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Sjukvårdens kontinuitet - Att säkerställa sjukhus funktion och stabilitet

Vital societal functions are as the name suggests critical for the continued function of society. One of these functions is hospitals. The purpose of this paper is to investigate continuity management within hospitals. Regulations and laws regarding the Swedish health system will be presented along with an overview of how hospital continuity management works today. A topic that will be discussed i

Spatial downscaling of gridded soil moisture products using optical and thermal satellite data: the effects of using different vegetation indices

Soil moisture (SM) plays an important role in the exchange of heat and water between the surface and atmosphere, impacting water and energy cycles and the climate. Satellite remote sensing offers a global-scale estimation of SM; however, the coarse resolutions of satellite SM products, typically ranging from 25-50 km, are unsuitable for regional analysis. To overcome this limitation, various spati

The match between adhesive mixture powder formulations for inhalation and the inhaler device

The device or the formulation? Which one governs drug dispersibility from the inhaler? To address this question, three budesonide-containing reservoir DPIs: Novopulmon Novolizer®, Giona Easyhaler® and DuoResp Spiromax®, were analyzed using the Next Generation Impactor, NGI. Thereafter, the devices were carefully opened, emptied, and formulations were switched between devices. Finally, three ‘proto

Design and Modeling of InxGa(1−x)As/InP based Nanosheet Field Effect Transistors for High Frequency Applications

The advancement of CMOS technology has been fueled by the need to satisfy Moore’s law by shrinking transistors to progressively smaller sizes and increasing the transistor density per unit area [1]. The dimension of the state-of-the-art MOSFET is now down to a few nanometers. However, with continued device scaling, the performance of Integrated Chips (ICs) starts to deteriorate, making it essentia

The Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Sweden and South Korea - A comparison of the Political Process of the WPS agenda and National Action Plans

The study investigated how the political process of the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agenda differs between South Korea and Sweden. Through the document analysis and the expert interviews, the research explored the formal and informal institutional dynamics that influence the development and implementation of National Action Plans (NAPs) and the WPS agenda. Also, it explored internal and extern

A polycrisis of climate change, food insecurity, socioeconomic inequality, and conflict intensity? A statistical analysis of interrelated crises.

Along with escalating climate change impacts, aggravated hunger and malnutrition, and widening socioeconomic disparities, recent decades have also seen increased casualties during intrastate conflicts. The aim of this thesis is accordingly to investigate the interactions among climate vulnerability, food insecurity, and socioeconomic inequality and their effects on conflict intensity. The research

KURSI - Furniture for Lodges in Nepal (Mountaineous Region)

This project named Kursi aims to address the design challenges specific to the moun- tainous regions of Nepal. These areas are renowned for trekking and can only be reached after days of arduous hiking or by air travel, typically through helicopters. Tourism plays a significant role in the lives of the local communities, and the landscape has adapted to accommodate these temporary residents who

Doing PAX Things: Swedish 3rd Grade Students’ Feelings and Attitudes Towards Participation in PAX Good Behavior Game

PAX Good Behavior Game (PAX-GBG) är en skolbaserad intervention som har visats öka elevers självreglering, främja prosociala beteenden och hämma utmanande beteenden. Det finns dock begränsad kunskap kring hur deltagande elever känner inför interventionen. Vi genomförde semistrukturerade intervjuer och enkätundersökningar med elever i 3:e klass i Sverige för att undersöka deras känslor kring och atPAX Good Behavior Game (PAX-GBG) is a school-based intervention which has been shown to increase student’s self-regulation, promote prosocial behaviors, and inhibit challenging behaviors. However, little is known about how participating students feel about the intervention. In this study, we conducted semi-structured interviews and surveys with 3rd grade students in Sweden to examine their feeling

Polycykliska aromatiska kolväten i Hanöbuktens kustnära sediment - en sedimentologisk undersökning av vikar i närhet av pappersbruk

