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What lies behind altmetrics scores? Guidelines on how to use qualitative approaches in altmetrics: A report from LIBER’s Innovative Metrics Working Group

This report from LIBER’s Innovative Metrics Working Group is for those based in libraries and information centres with an interest in altmetrics who would like to know how qualitative approaches could be used to study altmetrics sources. Qualitative measures could be of interest to scholars, librarians, information professionals, and providers of research metrics and altmetrics. The topic was a ke

Human Resources Management, Internationalization and Academic Staff Mobility

In the following study (chapter 6), Human Resources Management, Internationalization and Academic Staff Mobility, Grischa Fraumann and Işıl Güney analyze the relationship between international mobility, academic staff development and human resources management. Giving some theoretical information about the role of HRM in academic staff development and academic mobility, the authors focus on intern

Inverted CD8 T-Cell Exhaustion and Co-Stimulation Marker Balance Differentiate Aviremic HIV-2-Infected From Seronegative Individuals

HIV-2 is less pathogenic compared to HIV-1. Still, disease progression may develop in aviremic HIV-2 infection, but the driving forces and mechanisms behind such development are unclear. Here, we aimed to reveal the immunophenotypic pattern associated with CD8 T-cell pathology in HIV-2 infection, in relation to viremia and markers of disease progression. The relationships between pathological diff

Supply chain risk management strategies in normal and abnormal times: policymakers' role in reducing generic medicine shortages

Purpose – This paper links supply chain risk management to medicine supply chains to explore the role ofpolicymakers in employing supply chain risk management strategies (SCRMS) to reduce generic medicineshortages.Design/methodology/approach – Using secondary data supplemented with primary data, the authors mapand compare seven countries’ SCRMS for handling shortage risks in their paracetamol supp

RIFM fragrance ingredient safety assessment, 4-methylpentanoic acid, CAS Registry Number 646-07-1

The existing information supports the use of this material as described in this safety assessment. 4-Methylpentanoic acid was evaluated for genotoxicity, repeated dose toxicity, reproductive toxicity, local respiratory toxicity, phototoxicity/photoallergenicity, skin sensitization, and environmental safety. Data from read-across analog 2-ethylbutyric acid (CAS # 88-09-5) show that 4-methylpentanoi

Ann Radcliffe, The Romance of the Forest (1791)

The Romance of the Forest (1791) secured Ann Radcliffe’s reputation as a writer of Gothic literature. The novel continued and expanded, as this chapter will show, the Walpolean tradition of re-evaluating the modern romance by injecting it with the virtues of “respectable” novels such as plausibility, mimetic acuity and Protestantism. After a brief recapitulation of Radcliffe’s theory of the supern

Annual decline rate in FEV1s in community-dwelling older adults diagnosed with mild to moderate COPD

Information about the decline rate in forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV1s) in older adults with COPD is scarce. A total of 4082 community-dwelling older adults from the population-based study Good Aging in Skåne were followed for 12 years and 143 participants developed COPD. The average FEV1s decline is estimated to be 66.3 mL/year, (95% CI [56.4; 76.3]) and 43.3 mL/year (1.7%/year, 95% CI [41.

Fler akuta gallstensoperationer och färre elektiva under pandemin

The covid-19 pandemic has necessitated reallocation of health care resources. This has raised concerns about the risks associated with postponing surgery for benign conditions that are given low priority. Data from the population-based Swedish National Register for Gallstone Surgery (GallRiks) show that the total number of procedures carried out during the initial months of each wave of the pandem

Analysing high-throughput sequencing data in Python with HTSeq 2.0

HTSeq 2.0 provides a more extensive application programming interface including a new representation for sparse genomic data, enhancements for htseq-count to suit single-cell omics, a new script for data using cell and molecular barcodes, improved documentation, testing and deployment, bug fixes and Python 3 support.

Healthcare utilization for somatic conditions among Swedish patients in opioid substitution treatment, with and without on-site primary healthcare

Background: Opioid substitution treatment (OST) populations are aging and have increased mortality and somatic morbidity compared to general populations internationally. While OST patients have poor self-rated physical health and unmet healthcare needs, documented healthcare utilization has been sparsely investigated. The aim of this study was to assess registered healthcare utilization for somati

Computational models predicting the early development of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden : systematic review, data synthesis, and secondary validation of accuracy

Computational models for predicting the early course of the COVID-19 pandemic played a central role in policy-making at regional and national levels. We performed a systematic review, data synthesis, and secondary validation of studies that reported on prediction models addressing the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sweden. A literature search in January 2021 based on the search triangle

Coupled electromagnetic-thermal solution strategy for induction heating of ferromagnetic materials

Induction heating is used in many industrial applications to heat electrically conductive materials. The coupled electromagnetic-thermal induction heating process is non-linear in general, and for ferromagnetic materials it becomes challenging since both the electromagnetic and the thermal responses are non-linear. As a result of the existing non-linearities, simulating the induction heating proce

Identifying important conceptual areas in a nursing education programme to meet future demands, using group concept mapping

A nursing programme in southern Sweden was revised to meet future demands. The aim of this study was to explore important conceptual areas to be included in a nursing programme in order to meet long-term societal and health care requirements. Group concept mapping (GCM), a mixed-methods approach, was used. Thirty-four experienced teachers participated. Data was collected during brainstorming sessi

Train2Wind - Or How Large Is an Infinite Wind Farm?

TRAIN2WIND is a PhD TRAINing school analysing enTRAINment in offshore WIND farms with computer models and experiments. By its very nature, a wind turbine extracts energy from the wind, which is replenished from the wind field on the sides and above due to the ambient turbulence. However, offshore the turbulence is lower, and wind farms are typically larger than onshore, therefore the wind can only