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Hur mår pendlare i Skåne?
Kartläggning av bebyggelse med risk för höga temperaturer : Metodbeskrivning av GIS-verktyg utifrån marktäckning
Värmeböljor är den klimateffekt som väntas få störst påverkan på hälsan i Europa, och värmeböljor förväntas bli vanligare, intensivare och mer långvariga iframtiden.I tätorter skapas ett lokalt klimat som gör att befolkningen där kan bli mer exponerad för värme än i glesare bebyggda områden. Det gäller särskilt tätbebyggda områden med hög andel hårdgjorda ytor och lite vegetation. I sådana områden
"Senarelägg skoltiderna - nu!"
Aerobic barley mg-protoporphyrin ix monomethyl ester cyclase is powered by electrons from ferredoxin
Chlorophyll is the light-harvesting molecule central to the process of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll is synthesized through 15 enzymatic steps. Most of the reactions have been characterized using recombinant proteins. One exception is the formation of the isocyclic E-ring characteristic of chlorophylls. This reaction is catalyzed by the Mg-protoporphyrin IX monomethyl ester cyclase encoded by Xantha
Psychometric properties of the Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults Screening Questionnaire (ASDASQ) in a sample of Italian psychiatric outpatients
Background: The present study aimed to examine the reliability and validity of the Italian version of the Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults Screening Questionnaire (ASDASQ), a screening tool for autism spectrum disorder (ASD) among psychiatric outpatients. Methods: We recruited 340 subjects via an outpatient psychiatric service in Italy. Forty-eight had a diagnosis of ASD, confirmed after a compr
Stakeholder Communication as a Strategy for Resilient Destinations in Sustainable Tourism Development
In the latest World Tourism Barometer, UNWTO (2020) predicts that global tourism could decline by up to 80% this year. While many tourism-dependent economies in Europe are currently suffering from under-tourism, the heated debate between tourism developers and local stakeholders about adverse impacts of over-tourism is likely to reignite even stronger once the inrush of tourists returns. As a resu
En Wägner för vår egen tid
Recension av Ulrika Knutson: Den besvärliga Elin Wägner
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Was bedeutet es, eine iranische Komponistin zu sein? Anahita Abbasi, Niloufar Nourbakhsh, und Aida Shirazi wurden alle zwischen 1985 und 1992 geboren, leben heute in den USA und gehören zu den ersten Frauen aus dem Iran, die sich trotz vieler Hindernisse im Geburtsland und auf internationaler Ebene – etwa den strengen Sanktionen und Trumps Travel Ban – eine erfolgreiche Karriere als Komponistinnen
Safety evaluations made in the city Helsingborg indicate a decreased risk of being exposed to crime, but an increased feeling of unsafe. Damage in the form of scribbling (graffiti) is one of several indicators contributing to feeling unsafe. In this paper we investigate whether the use of Internet-of-things technology, where a sensor monitors a walking and cycling tunnel, makes it possible to re
Current-voltage analysis : Lessons learned from hysteresis
Progress in the power conversion efficiency of solar cells based on metal-halide perovskite semiconductors has been astonishing for the past years. During their development, transient effects have been observed that gave rise to an uncertainty associated with the determination of device performance from current density-voltage (J-V) measurements. This effect becomes visible in a dependence of the
Voluntarism promises of proximity as articulated by changing moral elites
The article analyzes the varied meanings historically associated with concepts of voluntarism in relation to social relief as they were articulated by changing moral elites in Denmark from the late nineteenth century until the present. Concepts of voluntarism have historically constituted “normative counterconcepts” that link voluntary practices to desired futures in opposition to alternative mode
Lime and/or Phosphate Application Affects the Stability of Soil Organic Carbon : Evidence from Changes in Quantity and Chemistry of the Soil Water-Extractable Organic Matter
The mechanisms by which lime and/or phosphate addition impacts the preservation of soil organic matter (OM) are poorly understood. We explored the changes in quantity and chemistry of water-extractable organic matter (WEOM) in the bulk soil and its heavy density fraction (>1.6 g/cm3) of an unmanaged C-rich volcanic soil caused by lime and/or phosphate application. The addition of lime or phosphate
Vad låg bakom den stora europeiska migrationen?
Amidst Facebook Data Lockouts, It’s Time to Forge Real Academic-Industry Partnerships
Immunosuppressive treatment after solid organ transplantation and risk of post-transplant cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
BACKGROUND: The risk of cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (CSCC) is found to be substantially increased after organ transplantation. The association with specific immunosuppressive regimens has been previously investigated, but results are not concordant. We aimed to clarify the relationship between separate immunosuppressive drugs, drug load, timing and risk of post-transplant CSCC.METHODS: A pop
Direct Conversion of Human Stem Cell-Derived Glial Progenitor Cells into GABAergic Interneurons
Glial progenitor cells are widely distributed in brain parenchyma and represent a suitable target for future therapeutic interventions that generate new neurons via in situ reprogramming. Previous studies have shown successful reprogramming of mouse glia into neurons whereas the conversion of human glial cells remains challenging due to the limited accessibility of human brain tissue. Here, we hav
Tobacco use, body mass index and the risk of malignant lymphomas--a nationwide cohort study in Sweden
In the search for risk factors involved in the etiology of lymphoproliferative malignancies there is still inconsistent evidence regarding effects of smoking tobacco, and the role of smokeless tobacco is poorly investigated. New evidence indicates that excess body weight increases the risk of NHL and HD. To determine if tobacco use of various forms and high Body Mass Index (BMI) affect the occurre
Time trends in risk and risk determinants of non-Hodgkin lymphoma in solid organ transplant recipients
Organ transplantation increases risk of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), but long-term risk and time trends have seldom been evaluated. Immunosuppressive drug load is an important risk determinant, but the details are unclear. We studied NHL risk in a nationwide Swedish cohort of 11 081 graft recipients transplanted 1970-2008. Relative risks (RRs) were estimated within the cohort and versus the general
Transient gain of function of cannabinoid CB1 receptors in the control of frontocortical glucose consumption in a rat model of Type-1 diabetes
Here we aimed to unify some previous controversial reports on changes in both cannabinoid CB1 receptor (CB1R) expression and glucose metabolism in the forebrain of rodent models of diabetes. We determined how glucose metabolism and its modulation by CB1R ligands evolve in the frontal cortex of young adult male Wistar rats, in the first 8 weeks of streptozotocin-induced type-1 diabetes (T1D). We re