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Identification of a bis-molybdopterin intermediate in molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis in escherichia coli

The molybdenum cofactor is an important cofactor, and its biosynthesis is essential for many organisms, including humans. Its basic form comprises a single molybdopterin (MPT) unit, which binds a molybdenum ion bearing three oxygen ligands via a dithiolene function, thus forming Mo-MPT. In bacteria, this form is modified to form the bis-MPT guanine dinucleotide cofactor with two MPT units coordina

O 2 reactions at the six-iron active site (H-cluster) in [FeFe]-hydrogenase

Irreversible inhibition by molecular oxygen (O 2) complicates the use of [FeFe]-hydrogenases (HydA) for biotechnological hydrogen (H 2) production. Modification by O 2 of the active site six-iron complex denoted as the H-cluster ([4Fe4S]-2Fe H) of HydA1 from the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii was characterized by x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the iron K-edge. In a time-resolved approach,

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OBJECTIVE: To test a simplified blood pressure device called Rastreometro that could be used by the Health Agents.METHODS: The Rastreometro has been developed from an ordinary aneroid sphygmomanometer, in which the numeric display is covered by an adhesive with a red zone, indicating pressures equal or above 140 mmHg and a yellow zone indicating pressures below 140 mmHg. The onset of oscillations

Targeting the hydrophilic regions of recombinant proteins by MS via in-solution buffer-free trypsin digestion

A desalting step using reversed phase chromatography is a common practice prior to mass spectrometry analysis of proteolytic digests in spite of the detrimental exclusion of the hydrophilic peptides. The detection of such peptides is also important for the complete coverage of protein sequences and the analysis of posttranslational modifications as inquired by regulatory agencies for the commercia

Efficient Hardware Implementations of Grain-128AEAD

We implement the Grain-128AEAD stream cipher in hardware, using a 65 nm library. By exploring different optimization techniques, both at RTL level but also during synthesis, we first target high throughput, then low power. We reach over 33 GB/s targeting a high-speed design, at expense of power and area. We also show that, when targeting low power, the design only requires 0.23 $${\upmu }$$W runni

Electronic and molecular structures of the active-site H-cluster in [FeFe]-hydrogenase determined by site-selective X-ray spectroscopy and quantum chemical calculations

The [FeFe]-hydrogenase (HydA1) from green algae is the minimal enzyme for efficient biological hydrogen (H2) production. Its active-site six-iron center (H-cluster) consists of a cubane, [4Fe4S]H, cysteine-linked to a diiron site, [2Fe]H. We utilized the spin-polarization of the iron Kβ X-ray fluorescence emission to perform site-selective X-ray absorption experiments for spectral discrimination o

Bridging-hydride influence on the electronic structure of an [FeFe] hydrogenase active-site model complex revealed by XAES-DFT

Two crystallized [FeFe] hydrogenase model complexes, 1 = (μ-pdt)[Fe(CO)2(PMe3)]2 (pdt = SC1H 2C2H2C3H2S), and their bridging-hydride (Hy) derivative, [1Hy]+ = [(μ-H)(μ-pdt)[Fe(CO)2 (PMe 3)]2]+ (BF4-), were studied by Fe K-edge X-ray absorption and emission spectroscopy, supported by density functional theory. Structural changes in [1Hy]+ compared to 1 involved small bond elongations (

Säkerhetsutbildningar och säkerhetskulturarbete vid forskningsanläggningar med strålningsrisker och många tillfälliga internationella användare – ett fortsättningsprojekt

Det övergripande syftet med detta projekt har varit att ge ett konkret underlag somkan användas som stöd för att utveckla välfungerande kortare säkerhetsutbildningar i säkerhetskritiska verksamheter.Utgångspunkten har varit forskningsanläggningarna MAX IV och EuropeanSpallation Source (ESS) där forskare, dvs användare, från hela världen vistas tillfälligt för att genomföra experiment. Användarna k

Nomenclature and semantic descriptions of ulcerative and inflammatory lesions seen in Crohn’s disease in small bowel capsule endoscopy : An international Delphi consensus statement

Background: In the medical literature, the nomenclature and descriptions (ND) of small bowel (SB) ulcerative and inflammatory (U-I) lesions in capsule endoscopy (CE) are scarce and inconsistent. Inter-observer variability in interpreting these findings remains a major limitation in the assessment of the severity of mucosal lesions, which can impact negatively on clinical care, training and researc

Protecting OpenFlow using Intel SGX

OpenFlow flow tables in Open vSwitch contain valuable information about installed flows, priorities, packet actions and routing policies. Their importance is emphasised when collocated tenants compete for the limited entries available to install flow rules. OpenFlow flow tables are a security asset that requires confidentiality and integrity guarantees. However, commodity software switch implement

International classification of abdominal wall planes (ICAP) to describe mesh insertion for ventral hernia repair

Background: Nomenclature for mesh insertion during ventral hernia repair is inconsistent and confusing. Several terms, including ‘inlay’, ‘sublay’ and ‘underlay’, can refer to the same anatomical planes in the indexed literature. This frustrates comparisons of surgical practice and may invalidate meta-analyses comparing surgical outcomes. The aim of this study was to establish an international cla