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Beim 4. VIVO-Workshop 2019 an der Technischen Informationsbibliothek (TIB) wurde über das Open-Source-Forschungsinformationssystem VIVO und dessen Anwendung in verschiedenen Institutionen berichtet und diskutiert. Dabei wurden einerseits technische Lösungen vorgestellt, andererseits über Konzepte wie Profilhoheit diskutiert. Der Workshop beinhaltete eine interaktive Session, in der verschiedene ThAt the 4th VIVO Workshop 2019 at the German National Library of Science and Technology (TIB) the open source research information system VIVO and its implementation in various institutions was reported and discussed. On the one hand, technical solutions were presented and on the other hand, concepts such as profile sovereignty were discussed. The workshop included an interactive session in which v

Openness trends in Brazilian citation data : factors related to the use of DOIs

Digital object identifiers (DOIs) are important metadata elements for indexing and interoperability, as well as for bibliometric studies in times of openness. This study analyses the use of DOIs in the cited references of articles by authors from Brazilian institutions, their possible influencing factors and differences among areas of knowledge. It measures the extent to which the citation dataset

The Values and Limits of Altmetrics

Altmetrics are tools for measuring the impact of research beyond scientific communities. In general, they measure online mentions of scholarly outputs, such as on online social networks, blogs, and news sites. Some stakeholders in higher education have championed altmetrics as a new way to understand research impact and as an alternative or supplement to bibliometrics. Contrastingly, others have c

Public funding for culture in Sweden

In 1974, Sweden won the Eurovision Song Contest with ABBA’s song Waterloo. ABBA is still one of the best-known names in Swedish pop, alongside others such as Max Martin and Avicii. The same year saw the birth of Swedish cultural policy as a coherent and distinct national policy area, explicitly supporting inhabitants’ access to culture beyond the commercial market. Sweden is still one of the prima

Understanding and defining programme leadership in a large institution

In this chapter, the authors take a soft-systems methodology (SSM) (Checkland & Poulter, 2006) approach to problematising the role of programme leadership and developing with the learning community far-reaching solutions for effective programme leadership at a UK University. An appreciative inquiry (Cooperrider, 2017) allowed programme leaders (PLs) to describe many aspects of the role they fe

Time to Peak Glucose and Peak C-Peptide During the Progression to Type 1 Diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Trial and TrialNet Cohorts

OBJECTIVE: To assess the progression of type 1 diabetes using time to peak glucose or C-peptide during oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTTs) in autoantibody-positive relatives of people with type 1 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: We examined 2-h OGTTs of participants in the Diabetes Prevention Trial Type 1 (DPT-1) and TrialNet Pathway to Prevention (PTP) studies. We included 706 DPT-1 partic

Rare cancers of unknown etiology : lessons learned from a European multi-center case–control study

Rare cancers together constitute one fourth of cancers. As some rare cancers are caused by occupational exposures, a systematic search for further associations might contribute to future prevention. We undertook a European, multi-center case–control study of occupational risks for cancers of small intestine, bone sarcoma, uveal melanoma, mycosis fungoides, thymus, male biliary tract and breast. In

K. P. Moritz's case poetics : aesthetic autonomy reconsidered

To historians of medicine, Karl Philipp Moritz is known as the founding editor of the Magazine for Empirical Psychology (1783–93), one the oldest psychiatric journals in Europe. In literary theory, Moritz counts as one of the inaugurators of aesthetic autonomy. Combining both fields, this article uncovers that Moritz’s interest in observation, his reservations towards rationality, and his concern

Smoking Cessation Programs Are Less Effective in Smokers with Low Socioeconomic Status Even When Financial Incentives for Quitting Smoking Are Offered-A Community-Randomized Smoking Cessation Trial in Denmark

Financial incentives offered to those who quit smoking have been found effective, also in persons with low socioeconomic status (SES), but no previous study has investigated who benefits most: smokers with low or high SES. In this community-randomized trial ("Richer without smoking"), three Danish municipalities were randomized to reward persons who were abstinent when attending the municipal smok

Postoperative pain treatment after spinal fusion surgery : A systematic review with meta-analyses and trial sequential analyses

Patients undergoing spinal surgery are at high risk of acute and persistent postoperative pain. Therefore, adequate pain relief is crucial. This systematic review aimed to provide answers about best-proven postoperative analgesic treatment for patients undergoing lumbar 1- or 2-level fusions for degenerative spine diseases. We performed a search in PubMed, Embase, and The Cochrane Library for rand

Finger Joint Contractures 5 Years After Treatment for Dupuytren Disease : A Comparative Cohort Study of Collagenase Injection Versus Surgical Fasciectomy

Purpose: To compare collagenase injection with surgical fasciectomy in Dupuytren disease (DD) for the prevalence of contracture in treated fingers 5 years after treatment. Methods: This was a single-center, comparative cohort study comprising 2 cohorts of patients treated for DD in 1 or more of 3 ulnar fingers with collagenase injection (159 patients) or surgical fasciectomy (59 patients). At 5 ye

Why limitarianism fails on its own premises : an egalitarian critique

This article is a critical analysis of Ingrid Robeyns’ “economic limitarianism” (2017, 2019, 2022), the suggestion that there is a moral case against allowing people to be richer than they need to be in order to achieve full flourishing. Wealth above a certain “riches line” lacks value and should be capped at that level. Robeyns claims that limitarianism is justified as a partial theory of economi

The galactic scale impact of feedback from individual stars

Feedback from stars is essential for the formation and evolution of galaxies. It is an energy source that drives gas motions and chemically enriches the galaxy by supplying metals. Without this stellar feedback, numerical galaxy simulations result in galaxies with little resemblance to those observed in our Universe. Modern galaxy simulations frequently reach a mass resolution of a few tens of sol

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ZusammenfassungWir beschreiben 10 Empfehlungen für die Entwicklung szientometrischer Visualisierungenund richten uns dabei vor allem an Betreibende szientometrischer Dienste. Die Grundlagedazu bilden Nutzerstudien mit Forschenden verschiedener Disziplinen in Deutschland, welchein einen iterativen Softwareentwicklungsprozess zur Entwicklung einer szientometrischenVisualisierung im Projekt ROSI eingWe describe 10 recommendations for the development of scientometric visualisations and address primarily the operators of scientometric services. The basis for this are user studies with researchers from different disciplines in Germany, who were involved in an iterative software development process for the development of a scientometric visualisation in the ROSI project.

The h-index

The h-index is a mainstream bibliometric indicator, since it is widely used in academia, research management and research policy. While its advantages have been highlighted, such as its simple calculation, it has also received widespread criticism. The criticism is mainly based on the negative effects it may have on scholars, when the index is used to describe the quality of a scholar. The “h” mea