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Socioeconomic prospects of a seaweed bioeconomy in Sweden

Seaweed cultivation is a large industry worldwide, but production in Europe is small compared to production in Asian countries. In the EU, the motivations for seaweed farming may be seen from two perspectives; one being economic growth through biomass production and the other being the provisioning of ecosystem services such as mitigating eutrophication. In this paper, we assess the economic potenSeaweed cultivation is a large industry worldwide, but production in Europe is small compared to production in Asian countries. In the EU, the motivations for seaweed farming may be seen from two perspectives; one being economic growth through biomass production and the other being the provisioning of ecosystem services such as mitigating eutrophication. In this paper, we assess the economic poten

Data sets, modeling, and decision making in smart cities : A survey

Cities are deploying tens of thousands of sensors and actuators and developing a large array of smart services. The smart services use sophisticatedmodels and decision-making policies supported by Cyber Physical Systems and Internet of Things technologies. The increasing number of sensors collects a large amount of city data across multiple domains. The collected data have great potential value, b

Communicating emotional state and personality with eye-color and light intensity

We conducted two experiments where subjects rated images of a robot head with different eye colors and light intensities on how well they communicate emotions like anger, enjoyment, and surprise, as well as personality traits like friendliness, intelligence, and level of trust. Results indicate e.g. that green and turquoise eye colors were more associated with agreeable personality traits. We foun

Hydride binding to the active site of [FeFe]-hydrogenase

[FeFe]-hydrogenase from green algae (HydA1) is the most efficient hydrogen (H2) producing enzyme in nature and of prime interest for (bio)technology. Its active site is a unique six-iron center (H-cluster) composed of a cubane cluster, [4Fe4S]H, cysteine-linked to a diiron unit, [2Fe]H, which carries unusual carbon monoxide (CO) and cyanide ligands and a bridging azadithiolate group. We have probe

Internal and external perceptions of small state security: the case of Estonia

This article concerns small state security from a cognitive perspective and investigates Estonia as a security actor as perceived by all littoral Baltic Sea states. Drawing on unique elite survey and interview data, the article unpacks similarities and differences among internal (Estonian) and external perceptions of security, threats, and capabilities. The investigation is theoretically informed

Riksbankens experiment har stått oss dyrt

Minusräntan har förvärrat de finansiella obalanserna, sänkt värdet på den svenska kronan och bidragit till ökade förmögenhetsklyftor. Det skriver nationalekonomerna Fredrik N G Andersson och Lars Jonung.

Structural differences of oxidized iron-sulfur and nickel-iron cofactors in O2-tolerant and O2-sensitive hydrogenases studied by X-ray absorption spectroscopy

The class of [NiFe]-hydrogenases comprises oxygen-sensitive periplasmic (PH) and oxygen-tolerant membrane-bound (MBH) enzymes. For three PHs and four MBHs from six bacterial species, structural features of the nickel-iron active site of hydrogen turnover and of the iron-sulfur clusters functioning in electron transfer were determined using X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). Fe-XAS indicated surp

Electronic structure of an [FeFe] hydrogenase model complex in solution revealed by X-ray absorption spectroscopy using narrow-band emission detection

High-resolution X-ray absorption spectroscopy with narrow-band X-ray emission detection, supported by density functional theory calculations (XAES-DFT), was used to study a model complex, ([Fe2(μ-adt)(CO) 4(PMe3)2] (1, adt = S-CH2-(NCH 2Ph)-CH2-S), of the [FeFe] hydrogenase active site. For 1 in powder material (1powder), in MeCN solution (1′), and in its three protonated states (1H, 1Hy, 1HHy; H

The S1 split signal of photosystem II; a tyrosine-manganese coupled interaction

Detailed optical and EPR analyses of states induced in dark-adapted PS II membranes by cryogenic illumination permit characterization and quantification of all pigment derived donors and acceptors, as well as optically silent (in the visible, near infrared) species which are EPR active. Near complete turnover formation of QA- is seen in all centers, but with variable efficiency, depending on the d

The Streets are Talking to Me : Affective Fragments in Sisi’s Egypt

This sophisticated book presents new theoretical and analytical insights into the momentous events in the Arab world that began in 2011 and, more importantly, into life and politics in the aftermath of these events. Focusing on the qualities of the sensory world, Maria Frederika Malmström explores the dramatic differences after the Egyptian revolution and their implications for society—the lack of

Pragmatism i dansk sakrätt – särskilt om panträttsliga aspekter

Trots att nordisk rätt i stor utsträckning präglas av en funktionalistiskt inställning så skiljer sig uppfattningen om hur frågeställningar inom den dynamiska sakrätten ska lösas länderna emellan. I artikeln åskådliggörs hur det svenska förhållningssättet präglas av lagstadgade regler, medan det i Danmark finns en mjukare och tämligen pragmatiskt attityd med utrymme för mer nyanserade lösningar. F

Studying the “Pelagius and Johannes” collection of Sayings of the Desert Fathers : Steps towards a new edition of the Latin reception

The sayings of the Desert Fathers had an important role in the monastic education and were very widespread. Originally written down in Greek, they were soon translated into all the main languages in the medieval Europe, and underwent transformations as they were copied. The sayings were organized in different ways, mainly alphabetically or according to themes, and as they were copied the repertoir

A crystallographic and Mo K-edge XAS study of molybdenum oxo bis-, mono-, and non-dithiolene complexes-first-sphere coordination geometry and noninnocence of ligands

Ten square-based pyramidal molybdenum complexes with different sulfur donor ligands, that is, a variety of dithiolenes and sulfides, were prepared, which mimic coordination motifs of the molybdenum cofactors of molybdenum-dependent oxidoreductases. The model compounds were investigated by Mo K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and (with one exception) their molecular structures were analyze

Effects of pH on the S3 state of the oxygen evolving complex in photosystem II probed by EPR split signal induction

The electrons extracted from the CaMn4 cluster during water oxidation in photosystem II are transferred to P680+ via the redox-active tyrosine D1-Tyr161 (YZ). Upon YZ oxidation a proton moves in a hydrogen bond toward D1-His190 (HisZ). The deprotonation and reprotonation mechanism of YZ-OH/Y Z-O is of key importance for the catalytic turnover of photosystem II. By light illumination at liquid heli