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PSI-PSYCHO SCHIZOFRENI IMAGING-Ψ : Hjärnavbildning vid Schizofreni. Del 1
Med hjälp av mina medarbetare vid institutionen för Radiofysik på universitetet och avdelningen för sjukhusfysik vid lasarettet började vi 1981 bygga Skandinaviens första bildgivande NMR scanner. För att sprida kunskap om medicinska tillämpningar av NMR arrangerade Svensk förening för radiofysik på hösten 1981 en föreläsningsserie med både läkare, fysiker och ingenjörer på seminstationen i Hörby.
Thrombomodulin (THBD) gene variants and thrombotic risk in a population-based cohort study
Background: The protein C anticoagulant system plays a key role in maintaining the hemostatic balance. Although several studies have identified thrombomodulin gene (THBD) variants among venous thromboembolism (VTE) patients, the role of THBD in relation to VTE in humans remains to be clarified. Objectives: This study aimed to determine the thrombotic risk of rare and common THBD variants in a larg
Local and Nonlocal Two-Electron Tunneling Processes in a Cooper Pair Splitter
We measure the rates and coupling coefficients for local Andreev, nonlocal Andreev, and elastic cotunneling processes. The nonlocal Andreev process, giving rise to Cooper pair splitting, exhibits the same coupling coefficient as the elastic cotunneling whereas the local Andreev process is more than 2 orders of magnitude stronger than the corresponding nonlocal one. Theory estimates describe the fi
Dual arm manipulation -- A survey
Comparative effectiveness research on proximal femoral nail versus dynamic hip screw in patients with trochanteric fractures : a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized trials
Background: The treatments for trochanteric fractures try to regain early mobility and limit morbidity and risk of reoperations. The most currently used dynamic hip screw (DHS) and the proximal femoral nail (PFN) are both with pros and cons. We aimed to assess the comparative effectiveness of these interventions for trochanteric fractures by evaluating the surgical performance and postoperative ou
Time course changes to structural, mechanical and material properties of bone in rats after complete spinal cord injury
Objective: Characterise the spatiotemporal trabecular and cortical bone responses to complete spinal cord injury (SCI) in young rats. Methods: 8-week-old male Wistar rats received T9-transection SCI and were euthanised 2-, 6-, 10-or 16-weeks post-surgery. Outcome measures were assessed using micro-computed tomography, mechanical testing, serum markers and Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy. R
Hygroscopicity and CCN potential of DMS-derived aerosol particles
Dimethyl sulfide (DMS) is emitted by phytoplankton species in the oceans and constitutes the largest source of naturally emitted sulfur to the atmosphere. The climate impact of secondary particles, formed through the oxidation of DMS by hydroxyl radicals, is still elusive. This study investigates the hygroscopicity and cloud condensation nuclei activity of such particles and discusses the results
Utvärdering av ytskiktskrav i Br1-byggnader
Advice and regulations regarding surface layers in Boverkets byggregler have largely remained unchanged over the past 40–50 years. What are these requirements based on and are they still relevant today? The question has been initiated by the company Ecophon. We found that the regulations are an engineering assessment and is not based on trials or research. The assessment that was made turns out to
Seismic velocity of P-waves to evaluate strength of stabilized soil for Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget Biorefinery Östrand AB, Timrå
Evaluating soil strength by geophysical methods using P-waves was undertaken in this study to assess the effects of changed binder ratios on stabilization and compression characteristics. The materials included dredged sediments collected in the seabed of Timrå region, north Sweden. The Portland cement (Basement CEM II/A-V, SS EN 197-1) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) were used as
Nakayama-type phenomena in higher Auslander-Reiten theory
This paper surveys recent contructions in higher Auslander–Reiten theory. We focus on those which, due to their combinatorial properties, can be regarded as higher dimensional analogues of path algebras of linearly oriented type A quivers. These include higher dimensional analogues of Nakayama algebras, of the mesh category of type ZA∞ and the tubes, and of the triangulated category generated by a
Regressor-free prescribed performance robot tracking
Cardiac and vascular pathology in Lewy body disease and Alzheimer's disease: exploring neurocognitive disorder beyond the brain
Denna avhandling riktar sig mot tre viktiga problem inom kognitiv sjukdom:1) Vi saknar idag kliniska verktyg för att med säkerhet kunna ge en korrekt demensdiagnos. Det enda sättet man med 100 % säkerhet kan avgöra vilken specifik kognitiv sjukdom en person lidit av är genom obduktion och efterföljande undersökning av hjärnan. Endast en liten andel av forskningen inom detta fält rör individer som The first aim of this thesis was to evaluate the prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CaVD), hypertension (HT), and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the neurodegenerative disorders Alzheimer’s disease (AD) and Lewy body disease (LBD). These conditions are considered modifiable risk factors for vascular dementia (VaD), and recent research has proposed its association with AD. The field is consid
Quality of life among health care workers in Arab countries 2 years after COVID-19 pandemic
Background: Assessment of the quality of life (QoL) among healthcare workers (HCWs) is vital for better healthcare and is an essential indicator for competent health service delivery. Since the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic strike, the frontline position of HCWs subjected them to tremendous mental and psychological burden with a high risk of virus acquisition. Aim: This study evalua
Small measures, large change : the promise and peril of incremental urbanism
Force/position tracking for a robotic finger in compliant contact with a surface using neuro-adaptive control
A Scenario Distribution Model for Effective and Efficient Testing of Autonomous Driving Systems
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Femtosecond laser-induced cyano chemiluminescence uses femtosecond filaments to tag molecules in a flow field, and velocity information of the flow field can be obtained by observing the displacement of the tagged molecules within a known time. The one-dimensional (1D) emitting line contains 1D velocity field information, but only the velocity at the central point can be given because it is unable
Daesh and the "Effect of the State"
A Structural Equation Model Demonstrating the Relationship between Food Safety Background, Knowledge, Attitudes and Behaviour among Swedish Students
Traditionally, food safety knowledge has been seen as a factor in improving food safety behaviour. However, the relationship between knowledge and behavior is complex. The aim of the present study was to investigate self-reported data from 408 university students regarding food safety background, knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour using Structural Equation Model (SEM) to examine the influence of