Att Östersjöns tillstånd är ur balans har sedan länge varit ett faktum. Hanöbukten, ett havsområde som sträcker sig förbi Listerlandet i norr till Simrishamn i söder, har varit föremål för diskussioner om och observationer av minskat bestånd av kustnära fisk, ökad frekvens på sårskador på fisk och att vattnet emellanåt varit illaluktande och brunaktig. Undersökningar av miljöföroreningar har utförThe Baltic Seas imbalanced state has long been a recognized fact. Hanö Bay, a marine area stretching from Listerlandet in the north to Simrishamn in the south, has been subject of discussions and observations regarding declining populations of coastal fish, increased frequency of fish injuries and occasional foul-smelling and brownish water. Environmental pollution investigations have been conduct

Water Scarcity and Development A case study of the Euphrates water shortages and their implications on northern Syria.

In yet another alarming development in Syria, the waters of the Euphrates River have declined to critically low levels in 2021. The unprecedented low water levels of the Euphrates put nearly 5.5 million Syrians at risk as they depend on the Euphrates basin for drinking water and agricultural production. This study examines the phenomenon of water shortages in the Euphrates River whilst utilising t

Female participation in public life under the Saudi socialization process: using two Saudi female films as the perspective

This thesis explores Saudi women’s participation in public life, particularly the changing role of women in public life before and after the launch of Saudi vision 2030. Taking a qualitative content analysis, this thesis uses two representative Saudi female films directed by the first Saudi female director, and , as my cases. It also attempts to explore the dynamic interplay between the social ch

The relationship between biomass and stand age in Swedish forests

The accumulation of carbon (C) within boreal forest biomass is an important component of the global carbon cycle. Whilst it is understood that old forests contain a large carbon stock, the continued sequestration of carbon in these forests is debated. Swedish forests today are intensively managed as even-aged monocultures with short rotation times and have historically been managed through selecti

Micromechanical Characterization of Thin Paper Materials

Hur ser framtidens hållbara förpackning ut och vad är den tillverkad av? För att besvara denna fråga blir mikromekanisk karakterisering av material en viktig parameter att utforska och förstå. I synnerhet är mikromekaniken hos tunna pappersmaterial intressant då materialet har användningspotential i flera förpackningsapplikationer. Detta examensarbete fokuserar på att studera mikromekaniska beteeWhat does the future sustainable package look like, and what is it made of? To answer this question, the micromechanical characterization of materials becomes an important parameter to explore and understand. In particular, the micromechanical behavior of thin paper materials is of interest due to its potential in sustainable packaging applications. This master's thesis focuses on investigati

Development and understanding of a model V2O5/anatase TiO2(101) SCR catalyst

Katalysatorer har många funktioner och applikationer, till exempel som enzymer i vår kropp eller katalysatorer i bilar. En katalysator är helt enkelt en substans som sänker den energi som krävs för att en kemisk reaktion ska ske och därmed öka reaktionshastigheten. Själva katalysatorn förbrukas inte under reaktionen. Inte alla katalysatorer hjälper alla reaktioner, olika katalysatorer har olika anA model V2O5/ anatase TiO2(101) SCR catalyst is studied with the purpose of developing and understanding the reaction mechanism through which this catalyst reduces NOx. Several reaction mechanisms have been proposed for this catalyst in the past, but there is still no agreement on which of these describe the reaction the best, if any. Two coverages of 2 ML and 0:33 ML V/ anatase TiO2 and the oxida

Copula approach to fitting bivariate time series

We apply the GARCH-copula method to estimate Value at Risk (VaR) for European and Stockholm stock indices. First, marginal distributions are estimated by the ARMA-GARCH model with normal, Student-t, and skewed t distributions. Then we investigate the tails of innovations of ARMA-GARCH models using the Peaks over thresholds method and find that the distributions of stock returns are asymmetric

The Carnal Pleasure of Eating and Queer Sexuality: A Case Study on the Corporeal Sensations of Eating and Queer Sex within Blue is the Warmest Color

This thesis investigates how the cinematographic techniques implemented during eating and sex scenes in movies involving queer characters affect the feelings of the spectator. In more detail, it proposes to elaborate on the emphasis placed on carnal pleasure and the corporeal sensation of queer characters with a specific focus on the corporeal reaction provoked in the viewer. The elaboration is bu