quantitative survey has been conducted based on

Fragmented Identity - Exploring the Consequences of City Branding in Practice

City branding is a relatively new and emerging field, yet growing in importance as cities around the world increasingly compete for resources. Whether they want to attract more tourists, new residents, or economic development, cities engage in various strategic marketing initiatives in an effort to shape people’s perceptions and experience of the city. Our aim is to gain an understanding of how ci

Tvångsäktenskapets ideologier och diskurser: en kritisk diskursanalys av den politiska diskussionen

The aim of this study is to illuminate ideologies and discourses in the ongoing political discussion about forced marriage in Sweden. The aim is also to explore the consequences of these ideologies and discourses in terms of women´s subject positions and acting spaces. By examining 46 non-government bills regarding forced marriage three ideologies were distinguished in the material; women are bein

Relationer, ekonomi och autonomi

Föreliggande studie syftade till att undersöka psykosociala faktorers association med självskattade grad av autonomi hos de som lever med en självrapporterad ADHD (inklusive ADD) och/eller en självrapporterad autism (inklusive Aspergers syndrom) på följande punkter: 1) huruvida det finns någon association mellan självupplevd autonomi och psykosociala faktorer a) ekonomisk situation, b) sysselsättn

Varning för ras! En diskursiv policyanalys om förslaget kring borttagande av begreppet "ras" ur den svenska författningen

Under de senaste årtionden har riksdagsledamöter och regeringen vid olika tillfällen problematiserat användningen av begreppet ”ras” om människor i den svenska författningssamlingen. Med hjälp av Bacchis poststrukturella policyanalys syftar denna undersökning till att söka svar på hur begreppet ”ras” konstrueras och begripliggörs i policytexter och hur begreppet problematiseras i den politiska vok