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Nationalmuseum/Royal Museum, Stockholm : Connecting North and South
Boken behandlar de första offentliga konstmuseernas utveckling i Europa under 1700- och 1800-talen och den standard de satte för alla efterföljande konstmuseer.This multiauthor book discusses the evolution of the first public museums of art throughout Europe in the eighteenth and early ninetheenth centuries and the standards these early museums set for all subsequent institutions of their kind. (Summary provided by publisher)
Hemofilivården i Sverige. Centraliserat ansvar ger hög vårdkvalitet.
Introduction : Bernadotte reconsidered
There is no such thing as a free walk : Spatial implications of shared guiding developments
The sharing economy has many faces, and it has taken our societies by storm. For many people, it has quickly become a norm to book accommodation via AirBnB, or to think sharing instead of owning when it comes to products of their everyday lives. The tourism industry has seen many adaptions towards a sharing economy, one of them being a new way of conducting guided tours. Based on an innovation in The sharing economy has many faces, and it has taken our societies by storm. For many people, it has quickly become a norm to book accommodation via AirBnB, or to think sharing instead of owning when it comes to products of their everyday lives. The tourism industry has seen many adaptions towards a sharing economy, one of them being a new way of conducting guided tours. Based on an innovation in
SvD Debatt: ”Breddad AI-forskning kan vägleda politikerna”
Om artificiell intelligens som regleringsfråga och tillsynsutmaning i en replik på Daniel Akenines (teknikchef Microsoft Sverige) debattartikel i SvD.
Manifest för en ny realism, Maurizio Ferraris (Översättning av Ida Andersen), Daidalos, 2014
Commentary : Magnetic resonance imaging as an evaluative tool in haemophilic arthropathy, on behalf of the medical advisory board, World Federation of Haemophilia and the International Prophylaxis Study Group
Borrowability, inheritance, and semantic change in the Indo-European and Caucasian vocabulary for hunting, farming, and technology
Vocabulary for subsistence and technology may vary a great deal in their degree of borrowability, depending on time, place, inherent subsistence and technology, and the situation of the borrowing. In cross-linguistic typological studies of borrowability, these words tend to group somewhere from middle to high in borrowability, depending on lexical concept (Haspelmath & Tadmor, 2009).We have co
Formation of short-chain fatty acids from different dietary fibre sources in the rat caecum
Study of the superallowed beta-decay of 100Sn
Maria Röhl
Behandlar konstnärens väg till professionell utövare.
Melanin biosynthesis by Frankia strain CeI5
Many Frankia strains are pigmented and presumed to produce melanin. However, melanin biosynthesis has yet to be rigorously characterized in Frankia. This study was initiated to determine whether or not Frankia strain CeI5 produced melanin and to identify the biochemical pathway of pigment production. Frankia strain CeI5 first produced a dark pigment in mycelial and other tissue and then in the liq
Optimisation and integration of membrane processes: Recent developments in the starch and yeast industries
The starch and yeast industries are two key sectors of the European food industry, with annual turnovers of approx. € 4 billion and € 500 million, respectively, in Europe alone. The production processes in the starch and yeast industries are still dominated by conventional separation processes such as evaporators, separators and rotary vacuum filters (RVFs), and membrane processes are only rarely
Comparing internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy with standard care for women with fear of birth : Randomized controlled trial
Background: Although many pregnant women report fear related to the approaching birth, no consensus exists on how fear of birth should be handled in clinical care. Objective: This randomized controlled trial aimed to compare the efficacy of a guided internet-based self-help program based on cognitive behavioral therapy (guided ICBT) with standard care on the levels of fear of birth in a sample of
Is heparin-binding protein inhibition a mechanism of albumin's efficacy in human septic shock?
Objectives: Our objectives were to determine first whether albumin prevents heparin-binding protein-induced increased endothelial cell permeability and renal cell inflammation and second, whether a plasma heparin-binding protein-to-albumin ratio predicts risk of acute kidney injury, fluid balance, and plasma cytokine levels in septic shock. Design: In vitro human endothelial and renal cell model a
Gamma-decaying isomers and isomeric ratios in the 100Sn region
What is the ‘problem’ that digital competence in Swedish teacher education is meant to solve?
This paper explores how policy makers argue for the importance of digital competence in Swedish teacher education. A policy analysis of key policy documents from the government and from government-affiliated organisations from the time period 2011–2016 is conducted using Carol Bacchi’s ‘what’s the problem represented to be?’ approach. The paper critically examines underlying assumptions and partic
Intracellular dynamics in cuneate nucleus neurons support self-stabilizing learning of generalizable tactile representations
How the brain represents the external world is an unresolved issue for neuroscience, which could provide fundamental insights into brain circuitry operation and solutions for artificial intelligence and robotics. The neurons of the cuneate nucleus form the first interface for the sense of touch in the brain. They were previously shown to have a highly skewed synaptic weight distribution for tactil
Interdisciplinary research on energy efficiency standards and climate change mitigation : Methods, results, and communication
Energy efficiency regulations are one of the important policy packages employed for climate mitigation. Recent evaluations from the USA and the European Union (EU) indicate that the setting of minimum mandatory energy performance standards (MEPS) for different products-such as electric motors, TVs, and dishwashers-are among the best-performing climate policies and that these regulations are also c